It was my understanding that you would be able to continue playing on consoles once it was released for them without having to buy the game again, if you bought it on the PC? They stated something to that effect when they realized the console release was simply not going to happen this year.Strategically, it'd be smart if they bundled the console releases with a discount for PC players and a small expansion with new content. I'd buy this for the PS4, especially if they lower the sub costs to a reasonable rate or do a 'season pass' type of format.
I think you're right. The latest I heard is that the consoles will mirror PC accounts if you have PC - so you'll be able to play the same character, etc.It was my understanding that you would be able to continue playing on consoles once it was released for them without having to buy the game again, if you bought it on the PC? They stated something to that effect when they realized the console release was simply not going to happen this year.
(Also why I bought a collectors edition for $20 at the bargain bin)![]()
LOL, those knuckleheads.Apparently the newest patch 1.5.3 screw up the VR exp requirement (from 1.5m to 4m), I guess I am not playing it till they fix it some time this week as they claim. This is embarrassing.
Hi everyone,
We have identified the issue where you are unable to level up to a higher Veteran Rank even though you are continuing to gain XP. We are working on a fix for this as quickly as possible, but please be aware that you are not losing any XP by playing in the interim. Once we roll out the fix, all you'll need to do is earn one point of XP (by killing a monster or discovering a town) and you'll rank up to the correct Veteran Rank and receive skill points owed to you.
Also, we have heard your concerns about the overall amount of time it takes to earn Veteran Ranks, and are planning to reduce the amount of XP required to earn a Veteran Rank to 1,000,000 XP from 1,432,550 XP, decreasing the amount of time it takes to gain a Veteran Rank by a third. We're aiming to have this available to you in our next patch
I'm psyched.Confirms my suspicion that they are holding console release for when justice and champion systems are done.
Elder Scrolls Online
They need to wait til ArcheAge takes it's final poop so Tuco can transition back to this gem.I'm psyched.
The longer they hold onto it, the more likely it is to be re-released B2P or F2P, especially the console version.
-NPC AI has been upgraded and they will now perform activites such as sleeping, cleaning and taking walks among many other activities. An NPC could be sleeping in their home one moment and the next moment they could wake up and take a walk around town, go to the tavern, or go fishing in the nearest body of water.
-In addition to your bounty, you will now have a Heat meter. Heat measures how much you're wanted, and it works alot like Just Cause 2 in the fact that guards will come running after you, the amount of guards and bounty cost getting bigger every level of heat, and if you manage to hide your heat meter will cool off. Guards will kill you on sight above a certain level of heat. If lower, they will stop you and attempt to arrest you.
-There will not be jails in the first phase of the Justice System in Update 6, although they are talking about adding it for Phase 2.
-Cities will have hidden Outlaw hideouts where fences are located, as well as safe havens from guards.
-You will have a fame and infamy level, which determines NPC's reactions towards you. For example, a high infamy may cause vendors to set higher prices for their goods or even not sell to you at all, although you can still steal their goods. A high fame meter affects positive NPC behaviour, and having higher fame may get you lower prices at vendors. Infamy is increased by criminal activities e.g pickpocketing, murder, while fame is increased by acts such as stopping criminals as an enforcer, or completing quests.
-Killing livestock will count as murder.
-Animals cannot witness crimes.
-If you kill everyone that witnesses your crime, your bounty and heat meter will be cleared.
-A list of all known crimes is: Murder, Theft, Assault, Pickpocketing, turning into Werewolf Form, being a Stage 4 Vampire, feeding on people as a Vampire, breaking into houses, trespassing, and aiming weapons at people.
-Enforcers vs. Outlaws is a prominent part of the system, with PvE activites for both sides having a big role.
-You can become a guard in PvE and catch criminals. This will also increase your fame.
-There will be skill lines that revolve around the Justice System.
-The time of day may play a role in the system, and affects when shops are open and NPCs are sleeping in houses.
-All houses now have locks on them, and you need to use lockpicking to get in. Make sure you aren't spotted or guards will come running after you.
Houses now have some extra goodies inside, such as safes and lockboxes.