<Gold Donor>
- 6,942
- 18,933
use a fast firing weapon and shoot the fat guys legs. can keep them knocked down. ALso i invest heavily in elite damage modifiers and yellows just melt.And the surgical precision of RPG's, as well as the speed/health of those circular saw RC cars... With how everything is a bullet sponge, I feel they should have the aerial travel time of rockets in Doom 2, giving the player time to avoid damn near instant death.... Zero opportunity to dodge unless you're just running around constantly, which leads you to getting overwhelmed by enemies flanking like they're as coordinated as the US military infiltrating Osama's living abode.
I bitch, but honestly appreciate the difficulty, even if it is at times quite ridiculous. A heavy yellow with a monstrous amount of armor, massive backpack, and flame thrower sprinting at twice your speed, jumping over barriers and climbing over railing seems a bit....much. Speaking of flame throwers, Jesus Christ the range and basically instagib needs to be toned the fuck down. It's able to be defeated, but requires a bit of luck and cheesing the environment - getting them to go up and down stairs makes them a bit easier.
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