We could if you were willing to explain the basis for your opinions and have a real discussion. Unlike some people here, I wouldn't call you a faggot, shill, etc if I disagreed with you.I doubt you and I could come to terms or have a fruitful discussion on Elder Scrolls games or RPGs in general.
Are you VR1 yet?
Stop acting fucking obtuse and get off your cross. Your defending the design decisions by saying an Elder Scrolls game wouldn't work as a MMO because they were boring without mods. People complain about skills not going off and you come up with some bullshit about being stunned. Weapon switching not working? Why don't you quit!! Your probably one of the most dishonest and blinded posters here. You are incapable of an honest discussion on the game when every response is you calling people haters, pretending it doesn't even exist.What is it exactly I am defending this time around?
I'm beginning to think anytime I post in this thread it immediately causes some people to forget how to understand basic English.
What level did you make it to in PTS? If you don't mind me asking.We could if you were willing to explain the basis for your opinions and have a real discussion. Unlike some people here, I wouldn't call you a faggot, shill, etc if I disagreed with you.
Utnayan and Kedwyn picked up the ball so I'll just respond to them.
No to the VR1 question. Real life family time has priority over gaming. Level 36 as of last night.
Sounded like a very thorough review. Seems to confirm my experience from the beta. The game is just painfully average.
If they can fix the stability issues I would say it's still worth a purchase. The game does have some very entertaining things in it, it's just not a social game or a MMO experience.Sounded like a very thorough review. Seems to confirm my experience from the beta. The game is just painfully average.
This is the first major MMO that I didn't purchase on day one. So glad I made the right choice to skip this game.
I spent the 4 day weekend really playing for the first time and I think the angry review above was pretty accurate in most aspects. I think it really came off to me as a glorified single player game with a good amount of content which I think justifies the box cost pretty easily. I am also a fan of sub based mmo model personally, so that part was not an issue to me. The horse as a perk in the digital version was probably the dumbest design decision they could have possibly made imo. I only made it to 15 in that time, but the world size seems to be pretty large. The megaserver idea I thought was a bad idea. I just think it really detracts from the ability to form much of a community when you do not have separate servers. Of course I am primarily a PvE style player so take that opinion with a grain of salt. I have not participated in PvP yet, so am still unsure how much effect the megaserver variable has on it. Some of these things are personal preferences and can be taken as such, but as I said.. I think that review above does a fair job.If they can fix the stability issues I would say it's still worth a purchase. The game does have some very entertaining things in it, it's just not a social game or a MMO experience.
Anyone playing ES games from the past typically doesn't have a problem with no mounts as a primary means of travel. The reason being I think, is that if you're on a horse and speeding by things, you tend to not only miss a lot of stuff (such as gathering mats, little clues like notes, cracks in walls, etc) you make the game 'end' faster simply because you got to Point Z that much sooner on a horse.I spent the 4 day weekend really playing for the first time and I think the angry review above was pretty accurate in most aspects. I think it really came off to me as a glorified single player game with a good amount of content which I think justifies the box cost pretty easily. I am also a fan of sub based mmo model personally, so that part was not an issue to me. The horse as a perk in the digital version was probably the dumbest design decision they could have possibly made imo. I only made it to 15 in that time, but the world size seems to be pretty large.
Let's clear something up. I replied to someone yesterday about the creators of TES and founders of Bethesda also being the same people who founded Zenimax, the shit hit the fan, I got an infraction point, and then admitted my mistake of believing Weaver was still one of the decision makers at Zenimax when he isn't. If I'm factually wrong about something I will admit it.Makes a post with low quality, several people destroy the core of the post, one person makes an offhanded 'not even worth my time' type remark.
replies to the offhanded remark and tries to argue about bullshit
I always wonder why you don't just post on the TES forums.Let's clear something up. I replied to someone yesterday about the creators of TES and founders of Bethesda also being the same people who founded Zenimax, the shit hit the fan, I got an infraction point, and then admitted my mistake of believing Weaver was still one of the decision makers at Zenimax when he isn't. If I'm factually wrong about something I will admit it.
I suspect 2-3 months before launch Firor and his head staff were extremely worried about how big a failure cascade this was going to be. They were very much 'saved by the bell' by the reception to the PvP side of things and switched their efforts to that. Changing the beginning of the game was sheer desperation.I'm not sure based on anything I've seen and heard from Zeni that they were ever convinced the game wasn't anything else but a money grab and F2P. The cherry was the guaranteed 'polish' they coughed out a few days before launch.
They we're fantastic games even as vanilla.Only reason I ask is because IMO vanilla out of the box Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 were not very good single player RPGs. .
What we have here is a classic failure to communicate. Either I have done a poor job putting my thoughts into words, your interpretation of what I wrote is lacking, or worst case, you want to win an argument so bad you twist my words out of context, put words in my mouth I never said, etc. No need to read further if the latter.Stop acting fucking obtuse and get off your cross. Your defending the design decisions by saying an Elder Scrolls game wouldn't work as a MMO because they were boring without mods. People complain about skills not going off and you come up with some bullshit about being stunned. Weapon switching not working? Why don't you quit!! Your probably one of the most dishonest and blinded posters here. You are incapable of an honest discussion on the game when every response is you calling people haters, pretending it doesn't even exist.
What you will finally realize in the end is that no matter how much you love your beloved ESO, if they don't fix shit fast and address the problems there will be nobody left to play with. It might already be too late because of stupidity and incompetence. You can love something and criticize it at the same time because you want it to be better.
How the hell did they do it in Everquest then? They must have been wizards!In my opinion, there is absolutely no way that core design decision that worked in a sandbox single player game could ever be duplicated in a MMO required to be shipped by a certain date under a strict budget. I know a thing or two about software development and IMO it's completely unrealistic to think its even possible, at
least with current technology.
I point out the above because if ZOS actually decides to create a Fallout MMO, get ready to hear the same exact controversy discussed ad nauseum.
You would have an outstanding point if I only posted in one forum here. As ArcheAge gets closer to release, I'll probably spend more time over in that thread. Do you think people will get all bent out of shape if I like that game?I always wonder why you don't just post on the TES forums.
You only ever comment on one game that you're hardly ever critical of even though it has a crapload of faults, and you claim half the people either hate you or the game here so.. what's so good about this site that you keep swimming upstream?
I'm sure they will if you continue with your current contribution themes.You would have an outstanding point if I only posted in one forum here. As ArcheAge gets closer to release, I'll probably spend more time over in that thread. Do you think people will get all bent out of shape if I like that game?