So will PRX play a game with no nameplates allowed in PvP ?A lot of people are cancelling their purchase from GMG. No idea how much loss GMG from cancellations but I hope it's zero.
no nameplates irl!all the best pvp games have no nameplates.
We will play and we will win.So will PRX play a game with no nameplates allowed in PvP ?
As long as all of us are blindfolded, together!We will play and we will win.
Decaffinated. That's about all I'm gonna say to that. I think you take the jokes a bit too seriously. If he softballs it up there, I'm gonna hit it.Seriously, STFU and GTFO with the SHILL!!!!11!! BS. It was stupid and lame when it was all the rage before, and it still is. The same cast of folks on both sides hasn't really changed that much, other than a few folks who were on the fence pre-ordering and then changing their minds when the last beta weekend patch didn't address the quest/spawn phase instance issue. If they don't fix it, the retail launch will explode and then you asshats can all have a great laugh that your side won. Until then...
Ah weird, my early access code came with the receipt. Then a separate email with the 2 beta keysThey haven't sent me those out yet. The only codes I have received from GMG was the 2 beta weekend codes. But I never used them since everyone I knew who wanted access already had it and I am in the PTS.
Or, you know, you can make it so mods can't do that. Like WoW does it.So, I've been thinking about this whole API change thing. I could understand them not wanting you to necessarily see what buffs/debuffs your enemies have on them, or cast bars/timers for enemies, because all that shit would allow for macros to play PVP for you:
The macro thing is a red herring. Third party macros to automatically respond to notifications aren't that common for high level PVP in these games. People would rather have a big thing pop up and have them make the choice to press the button.
It's just a red herring / smokescreen to get people to swallow the idea of having an awful UI.
I'll take your guys word for it. I never got into WOW, but I hear stories about fucking godawful UI mods that basically play the game for you. If those things don't really happen, then, I agree, what's the big deal. I did read a couple reports from PTS players that this shit was happening, though. Maybe they were lying: I never saw it with my own eyes.Or, you know, you can make it so mods can't do that. Like WoW does it.
"To stop macros" is complete bullshit as justification, as there are plenty of ways to prevent that in other ways that don't involve crippling the API.
I don't remember a lot about daoc, it's been so long. Could you see hots cast on someone with the default UI or dots cast on a mob or enemy player?I'll take your guys word for it. I never got into WOW, but I hear stories about fucking godawful UI mods that basically play the game for you. If those things don't really happen, then, I agree, what's the big deal. I did read a couple reports from PTS players that this shit was happening, though. Maybe they were lying: I never saw it with my own eyes.
I really don't get the angst, though; I have thousands of hours in DAOC - the only UI mods I used were cosmetic, and I never once ran a dps meter. I still managed to have shit loads of fun and kick lots of ass; like seriously - RR 11+ (before all the inflation patches) and top of leader boards most of the times I played. If limiting the API keeps this game even slightly more "daoc-like" then I'm in favor.
Yes; in fact some gear drops are parts of sets that one cannot yet craft.People who don't want to pvp? Isn't gear from PVE good in pvp also?
Now you got my wheels turning. Yeah that shit would show up in the group window. Little icons by their names. My group healer isn't real happy with ESO default ui. He does concede, however, that mechanics are pretty different. Very little need to target heal, etc. Positional and smart heals rule the day. Hmm.. ship's gonna be interesting.I don't remember a lot about daoc, it's been so long. Could you see hots cast on someone with the default UI or dots cast on a mob or enemy player?
You can easily prevent that via API, so it's not even a subject.Bondurant, you lose credibility when, instead of logic, you use inflammatory language to describe people that disagree with you. I could go on, but I'm not in a mood to be verbose. Well, here's one way you're wrong: macros that you create via a Razor or whatever are very different than macros that automatically fire based on game events.
That is sort of what I understood. When you can pull straight from the game data then you can build reactive macros. If you cannot pull the data as it flows then your macros are harder to make autoreactive to game events.Bondurant, you lose credibility when, instead of logic, you use inflammatory language to describe people that disagree with you. I could go on, but I'm not in a mood to be verbose. Well, here's one way you're wrong: macros that you create via a Razor or whatever are very different than macros that automatically fire based on game events.
I agree with this - my group's healer isn't really happy. He's badass, though, so he'll adapt. Would be nice if they give more info about groupmates at least.That is sort of what I understood. When you can pull straight from the game data then you can build reactive macros. If you cannot pull the data as it flows then your macros are harder to make autoreactive to game events.
I am not some polyanna fanbois but I hope that they realize they have gone too far by not allowing healers to get information they need to heal. That's an actual in game problem and more important to me than not being able to make a good damage meter.