The only swing and a miss was your months spent shilling this game. Months spent arguing with everyone about how TESO was going to be the Next Big Thing. Now I come back 6 months later and when I read several pages back to get an idea of how things are going, it looks like you and Rescorla are the only two people really defending the game. And when I started Googling around a bit I found even harsher criticisms than what I've read here.Aaaaand a swing and a miss! Don't kid yourself, they won't release #s until they have something awesome to say. Sometime after console release they'll make some kind of total sales brag.
As far as sales go, the only real place I found tracking sales has this:
The Elder Scrolls Online (Microsoft Windows) - Sales, Wiki, Cheats, Walkthrough, Release Date, Gameplay, ROM on VGChartz

410k. And that's how long after release? And I don't know what to say when you still think that the console sales of an MMO that's done this poorly will save it, especially when AFAIK we're talking about console sales of an MMO with a sub attached to it. I can imagine that a lot of console players will balk at the idea of a sub.
If you have a better source for numbers, though, let's see it.