The Dark Knight Rises


<Gold Donor>
This one was definitely not as good as the others. I think they jumped the shark with this one. Not that it matters because the series is done, right? Everything was just way too over the top. While the other movies were sort of over the top, they still kept tat shit under control.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
I just watched it again last night and my feelings are still the same. Pros: "Brawling" style fights were awesome, hot/good Catwoman, good story between Alfred and Bruce, Cons: Worst of the 3....

Bane killed off too easily, Robin reference was confusing and annoying, blown up football field was overly dramatic, more chaos needed in Gotham, lack of Joker reference, run time was too long

Edit: Another pro... Did anyone else think that Bane's voice sounded MUCH better on the blu ray vs. in the theater? To me it finally sounded "mic'd" or electronically enhanced instead of just muffled and weird, it made the mask make a lot more sense.


Vyemm Raider
I just watched this again and its funny - knowing full well all the holes and gripes, I would still say the movie was awesome and a great finale to the series. Hell I enjoyed it even more this time because the audio was much clearer. The movie had a lot of great dialog and epic moments.

If the series were to continue (it won't, just saying):

Bruce would return to guide and train Blake. It took Bruce seven years of wandering/training under Ras al'Gul to become Batman. Plus Blake would need the financial backing.

I don't think he fixed the bat symbol solely for Gordon's sake. It was a promise that Batman would return (in some form) should he be needed.

Whether or not Bruce remains 'dead' is mostly irrelevant. And yes you could even follow the comic somewhat and have Blake split off to become Nightwing and Bruce return as Batman. Only now as less of a suicidal ragemonster and more of a People's Hero type. Or maybe he'd wait for Alfred to die.

But I think this movie ended the story well enough. Bruce achieved his goal and made of Batman a symbol of hope etc - hell he got his own statue.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I thought it was a really good ending, not quite as engrossing a movie as TDK was, but easily on par with Begins and a satisfying conclusion to the series. This movie was always gonna catch a lot of flack, they could have organized for Anne Hathaway to personally blow each and every film goer while they watch it, and people would still be unsatisfied, always happens with the 3rd installment of a high quality trilogy, just can't live up to the absurd expectations some people have.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dark Knight Rises was a sham.

Batman doesn't retire. Batman certainly doesn't retire off to jet-set around with world with Selena Kyle while leaving Gotham in the worthy hands of Robin Blake.

Nolan stated he didn't like the Robin angle for his "new, gritty" Batman, AND goes to great lengths to give all the characters in his movie their "real" comic names, so why does he both ADD in Robin when he said he wouldn't and then invent him as a new character? Da fuq?

Why even have Bane in the movie, show his physical prowess and NOT use it as a device to heal Bruce Wayne's back? I'm not talking about something overt like Venom or anything, but ANYTHING to tie Bane's power to fixing Batman's back. Sloppy and wasteful.

Catwoman deus-ex'ing Bane at the end was a waste of Bane's character. He was best part of the movie, and to have him reversed-jack-in-the-boxed by a barely-there Catwoman is cheap.

The fucking scene with Wayne at the hospital being "mortalized" is obscene with how Nolan handles Batman's physical abilities through out the movie. The no ligaments in the knee thing is retarded as no one can overcome that kind of injury. No electric leg brace, no wall-breaking, no walking, no nothing. The scene should have never been in the movie.

The hovering Bat-thing is dumb.

Again, Batman doesn't retire. He is just as psychotic as Joker, Two-Face, etc; it's just that he uses it for good. Batman doesn't retire. He may go underground a-la DKR, or train an heir when he gets too old, a-la Batman Beyond, but he doesn't hang it up and become Bruce Wayne again.

Bruce Wayne is the mask Batman wears to facilitate what Batman needs.

Batman doesn't do what Batman does for Batman. Batman does what Batman does because Batman is Batman.
Thank you. Worst of the trilogy and almost enough to tarnish the whole thing. I don't know how the fuck he shit the bed so bad with this one. I semi enjoyed watching it but compared to TDK and even Begins it was an eye-rolling groan fest.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
So basically, people are bitching because it doesn't fit some idealized view of the character they had from the comics?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People are bitching because it doesn't even feel like Batman and the movie didn't even seem like it was about Batman. Its not an "idealized" view of the character, it is who the character simply IS. It didn't seem like it was about anyone. It wasn't about Bane, it wasn't really about Telia or the LoS. It wasn't really about Wayne, Batman, Robin, Gordon or Catwoman. It was just a big budget effects fest with no semblance of story or good character. This wasn't nearly as true for Begins or TDK.

The more confusing thing to me is why the movie has so many white knights. (YSWIDT?)


The Ancient_sl

Thank you. Worst of the trilogy and almost enough to tarnish the whole thing. I don't know how the fuck he shit the bed so bad with this one. I semi enjoyed watching it but compared to TDK and even Begins it was an eye-rolling groan fest.


Beef Supreme_sl

The more confusing thing to me is why the movie has so many white knights.
Because the preceding movie was so good and it's Batman. And Nolan. People saw the movie they wanted to see. What I saw was Nolan and Co. phoning it in off the coattails of The Dark Knight and Inception. Not only was it a shit movie, it jeopardized the whole narrative.


Still a Music Elitist
Late to the party, but I just watched this tonight. This movie is a mess. It doesn't even compare to the first two. If it wasn't for the overabundance of plot twists, I wouldn't have even thought Nolan directed this one.

And what is it with the audio in action films? I have to keep the remote by me at all times so I can crank the volume for scenes with dialog and then turn it all the way down in action scenes. That shit is annoying.


If you actually stop and think about it...

Movie one was good value, but nothing incredible.
Movie two was crap, except for the bits that had Heath Ledger in it which= pure awesome.
Movie three was just crap.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm glad the majority of people here came around on it after the group think circle jerk thread back on FoH at theatrical release. I wonder if seeing it on DVD/BluRay drives home the suck, and the theater experienced masked all the faults.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
A lot agreed that the movie sucked on FOH, nolan should have finished off the series with under the red hood storyline tbh. I enjoyed the cartoon more than I did the last 2films. Nolan is one of my favorite directors but tdkr was a disaster, I don't even know how so many flaws got put in the movie, the justice league cartoons had more logic than this movie