They say not to run outside during an earthquake, but all of the big ones we have (5.5+ or so).
I don't know how to describe being right on top of an earthquake that big, but being inside just doesn't feel safe. Shit, being outside feels pretty bizarre too.
I also wanted to point out, we've had almost no damage to our house. The 6.4 we had a picture frame fall off our mantle, but the ones on the walls (with hooks) were all fine. With the 7.1 we had assorted items all over the house fall down, but it took like 20 minutes to pick everything up by myself (wife waited outside).
Checked for cracks in the house and it looks fine. No gas leaks, no water leaks. Power was off 5 hours with the 6.4, about 5 minutes with the 7.1 Internet never went out (outside of power outage), cell service never went out, water never shut off.
Outside of our nerves, it's almost like the earthquakes never happened. Well, that and the constant aftershocks. I think I read something that said this amount of aftershocks is incredibly abnormal.