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My only complaint right now is the range of the seeker mine. With how smart the AI is, AOE abilities affecting more than one target is rare. That I got a 4 kill blowing up a barrel once seemed like the stars aligned. You have to be too damn close, which causes enemies to scatter before the mine goes off. An extra 5 yards would really sell the ability for me. Which you could say about most of the other abilities - either not strong enough, range sucks, or if they're useful the cool down is obscenely long. It's like 4 fuckin minutes for shield to recharge. I imagine an ability focused build would become viable at end game where you have multiple pieces with 20 CDR. So far, nyeh...
Too many positives, however. The shield is actually useful this time around, and running shield plus bullet reflecting drone you can have some solid tank immunity. I've been playing the complete opposite as I did in Div1, where I was a support sniper, now I'm a tank with shotgun and another medium range weapon (lmg, assault rifle). We'll see if that carries to level 30, but it's worked well up to level 14 with a group so far.
Can also say this game is terrible solo, but the matchmaking, normalization, call for help, and fairly decent voip system (for fucking once) means additional players are always available to join to assist, even at 4 in the morning. It's also been amazing how helpful players are. They'll join you and just follow you to do whatever it is you want to do...
That said, there's so much shit to do. They learned a lot from Div 1. There's always something to do, and the variety is quite nice.
Compared to Anthem...
-Story that makes sense and feels complete
-Bases grow and change as you progress
-Gear with stats that makes sense
-Gear that drops reliably
-Massive abundance of missions and objectives
-Useful fast travel
-Very little if any load times
-Depth to items, crafting, projects, etc
-Difficulty, smart, complicated AI
-Efficiency of grouping
-Item mods
-Mods on mods on mods
-Variety of enemies, man fuck RPG assholes and explosive RC monster trucks
-Encounter variety
-Diversity of environments (open, hallways, vertical)
It's disgusting how complete this game feels minus the early bugginess which I pretty much expected, but this time around they're being ever vigilant in their fixes unlike Div1 where an exploit could be used for a month. It's been like two days and they're already fixing most of the issues. Most importantly, the part where I don't have to wait 3 fucking minutes every 45 seconds for a teammate to load into an area and they're not forced to load if they fall behind. And if they do, they can manually fast travel and the load time is less than a minute.