Thank God, we finally have access to an expert. Was this plague sent by Jesus to wipe out the gays and "black" people? What is the likelihood of a gay black man that licks assholes to contract the disease? On a scale of 1 to Praise Jesus how awesome is it to be middle to upper class white during this plague? How exactly is this Obama's fault?I received 'Super Speshul Ebola Training' at work today, if that makes you guys feel any better.
Ye cause 1910 was the same as 2014 for medical expertise and facilities. You realise that Spanish flu was just that.. a fucking flu. There was an outbreak of the exact same circumstances in 2009 a.k.a Swine Flu. Literally the same outbreak and virus, and fuck all died due to the fact its a fucking flu and its 2014. I bet you think ISIS are gonna invade your street next week too, logic sir do you know it.
Its more an issue of overwhelming our facilities and infrastructure. There are roughly 5000 hospitals in the U.S. supporting roughly 320,000,000 people. Not to mention the level 4 CDC centers only have 11 beds total across the US.I'm betting they said, "Shit it sucks being in such a shit hole time period where there's no advanced medical stuff or video games."
Correct.Thank God, we finally have access to an expert. Was this plague sent by Jesus to wipe out the gays and "black" people? What is the likelihood of a gay black man that licks assholes to contract the disease? On a scale of 1 to Praise Jesus how awesome is it to be middle to upper class white during this plague? How exactly is this Obama's fault?