I quit after the expansion came out but I did read they allow you to change traits on items, so I can see ESO being better. I got super burnt out making 10 crafters and trying to rank on VMA boards with my pet/necro sorc. The game was fun but damn felt like a job when you're doing 10 crafter dailies everyday, it was decent money but work cause I was also doing all their research which meant having to create items and transfer them over every random interval of time (due to 10 chars finishing research at different times of the day).
In the end seemed like motifs made more of a difference than research, had access to a friends char with all traits researched but he had low motifs and I got better writs than he did with 75% of the traits done. Warden was a fun char, I made a tank warden, a pvp destro warden and was finishing up an ice pve destro warden towards the end of my burnout.
Also battlegrounds, I had a sick destroblade but the proc sets were just ruining battlegrounds which also burned me out.
If I can say anything about ESO its the guilds that make it better. Find two trading guilds that have traders in craglorn, best traffic for selling items, you can even overprice and still sell. Use tamriel trade centre for searching your items, generally the most recent searched items are bought out. Sometimes you can find good deals before they show up on tamriel too. I had two decent raiding guilds that did pug raids within the guild so I could get moondancer easily. Also had a good pvp guild for emperor which I managed to snag on a nice tuesday reset within 4 hours of game being up. Without the guilds I would have quit awhile back.
Also pay attention to the people who make builds, like before warden was released, alcast had released his own build for warden tank, I bought my whole setup for super cheap, then warden came out and the green pact and other set I bought skyrocketed in price. I remember I bought a greenpact defending mace for like 2k then 2 days later it was selling for 150-200k (I was also first to see it before tamriel listed it so that helped). U can make some decent money predicting what set will be the best next, or which trait. When they made charged good I bought up decent amount of charged destro staves and made good profit before people realized charged was good.