The Elder Scrolls Online


<Silver Donator>
Only heard bad things about this weekend, not sure what they intended to do with a large scale beta at this point. And I don't mean just here, like twitch chat(the non retarded ones that don't have too many people) have random people saying it sucks and people I chat with about dota2 games on IRC were also talking about how bad it was inbetween the MLG games today. That means that other than the jaded old school fucks, there's also a lot of random people who think it's shit, it's not like "too wow", it's just apparently bad. I haven't been invited otherwise I'd have checked it out but I'm not sure it's worth even downloading at that point even if I do get invited. You'd think they'd have polished their early game a lot so people were tricked into buying the game with the low level cap. Guess they didn't even bother with that.


Unelected Mod
So I completed the island quest I think, got to the part where we sail off the island and then loading screen with a bar that never moves. Hurm.


So I guess you've got to run through that opening even no matter what race or class you pick because it's the same shit I did last time. Tapping out after three minutes, just can't be bothered to do it again. The game feels janky as shit and graphics are pretty junk.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Chose the templar class, but loaded as a sorcerer.
You pick classes at creation? Already doesnt sound like TES before you enter the game world.

This game is far less enjoyable than SWTOR, not even close. Then again I expected this where as with SWTOR I didn't. Whole time playing it just felt like Dungeons & Dragons Online just ten years later. I just don't see how the MMO and community element ever shows up in this game, it simply does not feel like an MMO at all. It really doesn't feel like Skyrim multiplayer mode at that.
D&D Online was(is?) an okay-ish game, I think you owe it an apology.

I want to face palm everytime anyone posts about how it will be good. And have been for the last year. Yes. Validation. Sorry. Unlike with vanguard, I will tell everyone. I fucking told you so.
As someone who did not even register for beta because I dont see how TES and MMO go together, we get it. We really do. You should give this thread some breathing room and pick another one to pollute. Maybe those for the Georgeson or Garriot games also in development, or get in on the ground level on bashing McQuaid's latest attempt.


Pretty much as I expected when announced. The style/feel of the ES games just doesn't translate well to an MMO. Skyrim's combat wasn't exactly good, but at least it was gorgeous and it *felt* good. Seems like they had to dumb down the engine too much for it to look/feel anything above a game from the early 2000s. Playing ES games on PC though I'm spoiled by mods, and that was never going to be an option.

I got almost two months out of FFXIV ARR. Felt that game was maybe the best looking I've ever seen, but seemed to lack a soul outside of the main quest and the engine was clunky. This game was ugly, clunky and didn't even hook me onto a main quest type deal. I imagine the TTS voiceovers are a placeholders, maybe it'll be slightly more immersive with voice acting. For some reason the look/feel reminds me a bit of the AoC beta- that dark/grungy type of style. Even the AoC opening levels I felt were better though.

Surprised they're letting so many people into the beta with the release being so far away and the game feeling so bad (even the official forums are pretty negative- I thought there'd be an overwhelming number of ES fanboyism). It was also a huge pain to install... saying it needed 20 gigs but with 45 on my SSD it ran out of room. It needs 50 gigs to install 20 gigs worth of game for some reason, so I had to completely restart the download on another drive as copy/paste didn't seem to work. Think they've done themselves a big disservice, I can't see many people bothering to reinstall it for later beta phases.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Gigantic flaming turd this is.

It actually starts to be a bit of fun once you stop playing and just spend your time trolling fanboys in zone chat.

But holy shit I'm actually stunned how bad this is.


Trump's Staff
It was also a huge pain to install... saying it needed 20 gigs but with 45 on my SSD it ran out of room. It needs 50 gigs to install 20 gigs worth of game for some reason, so I had to completely restart the download on another drive as copy/paste didn't seem to work.
Ugh this same crap happened to me. Was super annoying.

Looks like both GW2 and FF14 blow this game out of the water in pretty much every aspect. I'm not sure it's even fixable. The world is super bland, and the combat is simply awful. They better pray for box sales, or hope the strength of the IP is enough to compel players to sub... because this is shaping up to be the flop of the year.

One thing I will say... I really like the UI


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Time to fire up the wayback machine

Huh? No, I'm saying that in my opinion and many many others' - it is not a "steaming pile of shit," so if it turns out to be as you have predicted a "trainwreck" or a "steaming pile of shit" I'll have to wonder what they did between now and April to ruin it.


I mean, have you played this game?



Trump's Staff
To be fair, the last stress test was less buggy than yesterday evening. The state of the game was far more excusable then, too.
Is it just me or do most the npc's sound like a shitty siri or microsoft mary/mike with a accent? Lol. I usually take bad press with a grain of salt until I have a play but wow you all hit the nail on the fucking head with this one. The people in charge of this game should be barred for life in terms of getting another job in the gaming industry...


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
half or more of the animations are missing

there's no particle effects for most of the spells

most npcs are frozen in place and can't/don't move

voice acting is horrendous

graphics are about on par with vanguard

you float about 1000 feet in lunar gravity when you jump

combat feels about as good as stapling my dick to the table. it's unresponsive, hit boxes make no sense/don't work, animations and actual damage/effects are completely disconnected

i made it about an hour and couldn't take it anymore


Is it just me or do most the npc's sound like a shitty siri or microsoft mary/mike with a accent? Lol. I usually take bad press with a grain of salt until I have a play but wow you all hit the nail on the fucking head with this one. The people in charge of this game should be barred for life in terms of getting another job in the gaming industry...
It's absolutely TTS. I would imagine these are placeholders, but to be honest I'm too disinterested to look it up. It's surprising because we kept hearing how they've done "7 passes" on this 1-17 content and they still don't have voice acting in yet (I think the very first part may have been real voice acting? I didn't notice it until I stepped outside, then I couldn't stop laughing whenever an NPC talked).


Myself and many many others are still getting nothing but a black screen with music. The forum mods are clueless, but trying to figure out a fix. My beta testing work is complete on this heap.


Does anyone even do this for any reasonable length of time anymore? The last significant open beta I can remember is WoW in 2004, was like 2 weeks maybe? My memories of that are hazy because I was in the closed beta for that for quite awhile. Rift had like a weeklong one that I remember. I don't recall anything other than weekends for the rest of them, though I haven't been paying as close attention to betas the last few years as I used to.
Marc Jacobs, in the run up to the launch of WAR, made amagnificentPR screw-up where he said that basically the longer the time between the NDA drop and launch, the better the game is and conversely keeping the NDA up means the developers have something to hide (i.e. the overwhelmingly probability that the game is mediocre at best).

This was shortly before WAR kept their NDA up until launch.

So yeah - if a game keeps its NDA up and has closed beta after closed beta with only a token 'open beta' (demo) scheduled for the week/few days before launch then that's meaningful in and of itself.


Golden Squire
Going back and reading the utter shit that people like Blackwulf were posting is good comedy now. Seriously. Not to say that people weren't calling out the bullshit as it was being spewed, but it looks all the more hilarious in the context of this weekend. All the astroturfing in the world can't undo the damage the last 24 hours has done to this turd of a game.


Molten Core Raider
This game has been in development for so long, too. I was hearing rumors about Zenimax Online making an MMO at least 5 years ago.

TES just doesn't translate to an MMO - it feels less epic when there are 30 clones running through the same dungeon as you. They nailed the terrible combat from Oblivion and Skyrim though!