The Dragon Prince


Avatar of War Slayer
The story of a journey was the point, focus, character development and mode of world building - it was tossed aside to be able to give "big pictures and background" that 1) while I am sure, and I did, want more - what we got was not useful and 2) broke the methodology.

They set up Ezra splitting from the group in order to show his journey as king along side the continuation of the others journey... that is fine... I didnt watch past ep2 or whenever the gay elves showed up but- thanks for that synopsis... zero reason now to watch...


Tranny Chaser
The point of the whole Sol Rega / first dark mage business was to show that the first dark mage was absolutely justified in being a dark mage. That dragons and xadians in general had treated humanity like slaves for centuries and that using dark magic was the only way I which the humans could try and level the playing field.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Then at what point did humans become evil and bad for using it? It just means the Xadians were always assholes and continued to be assholes. Like it showed last season. They went so far as to sunder the land apart to keep humans and their dark magic away. They even went a step further and destroyed any relics they had remaining in human lands and on top of all that set out an order of malevolent sorcerers to guard it and kill off or drive insane any human who stumbled upon them.

Their goal here was to prevent the humans from ever interacting with their precious primal magic because they are evil dark magic users. This just further justifies human's use of it because fuck you.

Viren is ambitious. We don't know Aravos' story but who knows. Dude is mega pissed at all the other Xadians that's for sure.

EDIT: I also want to point out that the first dark mage that caused the Dragons to sunder Xadia in two and separate from humans died defending his city. He, along with Viren and Claudia, remain the only human dark mages ever seen or spoken about in this entire series.

So you have some serious asshole dragons and Xadians who tore the land apart after the one offender and user of dark magic was already fucking dead. There presumably wouldn't be another dark mage until Viren. Some 300+ years later.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Good... good. This show is pretty darn good, so it warms the cockles of my heart to know it will get enough seasons to put forth a decent story.


Avatar of War Slayer
Dropped it when the gays got turned up... kids haven't asked to watch it... so, it's done in my house.

Sad. Had a lot I would have enjoyed.

Hope y'all enjoy
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Blackwing Lair Raider
They setup a really cool world to explore with a lot of unanswered questions, while the episodes that specifically called out the gay/lesbians were forced I enjoyed the series a ton. Kinda hope they have a few episodes similar to Avatar (Korra) that detailed the first avatar, just with the dude who discovered dark magic and how that came to be.


Tranny Chaser

So Terry looks pretty much like the voice actor. Was a blurb from SDCC talking about adding in a new main cast member in the 4th season and how they felt they lucked out.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I appreciate when they actually model the characters after the person who plays them, either they are casting right and it fits or they're doing something wrong.

But then you look at Horizon and shake your head, wonder why someone hasn't made a mod to do exactly that.


Tranny Chaser

They actually posted the entire first episode to YouTube last week in an effort to remind people that this exists...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Huh, 2 year time skip? Given that most of the human army was destroyed after being turned into crazy lava people I assume we'll see alliances with humans and elves? Glad this got some more seasons given they are axing a lot of other content.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There was some novels that were released after S3 ended and before they locked in the deal for S4-7, so it's not an arbitrary time skip at least.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This was.... bad. I enjoyed the hell out of S1-S3, enough to watch it every few months or put it on as background noise.
- Badass aunt (Amaya?) reduced to effectively Lesbian bride plotline
- Fire elf queen reduced to lesbian queen & brother wants the throne because racism plotline
- Forced Religion/faith plotline over a fire elf candle vs a human engineer in a camp full of cloth tents
- Viren reduced to a nervous/anxious mess, admittedly after being dead/brought back to life but still
- Claudia's earthblood elf bf having a conversation with Viren that 'he' knew 'he' was a 'Terry' since he was little
- Callum and Rayla apparently went from willing to die for each other to her leaving for the entire 2 year skip, writing/dialogue was awkward and terrible.

The only thing this crappy season did well/was cool to watch, are the bits of background regarding Arravos and the arch dragons. They should have skipped the 2 year hiatus and just gone through the aftermath of the battle, Callum learning more sky magic and Ez taking back the throne.

Edit: Also that dragons have apparently never had jelly tarts, kind of a funny gag with jelly tart guy.
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Avatar of War Slayer
starting this now. imho. the previous seasons don't deserve that high of praise. The story line is kindof fucked. and, alot of characters actions and motivations are just ?????

Viren especially. what even the fuck is this guys plan? for my king and country, kills his king. for humanity!, is the butt buddy of some evil mirror elf. Nothing this guy does or says makes any sense... dark magic! show never explained why dark magic is actually bad.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
starting this now. imho. the previous seasons don't deserve that high of praise. The story line is kindof fucked. and, alot of characters actions and motivations are just ?????

Viren especially. what even the fuck is this guys plan? for my king and country, kills his king. for humanity!, is the butt buddy of some evil mirror elf. Nothing this guy does or says makes any sense... dark magic! show never explained why dark magic is actually bad.
Dark magic is bad because humans culturally appropriated it from noble savages through acts of colonization and then used it to further their white hetero-normative supremacy agenda. You clearly didn't pay attention.


Avatar of War Slayer
ohh, this is starting off bad. Voice acting seems worse. Writing seems even more childish then before.
The childish writing could be passed off as either child characters, or child target audience. But when you create properties like this, you need to grow with your audience. its been 4 years, since the start. Your audience is now 4 years older. if it was 12, they are now 16.

They established Varen as being smart, and paranoid. But on being rezzed, he asks no questions. doesn't ask what Claudia had to do, what price she paid, doesn't comfort her. no thank you, or you shouldn't have done it/trusted the elf. Doesn't ask what Aavaros WANTs in exchange for his help..

What a show spends it time on says alot. They thought the deaf lady getting engaged with the elf was very important to show. that couldn't happen off screen.

boyfiends plant powers.. trans flag flowers. for fucks sake.. this kid is going to be a trans elf aren't they?

you know what, nah. not even going to finish. I'm out. Again, its not even the kid being trans, although, that just shows how up their asses they are. Its they again, stopped the show, to put up the trans flag breaking the fucking 4th wall, to do it. Priorities. It shows these show writers have no idea what they are doing. this is like High Gaurdian spice. Stopping the show, to evangelize and show representation, with shit that has NOTHING to do with the plot or storyline, while utterly failing at actually telling the main plot.
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