The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
Here... I'll just rip quotes from the paid IGN endorsement.

So you get all of the downsides of an MMO, and none of the upsides (socialization / group oriented play)

Action combat is great in a single player game, I absolutely love Dark Souls... except it makes for a shitty MMO... See: TERA

read: It will take forever to implement new content.... "Expect a new planet every month... ring a bell?" Nothing wrong with that in a single player game, but not with a subscription model.

Basically... it sounds like SWTOR 2.0 or maybe... AT best I expect this to be Skyrim with multiplayer, but that's not what draws me to play an MMO and pay a subscription fee for 6+ years (EQ for 7, WoW for 8... I'm looking for wow's replacement.. not SWTOR 2.0).

Redesigning the game from the ground up to be a social experience first and foremost and you might change my mind. We already played a primarily single player quest driven game (with raiding and grouping at max level) for years starting with warcraft and extending to all of it's clones, we (I know I'm speaking for several people that have sent me private messages or reputation comments from my comments today) don't want to repeat that experience anytime soon. We're looking for anything different... Force the social interaction to a lower level... let us create our own storylines and memories,I still talk about the good times I had on Sullon Zek in EQ, I barely recall SWTOR's storyline(s)... even if at the time I thought it was pretty decent.

Quote from the developer.... What is so wrong with an all pet group... It doesn't conform to whatever holy trinity they are going to implement so they nerf it so that everything is "balanced" and boring? Reminds me of taking away warlock's ability to tank in WoW because it didn't conform to "the vision"


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I called it a steaming pile of dogshit and I will not be playing it. Zero desire. I've been pretty lucky. Never touched to war or AoC. Other than swtor, most shit I've been duped into has been quality. Hell, as a Star Wars nut, I squeezed a ton of fun out of that briefly.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

Haven't seen this posted yet. That, or I'm blind as fuck. Starts at 4:35
Yeah we have seen this but that's ok.

The applause at the end, about 35 ZO employees cheering in the background, is almost as hilarious as when Microsoft tried to do it with the Xbone reveal and was called out on it by Adam Sessler.

This is so forced to try and represent Elder Scrolls 1st person combat it's retarded. The field of view is so far off you can already tell this was designed to be played in 3rd person. The animations (Especially the firing of the bow) was horrible. It actually looked like 3 animation cuts. The atmosphere and background doesn't look that bad, but that doesn't matter much if the core gameplay experience is as shitty as what was represented. I also love when they realized they had better not show anymore as they crossed the bridge and saw an NPC staring at a wall doing nothing, nor aggroing. Headphones were alerted, "CUT!" Many numerous times the bow aim was far left or right off the highlight of the target, and still hit anyway. There were still some misses, but that is deceiving as the mob already died or the mon was simply untargeted. Paul sage trying to explain pack behavior is also ridiculous. "We want to have more than one monster in a dungeon!" ... Really? That's a talking point?

I fear all we are going to have here is Defiance meets Elder Scrolls. And this is most definitely not an MMORPG.

They need to find a new identity for this game.

The lack of enthusiasm from the crowd almost makes me feel sorry for them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually hadn't seen that video...

And within the first 30 seconds....(I started from 4:30) "Why would Argonians and Dunmer be aligned? Well, normally they wouldn't.. but... war. and ...umm lore.."...

But it would ruin our totally cool unique and never before done horde vs alliance pvp plan, first expansion: interdimensional space goat shaman and magic vampire blood elf paladins!


Trump's Staff
Sweet mother of god... That quakecon video... It's like they aren't even trying to do anything interesting. THAT is what they choose to show? THAT is the creme de la creme of their PVE dungeon content? That is the most uninspired crap I have ever seen. Porting to your friends? Self Rez via a consumable? Instanced loot? Is this some kind of sick joke? Is this what next gen MMOs are doing? Wow...
I fear all we are going to have here is Defiance meets Elder Scrolls. And this is most definitely not an MMORPG.

They need to find a new identity for this game.
From what I have played I think of it as Skyrim with a multiplayer add on. If you limit yourself to that expectation going in you'll be ok. If you are expecting anything more than that you will be very disappointed. The economics matter a lot as well, if they try to make this a subscription game it will be a disaster.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
From what I have played I think of it as Skyrim with a multiplayer add on. If you limit yourself to that expectation going in you'll be ok. If you are expecting anything more than that you will be very disappointed. The economics matter a lot as well, if they try to make this a subscription game it will be a disaster.
Yeah. The problem is if they wanted to do this, they could have easily added a DLC mod to Skyrim and left it at that and had MUCH better results, and less dollars spent with about equal revenue.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Errr, it's pretty obvious that they would have had to rewrite the entire engine from scratch to support multiplayer, which is why they didn't just do multiplayer skyrim expansion... art assets are getting re-used either way... they must have figured if they were going to need a new engine, they would license a cheap MMO engine, since this is an obvious cash grab and they decided to do it fast allowing them to just "plug in' their already created world geometry (they've had the entire world built/explorable for years, just blocked off and inaccessible in their games and obviously it wasn't fleshed out with content, most of which they just need to place already created art assets from the other games...


Sweet mother of god... That quakecon video... It's like they aren't even trying to do anything interesting. THAT is what they choose to show? THAT is the creme de la creme of their PVE dungeon content? That is the most uninspired crap I have ever seen. Porting to your friends? Self Rez via a consumable? Instanced loot? Is this some kind of sick joke? Is this what next gen MMOs are doing? Wow...
Makes me think they must be saving something good for later. With every recent MMO doing their best to find some weird gimmick, it would be weird for someone to just be totally standard.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Makes me think they must be saving something good for later. With every recent MMO doing their best to find some weird gimmick, it would be weird for someone to just be totally standard.
Oh God not this again. No. There is no super secret beta version. This is what they have, and will continue to have. This post isn't directed at you, but how the hell does this pop up in every MMORPG thread? Obviously shown to be later that there isn't shit to be shown, and the tears flow.

Anyway, Ant, I heavily disagree with you on about everything.

Art assets are not taken from Bethesda for starters. Secondly, art assets for this game were not completed by anyone other than Zenimax Online. The only thing ZO takes from Bethesda is the IP and previous examples of land layouts * IF * they want to even use those. Third, nothing is held back from Bethesda in elder scrolls games. They are designed game by game concentrating on, what luckily became, a huge landmass with a lore ability to spread games over sections of that land mass.

Third, here is a guy in a garage building a multiplayer Skyrim mod.

This probably has a better success at being fun than this game does.


Trakanon Raider
Since most of you are pretty much all hating on this game, if anyone gets a Beta key they don't want please PM it to me, i'd like to give this game a shot and see how it plays as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I received an email with a beta key for an upcoming stress test

August 15th 6-9pm EDT.

Anyone else get one?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I received an email with a beta key for an upcoming stress test

August 15th 6-9pm EDT.

Anyone else get one?
Most people will be playing FF14


Molten Core Raider
I thought the world and visuals were generally pretty good in that video, but the combat looked pretty bad. It played out like typical MMO combat, where the mobs stand in place with perhaps a little minor pushback. In Skyrim, there was quite a bit of movement around, as you tried to get a better position or you backed up some to avoid hits. This, just stand in place and hit attack. And the knockdown effect where they quickly jump back into place looks idiotic. Skyrim did that well where if you someone was knocked to the ground, it took some time to get back up as it makes sense when you get smacked to the ground hard by something.

And listening to the guy try to explain why all these random races are now aligned was really painful. I didn't have much of a problem with most of what he said, but I had to skip through that because it was obvious they did not have any good reason for it. As someone who cares about lore in games, I was disappointed with that portion. Lolore indeed.


I received an email with a beta key for an upcoming stress test

August 15th 6-9pm EDT.

Anyone else get one?
Judging from my guildies, and RL friends, I think a lot of invites went out. Should help more people to get a real idea what its like as we near release and they keep increasing the beta #s.