that sounds plausible, but nobody gives a shit about tusken raiders. nobody ever gave a shit about them. if thats their big twist reveal that would be the most underwhelming reveal ever. this show does have high production value and it does look interesting whats going on with the Hutts. people are interested in them. but we only got a few minutes of it. the Tusken stuff is blue balls. i rather see what the yellow twilek was up to.People on this forum bitch about everything
Episode was fine. First half setups the situation in the present, then they do flashback. I think storywise the flashback will play a big role
I bet Bib Fortuna is behind the spice smugglers and this Tuskan tribe gets wiped out and decimated badly. Makes Fortuna getting gunned down an act of revenge. I think they will play a role in the Hutt problem introduced
that sounds plausible, but nobody gives a shit about tusken raiders. nobody ever gave a shit about them. if thats their big twist reveal that would be the most underwhelming reveal ever. this show does have high production value and it does look interesting whats going on with the Hutts. people are interested in them. but we only got a few minutes of it. the Tusken stuff is blue balls. i rather see what the yellow twilek was up to.
it just seems like pointless filler. i guess its a subversion if we expected a TV show about Boba Fett kicking all kinds of ass to him playing Dances with Wolves: Tusken edition . the third episode seems like its gonna make or break this show. they wasted 2 episodes earning the Tuskens trust and they introduced the main antagonists, the Hutts. so next week we see where they take this. if its mostly tusken stuff then thats bad. if its finally going somewhere with the Hutts then alright then lets see what happens.Besides the Tuskens, why don't more people have good things to say about it? What's the problem exactly besides episode length and Boba Fett being beaten in Episode 1.
Is this a subversion of the Boba Fett character or not? That should be obvious by Episode 2 whether that is the intention.
Wasn't there a Tusken Jedi or was that Legended?
I hope next episode includes knitting and some macramé.I just want them to get to the meat of the story and stop giving back story. Series isnt going to be that long and them wasting 2 episodes on back story is just not ideal. Shows probably getting a pass on a lot of stuff for being Star Wars done bye Jon Favreau but I'm fine with that.
except for the one Tusken deadeyed sniper, all of them are shit tier warriors.Tuskens are going to help Boba secure his position as Daimyo. Then they will be integrated into society and treated as equals. The End.