The D&D thread


A nice asshole.
I mean where did you learn all these lifehacks. There's fucking three pages of dragons for sale of all different styles. Your gurl drag you into Hobby Town and you were like, bam, dragons.
Oh heh, kids man. My daughter always needs something from Michaels :)
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Tranny Chaser
For figs that aren't quite to scale you can put them on a base that actually does represent their size. I keep an assortment of cork tiles/panels/circles I bought at Walmart for that and all kinds of other things. Templates, spell radiuses, temporary monster figs (all these squares are oozes or pillars or whatever you need to represent on the map).


Goonsquad Officer
we just use roll20 on a wall mounted 55 inch tv for our tabletop. works fabulous if we want to stop mid-battle. I'm the pog creator so now i have heaps of them.When we're lazy though our generic badguy tends to end up being beastman.

Tor Kreen.png

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Trakanon Raider
I mean where did you learn all these lifehacks. There's fucking three pages of dragons for sale of all different styles. Your gurl drag you into Hobby Town and you were like, bam, dragons.

they also have bears and apes and shit in their nature line (that the dragons are a fantasy off shoot of) that make for good polymorph and just animal bases. I use the polar bear, I want to say brown bear and their ape put onto 2x2 (3x3 for the giant ape) wood bases (that I also bought there). They are pretty cheap and definitely cheaper than any official mini, even factoring in the time and effort to base them and stuff.
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Trakanon Raider
So, the game I've been DM'ing the last couple of months has been going super well, probably the most fun I've had running a game, and my players are having a blast too. I set out to have a more relaxed and fun focused campaign than what I usually run/play in, so I was worried how my players would react, but holy shit have they embraced it.

For example, they joined a sort of mercenary organization, and the 2 male players went to check out their room, and its basically a shitty dorm room. Plus, they have a random halfling roommate who is a slob, who is very friendly but just hangs out in the room smoking and asking them to pick him up food and stuff if they are going out. Just a loser roommate basically, but for some reason they seem to love him, even though they keep facepalming when he asks for stuff. So, then the girls are dreading going to their door, but they go, swing it open, and its this fully furnished dorm, at least twice the size of the guys, no roommates, just super nice. The girls both jumped up in real life and high fived, and the guys start cracking up about what bullshit this is. I'm just trying to throw a lot of little random wacky stuff in.

I've handed out a couple of magic items, the barbarian got an orb that if kept in her possession allows her to change the color of 1 thing about herself. She focused on changing her skin color to purple as a test, her skin turned purple and then she yelled "OHHH FUCK! is this permanent?!?!" which... it wasn't, but the moment was fucking awesome. She's now rocking lavender hair.

The Paladin in the party is very modest, he's very concerned if things are fair or how things will be perceived. He found a great big golden amulet, on a fat golden chain, and engraved onto the amulets face is just a giant #1. The amulet is like 4 inches wide, just the size of a small diner plate. It allows him to use Cha in place of another stat once a day by holding up the amulet, but he's keeping it hidden under his shirt so far because it embarrasses the hell out of him.

An example of the players embracing it without my input- I gave them each a stone of far speech, basically its just an apricot sized rock covered in runes, that they can speak through to communicate with each other. Well, one of my players decides they need to come up with a way to denote when they are done speaking and the next person can speak, so he starts saying "Over" at the end of his sentences when using the stone. The other players keep forgetting, so he keeps hopping into their communications to say "Hey, you guys are supposed to say over....over" and its just fucking great.

Anyway, really looking forward to this Friday, when they set out to a ski lodge for some hi-jinks, well, and adventure.
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Tranny Chaser
Been playing D&D again for the last half-year or so and the first time in ages. Game is running 5e and all is fairly okay with it even if I personally thought 4e had a much better tactical combat system.

Anywho we are doing the Storm Giants megacampaign and just got to level 7. I pop open the players handbook and check out my new Cleric stuff and look over the 4th level spells.


4th level spells are just awful now! With the changes to Cure Wounds and its ilk plus things like Lesser Restoration there just isn't much that is terribly exciting at 4th level. I suspect I'll just use the slot to cast a 1st or 3rd level spell at a higher level.

Is there anyone else let down by aspects of 5e, or am I weird for thinking this?


Trakanon Raider

We're also running Storm Kings Thunder right now, and just leveled up to 8 last week. Are you a player or DM?
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A nice asshole.
Been playing D&D again for the last half-year or so and the first time in ages. Game is running 5e and all is fairly okay with it even if I personally thought 4e had a much better tactical combat system.

Anywho we are doing the Storm Giants megacampaign and just got to level 7. I pop open the players handbook and check out my new Cleric stuff and look over the 4th level spells.


4th level spells are just awful now! With the changes to Cure Wounds and its ilk plus things like Lesser Restoration there just isn't much that is terribly exciting at 4th level. I suspect I'll just use the slot to cast a 1st or 3rd level spell at a higher level.

Is there anyone else let down by aspects of 5e, or am I weird for thinking this?

Banishment, Stoneshape, Freedom of movement, also don't forget what you get for your domain. These came up all the time for my party's clerics, personally I prefer to DM 5th edition over anything else right now. As a player I get it, but 5th edition does a good job of you giving you stuff every level.
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Goonsquad Officer
Been playing D&D again for the last half-year or so and the first time in ages. Game is running 5e and all is fairly okay with it even if I personally thought 4e had a much better tactical combat system.
Yea 4th editions tactical game was on point. we ran through a game of it where the GM was actively trying to defeat us building encounters "by the book". we got "full rest" every 5 fights and couldn't puss out and nap every third room. was pretty tight.

4th level spells are just awful now! With the changes to Cure Wounds and its ilk plus things like Lesser Restoration there just isn't much that is terribly exciting at 4th level. I suspect I'll just use the slot to cast a 1st or 3rd level spell at a higher level.
Our cleric in a 1-20 dark sun campaign complained a LOT about how terrible healing was. now he built his man as an earth cleric of "wear plate and fight" so maybe he could have gone healer. who knows. I was kreen warrior super AC monster so i rarely took damage. I got chumped once by Androponis though :(


A nice asshole.
Yea 4th editions tactical game was on point. we ran through a game of it where the GM was actively trying to defeat us building encounters "by the book". we got "full rest" every 5 fights and couldn't puss out and nap every third room. was pretty tight.

Our cleric in a 1-20 dark sun campaign complained a LOT about how terrible healing was. now he built his man as an earth cleric of "wear plate and fight" so maybe he could have gone healer. who knows. I was kreen warrior super AC monster so i rarely took damage. I got chumped once by Androponis though :(

5th edition dark sun?


Goonsquad Officer
yea we found like...a simple conversion for races, suggested monsters, and artifacts, and just used the 5th edition classes minus the paladin. The game actually started in 4th edition and about level 5 we converted our menz to 5th edition .A friend ran it None of the players knew the story arc except me. we did the arc from kalik building his pyramid till the formation of the cerulean storm. My guy died at the end. the Scourge of Rkard fully corrupted him when fighting the dragon at Ur-Draxa


A nice asshole.
Did you take paladin out because it does stupid amounts of damage?

5th edition has some problems with class balance for sure, paladin/warlock is broken, totem barbarian is broken, Bladesinger in the hands of a min maxer can stack certain attacks as well for insane one shot hits.


Goonsquad Officer
No, Dark Sun has no gods. the clerics in the world worship elements and ancient elemental. Historically in dark sun the paladin was simply removed. Suppose you could spin it as an elemental knight, but the core of the paladin is morality and it's sort of an amoral / "no Divine influence' setting so they just sort of got the axe.

So consequently I don't know how paladins work :) we had all the other classes be played and they all seemed cool.
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Tranny Chaser
No, Dark Sun has no gods



I won the box set for Dark Sun as a door prize at a Magic tournament years ago. It looked like scorching hot death.


Goonsquad Officer
yea it's pretty brutal. In the campaign we scraped with what i think was the GM using Draegoth's early generation draconian menz. we ultimately went to Guestinal to investigate but after fighting a few of the gargantuan rampart golums (the GM set it up like a shadow of the collossus climb on the monster bit), a few demons and then an illithid draegoth must have brought in through his magic maguffin, we decided to go some where else.

The other players didn't know the lore. they were satisfied with the tablets we found in Bodak describing how the other sorcer kings killed Draegoth in an older age.