The Dream Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Bros, I've always been fascinated with dreams. I thought it'd be nice to have a thread where we share some of our more memorable dreams. I'll start.

Earlier in the year, I read a book called "Replay." The basic premise is that a guy dies and wakes up at 18 with all of his memories and has his whole life to live up to the point of his death (the same date/time as the first). A couple of months ago, I had a "replay" dream. I experienced a lifetime in a night's sleep. It was interesting, to say the least. I ended up being relatively successful (not wealthy, but upper middle class). I married an attractive woman, had some kids, lived in the suburbs. It wasn't my "dream" life by any stretch, but it was a reasonably good life and I was happy. I don't remember much more than the major aspects of my life. I do know, however, that this dream was roughly forty years of day-by-day sort of stuff. When I woke up the next morning, I had a strong sense of forty-odd years actually having passed. It was honestly kind of a heart-rending experience, as I was very happy with the life I had in my dream, and I loved my wife and children. The loss that I felt was real, even though these people only existed in my imagination. I think it may be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me, which is a strange feeling.

Anyone else feel like sharing?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Uh, last night I drove along a cliffside road into a cave where darth vader and a bunch of stormtroopers were hanging out, then I was text messaging some kind of weird water elemental chick while hanging out in my room with my childhood friend, then I was arguing with said childhood friend while driving through the jungle, then I was wrestling a giant fucking crocodile, then we got harassed by monkeys, then I woke up.

Also there were castles and swords and a giant theater and another cave full of books and a whole lot of people I've never met before in there. Figure that shit out.

Dreams are really interesting, I admit, though I think people attach too much importance too them. It is pretty fucking bizarre the way we can hullucinate whole other existences and then just wake up and shrug it off though. Especially the more coherent ones. I had a weird dream a few nights back similar to yours, not in that I lived an entire life in a single dream, but it was more a snapshot of another life. I was on a street I know in my city getting a drink because I was tired after a long day (of what? fuck if I know), I drank for a while for people who I apparently knew in-dream, went outside the bar and was getting harassed by some skinhead kids. I walk about but one follows me, the other pulls a gun and tries to shoot me, but kills his friend instead. So the cops pull up, they take them both away, I'm sitting there all wtf and someone I do know irl comes up and asks me to find him some weed. We walk into an alleyway and I woke up. Was bizarre because the whole thing was really coherent and consistent and linear as opposed to the usual shit I mentioned before. One event followed the other fairly logically and I remembered it all from a - z.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Entheogens will do that. The godhead is one hell of an experience.
If you want to go to some truly weird places, ketamine is the only drug to go with. There is nothing you'll ever dream that will touch the bizarre, twisted clarity of a k-hole. It literally feels like being transported into whole other dimensions and consciousnesses.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm envious of people who remember their dreams. I can count on one hand the number of dreams that I can actually recall having - every night I get into bed, eventually fall asleep and then*bam*alarm clock. No sense of any progression of time whatsoever. Then again, I could also be saving myself loads of mental trauma too...


If you want to go to some truly weird places, ketamine is the only drug to go with. There is nothing you'll ever dream that will touch the bizarre, twisted clarity of a k-hole. It literally feels like being transported into whole other dimensions and consciousnesses.
I assume you haven't done DMT, or any entheogen for that matter. Am i rite?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Over the past two weeks, I've had three dreams about being back in the house I grew up in and lived in for 26 years. My parents sold and moved almost a year ago now and I haven't lived in the house for over 2 years now.

They aren't traumatic dreams... but each time I'm back there and someone else is living there and I'm either sneaking around while they are gone or making some justification about how the owner knows I'm just visiting. In the dream last night, my dog shit all over their new furniture and I had to leave before the person who owned the house got home.


Trump's Staff
I hardly ever dream and I feel like I'm missing out on some cool shit because of it
When I do have the uncommon dream, it's usually a fight or a chase of some kind. Also I've noticed that every time I punch someone in a dream it's like my arms turn into noodles right when I make contact and they just laugh at me.



Silver Knight of the Realm
Bros, I really hate that dream where you can fly but you can't remember how or it doesn't work right any more. It's the most goddam infuriating thing I've ever experienced. I'm all like, "Yeah, I'll just fly there bro, np." *proceeds to hover a foot off the ground* God fucking damn I hate that dream.


I was just thinking the other day about starting a dream journal, which I probably should have started when I was a kid. I have crazy fucked dreams, and I've noticed a lot of people say that; but when they describe them they usually don't seem that weird. As a general rule my dreams don't involve any actual people past or present nor any real place historical or otherwise nor do they typically involve any aspects of any human's normal life. They do sometimes, but those tend to be a stark exception. Shit, a decent amount of the time there isn't anything recognizable as earthly at all. That surrealism makes them really hard for me to recall after any length of time. Sometimes they are very, very vivid and I will have 2-4 hours to tell my wife about them before I lose them, but more often it's more like a minute or two.

So, I typically remember my dreams about once every two weeks or so. I will embark to keep pen and paper on my nightstand so you can view my terror.


Silver Squire
My most recurring hated dream as a kid: Nightmare that my whole family gets off'd and I wake up as I'm about to be offed in the back of a U-haul.

Recent re-occuring dreams as an adult: My ex-gf and I are about to hook-up and a) she tells me I'm not ready yet, b) her now bf shows up (thanks facebook; no longer friend's with -ex, but saw pics of them together), I whoop the shit out of her ex and we get back together or she laughs.

What I'm doing: Dream log. Posting it on another forum, hoping in the next 6 months to learn how to wake-up then force myself back into the nightmare.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What amazes me about dreams is that your brain can vividly put you in a place or location that you have never been to in your life, yet in your dream everything looks so real and authentic. For instance, I've never been to Australia but a few weeks ago I had a dream that I was cruising the streets of Sydney and it was how I imagine it would have been. I'm assuming the subconscious just constructs these images of places you've never been through a mixture of TV, books, conversations, etc and when you dream you are supplanted into these places that you've never been to, but actually exist.

Another thing that always happens to me in more violent dreams is I'm armed with a gun either being chased or fighting someone or something and my gun never ever works; it's either jammed or out of ammo all the time. Quite frustrating.


I've had a lot of really fucked up dreams...the kind you could make some great horror movies out of. I attribute it toward all the scarey movies I use to watch as a very young child. dream that sticks out in my mind, and actually had a physical affect of me, even when I woke up was this one:

I was in the backyard of my childhood house. It was pitch black outside and storming. I could only make out objects around me as the lightning stuck. A tree located in the middle of the yard, and a stone pathway leading to the back of my house. I was slowly walked down the pathway toward the back of my house where there was a gate located on our chain linked fence. As I approached the gate and was reaching to open it, the lightning struck and I could see a black cat staring up at me with very prominent green... or maybe yellow glowing eyes staring up at me. It was almost like it was staring through me. I immediately woke up, but couldn't move. I was paralyzed for a good 5-10 seconds. Was very strange.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I've had a lot of really fucked up dreams...the kind you could make some great horror movies out of. I attribute it toward all the scarey movies I use to watch as a very young child. dream that sticks out in my mind, and actually had a physical affect of me, even when I woke up was this one:

I was in the backyard of my childhood house. It was pitch black outside and storming. I could only make out objects around me as the lightning stuck. A tree located in the middle of the yard, and a stone pathway leading to the back of my house. I was slowly walked down the pathway toward the back of my house where there was a gate located on our chain linked fence. As I approached the gate and was reaching to open it, the lightning struck and I could see a black cat staring up at me with very prominent green... or maybe yellow glowing eyes staring up at me. It was almost like it was staring through me. I immediately woke up, but couldn't move. I was paralyzed for a good 5-10 seconds. Was very strange.
Sounds like sleep paralysis. Happens to me every now and then. Wake up and am completely paralyzed for a few minutes until my body wakes up. Was pretty scary when I first experienced it but now I'm just used to it and know what's going on.


I'm With HER ♀
I have nightmares more often than not. Constant, recurring dream of my teeth falling out of my face since I was a kid. Recurring images like plane crashes. All the bad feels.


I once had a dream where I was being chased by bigfoot in a low-gravity environment.

I also dreamed of the rapture. I heard an airplane so I looked up. The airplane then stopped in mid-air and stayed there. Doves then flew overhead. Then I heard the trumpets. My body lost all control and a feeling of indescribable joy filled me. I then woke up. It had been so vivid that for a few seconds I thought it had been real. Am I the new prophet?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Am I the new prophet?
Speaking of prophecy bros, I often dream things before they happen. A few times a month on average, I dream of typically mundane situations that have little unique identifiers in them that I recognize from my dreams when they happen. It's rare that the things I see before they happen are significant events. For example, I dreamed of walking up a walkway to the front door of a house and ringing the doorbell a couple of years ago. A friend of mine bought that house 14-15 months ago, and I recognized it from my dream instantly. I never know when these dreams will become reality, but of the dreams I remember, it's pretty easy for me to figure out which ones will happen because they don't have any fantastic elements. Anyone else experience deja vu or whatever this is on a regular basis?


Speaking of prophecy bros, I often dream things before they happen. A few times a month on average, I dream of typically mundane situations that have little unique identifiers in them that I recognize from my dreams when they happen. It's rare that the things I see before they happen are significant events. For example, I dreamed of walking up a walkway to the front door of a house and ringing the doorbell a couple of years ago. A friend of mine bought that house 14-15 months ago, and I recognized it from my dream instantly. I never know when these dreams will become reality, but of the dreams I remember, it's pretty easy for me to figure out which ones will happen because they don't have any fantastic elements. Anyone else experience deja vu or whatever this is on a regular basis?
You should watch Cloud Atlas.


Trakanon Raider
I've been on pain meds since Sunday and I've had some pretty weird dreams since then.

The first of which involved some kind of store similar to a Target but on the outside from the parking lot it looked like my hometown grocery store shopping center. Anyways, a Polar Bear began stalking me inside the store and I was dodging through the aisles and sliding under some shit that seemed like it should have been a display in a Bass Pro Shop. Eventually I made it outside, as did the bear but he couldn't see me in the crowd. I tried to warn people but they didn't believe me. Then I saw the Polar Bear kind of hiding behind/beside a Coke machine and then he charged the crowd and went after a kid which I snatched up and ran into the store with. Somehow I lost the kid about halfway inside the store and I turned around and there was still a store environment behind me but everything else kind of looked like some kind of swamp. The Polar Bear kept stalking me and I eventually lost him in the swamp. I think I eventually found him again and began sliding hams across the floor to him until he hibernated in the middle of store.

The dream the next night was all over the place and I'll only post some highlights. I was driving somewhere to meet a friend and have some drinks and I saw a baby alongside a highway. I figured, well I can't leave a baby (probably 10 months old) crawling along a 4 lane highway so I picked it up and put it in the front seat. Got to a hotel and went to my room to put some beers on chill and it transformed into some kind of 80 story project building where I was trying to score some pot. I eventually parkour'd my way down a few floors and stole some drugs and had to escape the building with my non-existent parkour skills. I then found my car and the baby was inside, probably for hours and I panicked and took it back up to my hotel room. It must have been a high dollar baby I thought because this drug lord and some people with a totally different agenda began to chase me. My friend and I managed to lead them on a high speed chase through a European City until it looked like downtown LA in some kind of Need For Speed Game. We then split up and raced through what seemed like some kind of airport/train station/arena. The people chasing me were still hot on my tail the whole time and then I woke up.