That’s not very tactical
Hehe, reminds me of my cat. One day he got out into the back yard at night (inside cat) and he was all sneaking around and shit, staying low to the ground, using cover, everything you expect a cat to do, right? Well the fucker is almost pure white and stands out like a flashlight in the dark.That’s not very tactical
That’s not very tactical
I don’t think he’ll be killing it at the division Christmas party. More he’ll be the tree at a hyenas party.But he will be killer at the Christmas party!
God I hate this fat bastard. Just happened to come across this video. Why are these baby SJW's crying that the game isn't political? We've already seen from BF5 and ME:A what happens when companies "get woke". The smart companies are the ones that are staying apolitical and not splitting their playerbases.
Hehe, reminds me of my cat. One day he got out into the back yard at night (inside cat) and he was all sneaking around and shit, staying low to the ground, using cover, everything you expect a cat to do, right? Well the fucker is almost pure white and stands out like a flashlight in the dark.
With the quantity of black folk (I mean, it is DC), and the number of women in military leadership positions, and then they go after what the game is fundamentally designed around? I guess you gotta have everything or it's a critical failure, even if it involves garroting yourself. Related, I'm pretty sure the clan lady Grace Larson is a tranny.So this review marks down this game because it does not have a message that guns are bad? WTF?![]()
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 review - an accomplished sequel with an awful story
There are a few things you can count on me to be embarrassed by on any given day - my beer gut, for example, or the tim…
"Worse, it goes out of its way to say nothing. The result is that the only real message The Division 2 manages to impart is that guns will keep you safe. Despite the advertising campaign this is not a game about saving the soul of America, it's a game about the good guys with guns taking what they want from the bad guys with guns. "
And yeah, in a post apocalyptic setting like this one, where rabid drug induced mobs are running around, id rather have a gun to keep me safe, wouldn't you? I mean WTF?
I did the opposite. I was level 12 doing the level 18 mission... I was 17 by the time we finished it.My friend and I are still taking this slow, we're only 13-14 and still in the level 7-11 zone.
We keep getting distracted by events, and gathering resources. We just can't run pass a open doorway without going in and gathering everything. We try, but we just can't do it.
Even at this level gear makes a pretty big difference on missions. The difference that being able to 1 shot snipe enemies and requiring 2 shots makes a big difference as it taking 2 shots allow the rest so much time to flank you and makes everything so much harder.
Good thing I can't shoot the friendly NPC because I don't know how often I turn a corner and run into them and start shooting before I realize they are friendly.![]()
Imagine if they did make it political but stayed true to Tom Clancy's politics. SJWs don't want "political", they want their exact brand of authoritarian leftist + commie bullshit shoved down everyone else's throats too.
I'm slowly coming around to the idea that I like a rifle + AR loadout for Sharpshooter rather than AR + MMR. MMR was great when a Model 700 would consistently one shot dudes, but that isn't practical in WT4 especially when farming +3 control points.
The hard part is finding a good Mk17 to use. I want to try out the exotic one (Merciless) too. You might like that one for your explosive buildmkopec .
at what level do you start to fill up your gear slots with purples? the fact that the blueprints scale with level ios making it really hard not to just keep making a new blue police m4 every 2 levels, as I have yet to find a more effective gun
Its pretty much what I did. But some others are fairy decent too so give them a try, some of the slower RPM ones (650RPM?) are decent too, slower firing but more dmg per bullet, and the military M4 is quite nice too if you have one drop. I think in mid teens you start to see more and more purps. The high ends stat showing up in mid to high what level do you start to fill up your gear slots with purples? the fact that the blueprints scale with level ios making it really hard not to just keep making a new blue police m4 every 2 levels, as I have yet to find a more effective gun
God I hate this fat bastard. Just happened to come across this video. Why are these baby SJW's crying that the game isn't political? We've already seen from BF5 and ME:A what happens when companies "get woke". The smart companies are the ones that are staying apolitical and not splitting their playerbases.
"Worse, it goes out of its way to say nothing. The result is that the only real message The Division 2 manages to impart is that guns will keep you safe. Despite the advertising campaign this is not a game about saving the soul of America, it's a game about the good guys with guns taking what they want from the bad guys with guns. "![]()
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 review - an accomplished sequel with an awful story
There are a few things you can count on me to be embarrassed by on any given day - my beer gut, for example, or the tim…
And yeah, in a post apocalyptic setting like this one, where rabid drug induced mobs are running around, id rather have a gun to keep me safe, wouldn't you? I mean WTF?
Jesus, what a fat retard.
"World is at war. Family and you need to eat and survive. Shit is bad. Back to the days of pillaging land and killing outside tribal members. What is the #1 tool to wage war with: a gun. You get gun to defend your family, because your moral beliefs no longer matter. You just need to not die, and let your kids get raped."
What's so hard about that lol. I sometimes wish near the end of my life the world would be hit with something like this. What a learning tool that would be.
"World is at war. Family and you need to eat and survive. Shit is bad. Back to the days of pillaging land and killing outside tribal members. What is the #1 tool to wage war with: a gun. You get gun to defend your family, because your moral beliefs no longer matter. You just need to not die, and let your kids get raped."
What's so hard about that lol. I sometimes wish near the end of my life the world would be hit with something like this. What a learning tool that would be.