Imperials, also known as Cyrodilics, are humans native to the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil. Imperials are renowned throughout Tamriel as endowed orators, a trait bested only by their persistent and ardent approach to military expansion and development. This has profoundly fore-grounded Imperial social and political norms within modern Tamrielic cultures, contributing to the fortitude and esteem of the Empire and the Imperial Legion currently recognized throughout Tamriel. The Empire's dominion over Tamriel is a testimony to Imperial versatility. Having formed sturdy alliances with most of the humanoid races of Tamriel, and embraced the cultural conceptions of neighboring provinces into Imperial mores, the Cyrodilic Empire has managed to endure immense confrontation, for instance: the Oblivion Crisis, the Great War, and the Skyrim Civil War. In commemoration to their success, Imperials have erected a number of monuments to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Empire. The Imperials control most ports in Tamriel and are similar in appearance to Bretons but have a darker skin color, having the appearance of the real life inhabitants of Mediterranean countries