The Elder Scrolls Online


Beta Invites go out End of March 2013.

Your Beta Questions Answered

When does testing start?

We held our first small friends-and-family test on February 28th. Invitations to the general public for the first round of beta events will be sent around the end of March. We'll post notifications on our website and social media channels whenever we send a batch of invitations. When we do, check the e-mail address you used to register for the beta. If you've been selected, you'll receive an invitation with instructions
- See more at:


release date Wednesday Nov. 27
Imma bettin' man
With the beta Schedule they are about to start, can see it going Open beta , going Gold little before that.

However that does not mean it be ready, or wont suck.

We know all to soon, once some here get in the beta if its Hero engine crap as well, that they claim still was just White board.


Hello everyone! I was pleased to find this little corner of the internet; I used to lurk on FOH for years and years. Hats off to Draegan for keeping this kind of MMO conversation alive.

Anyway, I just wanted to, for the record, say that I think TESO is going to be good. I read all of your posts here, and I can see most of you admit the inevitable - you'll be buying this game. I find the talk of Hero Engine amusing. It will be interesting to see what the first beta leaks say. It should be fairly obvious if the devs are lying or not about using HE as a whiteboard in the early days while they developed an engine for TESO from the ground up. Consider this: what would happen in SWTOR if you tried to pvp with 200 people on your screen on Ilum. Forget that, what if you had 2k people in the zone? LOL.

I didn't listen to the "neckbeard" video, but it seemed, after one of you posted that, that the consensus was that this game will have a lot of "collect 10 bear asses" quests? What I've read in most of the alpha reviews is that there aren't a lot of those - that you basically get to wander where you want and do things that seem interesting to you. Maybe that's not true, but I'm interested in finding out.

One other hot topic: the graphics and animations. I thought the graphics were good, and that the animations were a bit off in the original "introduction to TESO" video. I'm hoping they've received some polish - that was released quite a while ago. Most of the alpha reviewers say that the animations are fluid and responsive. Of course, hearsay is fairly worthless, I know. I'm just keeping an open mind.

With regard to ex-DAOC devs ruining their rep in WAR and SWTOR - those guys are the dregs that were left at Mythic long after our buddy Matt Firor left with his cherry picked team to begin work on TESO in 2007. I'm giving these guys the benefit of the doubt because from the rumors I've heard, they were the ones responsible for the good stuff in DAOC.

Okay, so having looked at all the things I'm "giving the benefit of the doubt" on, I can see that maybe I'm being a bit too optimistic. I'm not a young kid - I've fallen for the hype with Vanguard and EQ2 and AOC like the rest of you. I didn't buy into TERA and GW2 because of my jadedness, probably because my ass was still sore form SWTOR. I dunno why, but I feel pretty optimistic about this game, though. We'll see what happens.
Welcome. I'm mostly optimistic about this game as well. However, my expectations for the mmorpg genre are so low thats not saying much. The feature I'm not liking the most so far is the three hard factions. That's kinda a big fail IMO.


Welcome. I'm mostly optimistic about this game as well. However, my expectations for the mmorpg genre are so low thats not saying much. The feature I'm not liking the most so far is the three hard factions. That's kinda a big fail IMO.
This pretty much. I wish games would stop doing the WoW set faction trend (not sure if WoW was the first or not, but I'm blaming them for starting it) and look at how a game like EQ did factions. Everyone could play together...just couldn't go in people's cities if they didn't like you etc. Honestly felt much more meaningful than forcing people to play against each other. The game will really have to be impressive for me to actually buy it and play it...and the main reasoning being the 3 faction thing. I don't understand why game devs think it's a good idea to split their player base into factions. I mean does it really matter for PvP...who cares if you PvP against someone who is your own race. :/


This pretty much. I wish games would stop doing the WoW set faction trend (not sure if WoW was the first or not, but I'm blaming them for starting it) and look at how a game like EQ did factions. Everyone could play together...just couldn't go in people's cities if they didn't like you etc. Honestly felt much more meaningful than forcing people to play against each other. The game will really have to be impressive for me to actually buy it and play it...and the main reasoning being the 3 faction thing. I don't understand why game devs think it's a good idea to split their player base into factions. I mean does it really matter for PvP...who cares if you PvP against someone who is your own race. :/
I'm pretty sure they aren't basing this on WOW factions but more on DAOC's RVR. The locked factions create a sense of community and animosity toward the other factions that really can enhance the alliance vs. alliance experience. I've only ever seen that work in DAOC, and have seen it fail in various other games, so your point has some validity. I'm just hoping they'll pull it off, I guess.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
With regard to ex-DAOC devs ruining their rep in WAR and SWTOR - those guys are the dregs that were left at Mythic long after our buddy Matt Firor left with his cherry picked team to begin work on TESO in 2007. I'm giving these guys the benefit of the doubt because from the rumors I've heard, they were the ones responsible for the good stuff in DAOC.
You heard wrong. Matt Firor was responsible for the worst decisions in DAOC starting with ToA and ending in New Frontiers. No offense, but your post reads like an advertisement.

No offense intended (Again) if I am wrong, but people here are not stupid. I would suggest being a little less obvious next time you want to start to grass roots. If that is not your intent, here is a brief current events lesson.

There is nothing released about this game, and we all know better than to speculate hopes until then. There is one fact that I do know about. This project has been stop started three times since 2006. What they have put together has been mashed in, in 18 months. That is one thing Matt Firor is good at. Since he did the same with DAOC back in 2001 and it resulted in a half finished post 35+ unitemized game with artificial bugs to stall RvR 3 months post launch until it could be finished.They may as well just call it Team Deathmatch and call it a day.

What we also know is that each zone will be instanced over a 2k cap. On one server, which will mitigate any impact one has on the 3 faction war. Dynamic Call of Duty instancing for RvR's sake is not what the genre needs for the sake of a cheap way out via a virtualized server, which will kill any persistance the world * should * have. Meaning it will not be fun when one is trying to make an impact on the world when they log back in and realize what they just fought for is on Cryodill(8) and they just logged into Cyrodil (4) and nothing they, or their group/raid/guild did, matters.


Wow, Ut. I'll give it to you that someone being positive about a game might sound shillish - I've heard this before, lol. However, your rant reads like a bad fiction novel. Where do you get info that this game has been stop started three times since 2006? I'd love to know more.

With regard to Firor and TOA and NF - well, I guess my bad news for you is that I actually enjoyed the shit outta TOA and New Frontiers. It was challenging, that's true, but once you had arties the game became pretty interesting - I loved popping stealthers with SL, and dropping banelord bombs, etc.

Your info about the mega server and the way Cyrodil is handled is also way off what has been described by devs. Each player will be assigned to a Cyrodil "campaign' which means that every time you go to Cyrodil you will be in the exact same instance you were in every other time you went there. Same with all the other players from your faction and the others. That means you always have the same objective status and the same enemies in that "campaign." It was described as a virtual server. The rest of the world is not handled that way, and instancing will take place based on population and optimum zone population. If you are in a secluded forest zone, the optimum pop will be lower than a city marketplace, so it will instance more frequently. Seriously dude, at least look at the released info if you are gonna spew a bunch of "facts." Which brings me to my next point:

You said, "There is nothing released about this game..." Seriously? I agree there certainly could be MORE released, but there has been a lot. You could start here:

This guy has compiled a ton of info and it's all sourced, with links.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You are more than welcome to your opinion obviously, but it is mine that Matt Firor is a douche. That's the opinion of a lot of folks in the industry. His ideas are stale, his mechanics are worse, and I am sorry but if he hired folks on the buddy system, which you also have posted (Hand picked I believe is the word) that should spell out a few things. Again, relic designers that should be out of the industry and get some fresh blood in. Yes, the game has had three stop starts. It is on it's forth incarnation. This isn't anything new for the genre or the industry, but it also spells out how games can ship incomplete, buggy, rushed foresight development; which results in, typically, a poor game. Yes, it's been in true development now for 18 months. (Maybe a little more. Late Summer of 2011 was the last stop start) and has been a horribly mismanaged product the four years prior.

Paul Sage is, quite honestly, one of the worst deflectors of pointed questions in this industry. Almost as bad as James Ohlen. At least Ohlen hasa credible history of designing games - which is really, where he should have stayed.

Your explanation of Cyrodil is spot on. Pardon me as I will not be excited to partake in an RvR 3 faction war which is supposed to impact the world, statically, which will be nothing more than a spin off event with a loot carrot on an instanced shard per server bringing a 3 hour Call of Duty match to the game. (To be fair, pretty much everything is like this - but at least the majority of them are static to the server and not copied instances. But Firor doesn't care about that. He is too stupid to design around it. As is his crew. Which as of now, is locking guilds to a specific instance, regardless of what the player wants to do independently. This also doesn't touch on locking players out of content for 2/3rds of the game based on faction choice. Which quite frankly, players are tired of.

ToA and New Frontiers was univerally panned and as such, a shit ton of subs fell off. The scapegoat obviously being World of Warcraft, saturation in the market, and the ever so nicely put, end of the cash cow at the cliff of a product life cycle. It brought forth changes no one wanted. I would be curious what you thought was great about ToA and New Frontiers from a bullet pointed microview of it's features. Becfause it took me about 4 seconds to see this on Amazon. Of which 16 of 17 people agreed. Which leads me to not rescind my earlier comments about you schilling. However, this guy said it best in my opinion.

With ToA, what Mythic has done is to force players who want to be competitive in RvR to endure a HORRIBLY time-consuming process of getting 'master levels' and insanely powerful artifacts that unbalance the game even more. It's Everquest tedium all over again to get the latest, greatest ML or item, with the exception that the PvE fighting is much, much worse. Now DAoC consists of a crazy arms race with two categories of people: Powergamers in large/elite powerguilds who can devote hundreds of hours a month on a computer game, and casual players who play when classes/jobs/social life allows. Casual players are leaving the game en masse. Playing DAoC now necessitates a huge time commitment to PvE in order to enjoy the RvR element which is what most customers enjoyed. DAoC has an environment now where the uber players rule and casual players drool. Elite powergamers will stick to the party line of "Oh you don't NEED to do MLs and artifacts to compete", because they like having people around to slaughter like cattle. Unfortunately, this situation isn't much fun for the cow.

The new timesinks involve camping the same monsters for hundreds of hours to "level up" items, waiting for hours hoping a certain monster spawns, and hoping you can get into trips with the power guilds for hours at a time to complete stages of quests.

Did I mention that ToA has more bugs than most beta tests? Practically daily, Mythic publishes patches to problems in ToA rather than making fundamental game changes that customers really want.

Mythic really slit their own throats with this one. Save your money for a computer game that can be enjoyable, rather than a second job that you have to pay for.
New Frontiers was heralded the same. So I am not sure if your memory is fuzzy, it's been a while.

With that said, Bethesda didn't even want this game introduced. And unfortunately, Zenimax forced it down. I apologize as I do not have much faith in anyone that hires not only Matt Firor, but then goes on to hire Rich Vogel of all people to head up Battlecry Studios. The decision making process aside from Bethesda Softworks who they typically leave alone (Thank God) is horrid. The fact that Paul Sage and Matt Firor are behind this title, speaks volumes. It is a good thing they built around Hero Engine (Which is another hilarious side step from these mouth breathers) because they are going to need to shit out content at an enormous rate since they plan to ship in October.

As with everything, we will see. But the fact they are also planning on charging a sub fee with a plan of pay to play (Buy the box similar to Secret World) within the first year of the launch date (This is not known out in the wild yet) is nothing short of amazing given the market curently. There is absolutely no reason to be fired up for this title. It's a mix of WAR, DAOC, and SWTOR full voiced acting which is sinking their development costs (Aside from Firor having no clue and tanking roughly $45 million in vapor money fumes for 4 years prior to 2011) And this launch will most definitely not be pretty. Ofcourse, it will ship. And that's all Zenimax wants at this point banking on the IP to sell the boxes and recoup their horrible investment and belief in Firor. What astounds me is the hiring of Vogel after his disasterous blow out of $300+ million with SWTOR. But hey, it shipped right? That's all that counts any more.

Obviously, for your sake, I hope I am wrong. But it doesn't take a crystal ball here to predict otherwise.

Edit: Also, for your information, a majority of SWTOR was developed by contractors.


Just a Nurse
This pretty much. I wish games would stop doing the WoW set faction trend (not sure if WoW was the first or not, but I'm blaming them for starting it)
Uhm, yeah, you're wrong. I'm sure there were others, but, DAoC had distinct factions where each faction hated the other ones. WoW was not the first.

edit: Like Ut said, ToA was boggled down with bugs where you could not complete trials and the fact that you had to do them just to compete made it even worse. ToA didn't kill DAoC for me. New Frontiers did. What an abortion of an expansion.


Your explanation of Cyrodil is spot on. Pardon me as I will not be excited to partake in an RvR 3 faction war which is supposed to impact the world, statically, which will be nothing more than a spin off event with a loot carrot on an instanced shard per server bringing a 3 hour Call of Duty match to the game. (To be fair, pretty much everything is like this - but at least the majority of them are static to the server and not copied instances. But Firor doesn't care about that. He is too stupid to design around it. As is his crew. Which as of now, is locking guilds to a specific instance, regardless of what the player wants to do independently. This also doesn't touch on locking players out of content for 2/3rds of the game based on faction choice. Which quite frankly, players are tired of.
Really not sure if you just are interpreting differently than I am or what. Ithinkyou are a smart guy, so maybe it's your pessimistic outlook clouding your comprehension? Let me try again: Your character will alwaysperceivethe same Cyrodil. You will always zone into the same Cyrodil. It is a massive zone, as big as the game world of Oblivion. It is not a 3 hour death match. I would imagine 2000 is a soft cap, and I'm sure if you have 30 friends and they are all part of a Cyrodil campaign that is at cap, you'll be able to join it. They did say you'd be able to move campaigns to play with friends, but there were restrictions on this to avoid faction hopping.I think they've thought this through more than you are willing to give credit.

Your post was confusing to me. I asked for some more info about the 'stop starts' and you just repeated what you already said. What are your sources? I would love to find out something juicy like that, but I can't just take your word for it.

Most of what you post are personal rants against people like Paul Sage and Matt Firor. I don't know either of them personally, but they seem like decent guys and are largely responsible for two pretty awesome games. Did they refuse to talk to you at a Comic Con or something?

I really don't know why you linked me a review about TOA from Amazon. I didn't read it, as I lived it, and I know what I like and don't like. Contrary to popular belief there were tens of thousands of people still playing DAOC long after TOA came out. We adapted and enjoyed the game. It died a long, slow death (technically it's still alive, but you get what I mean.)

So from what I gather, your main complaints about TESO are either fabricated in your head (or so secret you can't tell me how you know about them), or personal bias against some of the developers.I think I'll go ahead and stay optimistic, but thanks.


Trump's Staff
I find it hard not to basically agree with everything Utnayan says in every thread. I stopped playing and enjoying these boring clones with 0 innovation long before I stopped working on them, I think the last time I actually enjoyed one was WoW (Vanilla + Burning Crusade). I have little to no faith that this game will be anything but another boring clone that will flame out as quickly as SWTOR did if it is lucky. It sounds and looks EXACTLY like what everyone has long since tired of.

Blackwulf sounds like one of those guerrilla marketers companies say they never hire but really do.


I find it hard not to basically agree with everything Utnayan says in every thread. I stopped playing and enjoying these boring clones with 0 innovation long before I stopped working on them, I think the last time I actually enjoyed one was WoW (Vanilla + Burning Crusade). I have little to no faith that this game will be anything but another boring clone that will flame out as quickly as SWTOR did if it is lucky. It sounds and looks EXACTLY like what everyone has long since tired of.

Blackwulf sounds like one of those guerrilla marketers companies say they never hire but really do.
This whole schill thing gets so old. I know it's my fault for only now creating my account. If VN boards were around I could show you my fucking old ass vn login where I used to post about games and stuff. I've made accounts on various game sites as I was waiting for them, and I've lurked and enjoyed the drama on FOH for years and years. I came upon these boards in my hunt for what happened to FOH, and that's that. If it gives you guys a thrill to think I'm getting some kinda check from Zenimax, go for it.

As to your point - I suppose you are right. What game hasn't let us down in recent history? I like DDO - but that's because it is what it is. It surely doesn't fill that role in my mind as a true MMO world. The last one that I really enjoyed as a game world was DAOC. EQ2 was a huge letdown, AOC, SWTOR, WAR. I mean seriously, just going by history, I should probably expect this game to suck balls.

I think part of it is that I'm just fuckin getting old waiting for a decent MMO. LOL. I WANT this one to actually be good. I do, in the back of my mind, accept the fact that there is a large % chance that it will suck. Another part of it is that people on these forums like this are so quick to be jaded and say a game is going to suck, cause that's the easy thing to do. I could just chime in and say, "yep!" but what fun would that be? Can't really have a discussion if everyone just says, "yep, gonna suck."


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Your post was confusing to me. I asked for some more info about the 'stop starts' and you just repeated what you already said. What are your sources? I would love to find out something juicy like that, but I can't just take your word for it.
I won't be able to quote a source as it is insider information. (Sorry Mkopec
) With that said, what I will say is that it is fairly obvious given this has been in "Development" for 7 years and the web site launched in October of 2012, with absolutely zero gameplay videos. To an average outsider that doesn't know any of the ins and outs or given specific information from those in the know of the project, and a plethora of talk but no action videos consisting of 80% fluff, anyone with a pulse can see that given any history in following these games. Thanks for the compliment of being a smart guy,I will return that compliment, and know that you should be able to deduce what I just said on your own.

Most of what you post are personal rants against people like Paul Sage and Matt Firor. I don't know either of them personally, but they seem like decent guys and are largely responsible for two pretty awesome games. Did they refuse to talk to you at a Comic Con or something?
There isn't anything personal. I am sure they are decent enough people who are playing the game in this industry like anyone else does. But quite frankly, whether you believe it or not, they suck at development and are horrible managers of product development and scheduling/managing. You have an opinion that isn't shared by a very strong majority out there that played ToA and New Frontiers, which destroyed the game for dang near everyone, save apparently, for you. Matt Firor might be the best dad and family man in the world, and a good guy from a personal level. I don't know him on that level either. I do know for a fact that he is terrible at managing and keeping people on track, and his products suffer for it as a result. Case in point, DAOC's launching with all post level 35 itemization incomplete and an entire end game artificially stalled for 3 months to finish what should have been playable, wasting resources finishing what was already sold rather than future development. I realize that DAOC's development was almost vaporware as a result. DAOC almost didn't ship. Matt Firor is incapable of streamlined management to produce a solid bug free game, and this title is now in rush mode to complete.

I really don't know why you linked me a review about TOA from Amazon. I didn't read it, as I lived it, and I know what I like and don't like. Contrary to popular belief there were tens of thousands of people still playing DAOC long after TOA came out. We adapted and enjoyed the game. It died a long, slow death (technically it's still alive, but you get what I mean.)
As I said before, you are entitled to your opinion. I can assure you it flies in the face of most, and if it was to be replicated (which there are a lot of similarities between ToA and New Frontiers that is making it's way into ESO.) it will fail. It goes back to another post in the 38 studios thread where fresh meat is needed in this game, and the incestuous relationship of dev house hopping that has kept the genre from realizing any of it's full potential. The last time fresh meat came into the game, the marget cap went from 500k to 12 million. Now? Those relic designers trying to reproduce that have fallen on their ass. Why? They have become victims of playing the game in the industry to yes men who won't strive for differentiation in the genre. Matt Firor and Paul Sage are the epitome of this. An Ultima Online relic, and a DAOC relic. Their time has come and gone, and they are hurting the industry more than helping it along.

So from what I gather, your main complaints about TESO are either fabricated in your head (or so secret you can't tell me how you know about them), or personal bias against some of the developers.I think I'll go ahead and stay optimistic, but thanks.
They are not fabricated in my head. But you have a job to do here apparentely, so don't let me get in the way of your marketing. Just remember, it probably isn't a good idea to talk about how great some folks are when there are not only people here that work in the industry, but know the work styles of those same people. You lost your credibility when you praised New Frontiers and Trials of Atlantis and then tried to say that Firor wasn't a part of the Mythic that worked on SWTOR (Which he wasn't) when you failed to note that over 80% of the team were contractors and didn't work for Mythic either.

Carry on Anthony Sulivan.


Trump's Staff
This whole schill thing gets so old. I know it's my fault for only now creating my account. If VN boards were around I could show you my fucking old ass vn login where I used to post about games and stuff. I've made accounts on various game sites as I was waiting for them, and I've lurked and enjoyed the drama on FOH for years and years. I came upon these boards in my hunt for what happened to FOH, and that's that. If it gives you guys a thrill to think I'm getting some kinda check from Zenimax, go for it...
I am sorry, but if you are that much of an old hat at this, and you still buy the lines being fed to you... I don't know what to say. The pattern this game is miming is near identical to all of the ones you previously mentioned.


I find it hard not to basically agree with everything Utnayan says in every thread. I stopped playing and enjoying these boring clones with 0 innovation long before I stopped working on them, I think the last time I actually enjoyed one was WoW (Vanilla + Burning Crusade). I have little to no faith that this game will be anything but another boring clone that will flame out as quickly as SWTOR did if it is lucky. It sounds and looks EXACTLY like what everyone has long since tired of.

Blackwulf sounds like one of those guerrilla marketers companies say they never hire but really do.
Hey Teso Devs,

Can I borrow the Whiteboard for a while?


They only real reason I hold out some hope here as it looks like more of a "Guild Wars 2" clone, than a "WoW Clone" so it may have some some hope.