The Elder Scrolls Online


Unelected Mod
I was a tad bit reluctant to cancel me pre-order
Yeah, very tempted to cancel my pre-order, even this close to launch. I have been really looking forward to pvp with PRX again, but with this change, I am questioning whether this game has any chance whatsoever. Destroying mods is just so pants-on-head retarded at this point that I in one step lost all my faith in the company.
Yeah, very tempted to cancel my pre-order, even this close to launch. I have been really looking forward to pvp with PRX again, but with this change, I am questioning whether this game has any chance whatsoever. Destroying mods is just so pants-on-head retarded at this point that I in one step lost all my faith in the company.
PvP was fun with PRX the weekend of Beta. As pissed as I am at the bait and switch of telling us about Adventure zones and then, 10 days prior to release, saying oops they are not in, I still think it's going to be worth it for the PvP fun.


This guy, Drazore on reddit, said it pretty well:

At first I was somewhat ticked about reading about the changes that were happening. I was so use to being able to check numbers to verify that my performance got better or that my character had improved somehow. I got use to seeing what buffs I had on me in a little window with little icons. I got use to seeing debuffs under enemy names to let me know that my debuff is still there and I don't need to worry about casting/using it again.

Then.....I took a step back and looked at everything all at once. The game itself is playing towards the most realistic way it can with the technology we have available. No spammable abilities, limitations due to animations, digging in bags, looking at actual maps, more realistic style of combat. Everything I have seen is trying to get us to immerse ourselves as much as possible. To make us feel like we are truly there.

Ya gotta look at it like if you were able to throw a fireball at someone in real life, you wouldn't get numbers to tell you that you hit them, you would see a burst and maybe lingering fire/smoldering burning their clothes. You wouldn't know if someone is still disabled by your debuff unless they had a shadow swirling around them or if they were limping. Half the time I feel like I'm playing some calculator game with graphics because all that counts are the numbers. Lack of the 'hand-holding', no matter how little it may be can be frustrating, especially since everyone is so use to it by now. I want my games like this to be realistic, to make me forget I'm actually playing a game. I don't want anymore games that constantly remind me that I'm playing a game.

To be honest, I think that would be amazing to have numbers removed completely and have things described some other way. Shining sword > Sharp Sword > Sword > Dull Sword > Rusty sword. Mithril armor > steel armor > bronze armor. Numbers would be in the background and we would have to figure out what is better by testing ourselves, just like we would have to first cut something with a blade to figure out how sharp it is.

PS So many people were b*tching about the game being too easy. Now it's probably those same people bitching about not knowing when to cast a debuff or heal on someone. There will be visual ques to pay attention to, but take it for what it is. A challenge to overcome, and a much more rewarding experience when it's accomplished.


Short-term buff and debuff information is no longer available, regardless of where it is or came from.

Probably the dumbest one.
This is completely insane to me. No info on our buffs and debuffs is certainly limiting. We need to be able to quickly glance and see what has affected us. This should be the first thing they fix.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This guy, Drazore on reddit, said it pretty well:
Any idiot that brings real life into a video game doesn't say anything well. And his/her rambling is retarded " I dont want anymore games that constantly remind me that I'm playing a game", really?


Firor slipped in a doozy today: They failed to finish adventure zones and there will be none in for launch.

ZOS_MattF comments on Welcome to the ESO AMA!

I have a perverse fondness for when people do this sort of.. "oh wait were you expecting that to be in for release" bullshit drop. It cracked me up. The best part is how the tards at reddit were all like "no speech bubbles? NO SPEECH BUBBLES!" Um doofusses how about "No PVE ENGAME? NO PVE ENDGAME????"
It's been known for a couple of weeks now that adventure zones wouldn't be included at launch. Considering they are designed for veteran ranks, no one would be able to get into them at launch anyways. First content patch is supposed to go in mid/late April so that gives people time to get to VR10.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's been known for a couple of weeks now that adventure zones wouldn't be included at launch. Considering they are designed for veteran ranks, no one would be able to get into them at launch anyways. First content patch is supposed to go in mid/late April so that gives people time to get to VR10.
Are you new? I expect plenty of people to be VR ranks within days. Granted Imo you don't design for the hardcore, but to say "no one will be able to get to them" is crazy.


Those same people who are max level in days would have been bitching that their weren'tenoughAdventure zones as they crush through the end game while most people are still in their 20's. Their voices matter little because poop-sockers are a small minority. What matters is if the Adventure zones are ready by the time 'most' people are reaching max level. If not, that could hurt retention.


This guy, Drazore on reddit, said it pretty well:
Here's something I said on Reddit:

... class ability animations are really the only ones that can be described as distinctive, so not knowing someone is a Templar before they hit you with Sun Fire is irrelevant because you'll know so immediately after. Also, there are numerous abilities (mostly buffs) that have an almost unnoticeable animation and aren't represented in any way via the UI (I've heard Momentum bandied about more than once in this regard) especially if you have to play the game on lower settings.
The whole "play the game not the UI" mantra does not work for ESO. The animations aren't good enough, nor are there even enough of them. Also animations, even when immensely noticeable, do not always tell you what is actually happening; i.e. Fireballs that do Magic damage and 0 Fire damage.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Anyone who gets pissed off Adventure Zones are not in the game is a retard. Everyone knew since June 2013 they wouldn't be in at launch, when they said they wouldn't be in at launch.

Other than that, that's the least of their problems.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Those same people who are max level in days would have been bitching that their weren'tenoughAdventure zones as they crush through the end game while most people are still in their 20's. Their voices matter little because poop-sockers are a small minority. What matters is if the Adventure zones are ready by the time 'most' people are reaching max level. If not, that could hurt retention.
At this point retention should be the least of their worries. They should hope they have the PC market to even keep it. (Note: I said PC Market)

TESO is going to sell well on console for a couple reasons no matter how shitty it is.

1) It's Elder Scrolls and people will get duped into thinking it's a sequel to Skyrim (Which they are obviously hoping for)
2) Early adopters of the system(s) are dying for games.


2 Minutes Hate
Firor slipped in a doozy today: They failed to finish adventure zones and there will be none in for launch.

ZOS_MattF comments on Welcome to the ESO AMA!

I have a perverse fondness for when people do this sort of.. "oh wait were you expecting that to be in for release" bullshit drop. It cracked me up. The best part is how the tards at reddit were all like "no speech bubbles? NO SPEECH BUBBLES!" Um doofusses how about "No PVE ENGAME? NO PVE ENDGAME????"
I think everyone knew those weren't going to make launch. They've been advertising PvP and the 50++ content as the end game.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The person you are quoting is a retard. Anytime someone's says real life when talking about video game design should probably be slapped in the face.
Yeah, as soon as somebody launches into a diatribe about "immersion", "realism", or starts making a bunch of real-life analogies? I'm out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ya gotta look at it like if you were able to throw a fireball at someone in real life, you wouldn't get numbers to tell you that you hit them, you would see a burst and maybe lingering fire/smoldering burning their clothes
Best part. Had me chuckling.

It's okay though. This wont last long. They will have to deal with the crowd that want basic information and even more is when johnny casual dies out of the blue and all he sees is "you took XXX dmg".
First content patch is supposed to go in mid/late April so that gives people time to get to VR10.
Shall we bet on that? Shall we engage in a WAYYYYGAH regarding the chances of that horsepoop you just shat out as truth actually occuring? SHALL WE GAMBLE ON IT? Oh perhaps not... then perhaps purveying a company line that you KNOW taint NE'ER GONNA happen is DIS EN FUCKING GENUOUS.
Anyone who gets pissed off Adventure Zones are not in the game is a retard. Everyone knew since June 2013 they wouldn't be in at launch, when they said they wouldn't be in at launch.

Other than that, that's the least of their problems.
I relied on them saying in December they would be in at launch. Well not really relied, more like thought.. "would they lie about that..."
Yeah, as soon as somebody launches into a diatribe about "immersion", "realism", or starts making a bunch of real-life analogies? I'm out.
If we are gonna start that stuff can we begin at why my 400 pound fully plated Dragon Knight fucking floats like a helium balloon when he jumps?