The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Black helicopters!

This is the only handle I've ever used. And I'm a nobody...just like you. And please don't act like you don't love the attention. You crave it.

I will do you one favor...I live in Chicago. Now you don't have to waste time tracking my ISP to figure out what game company I must be secretly pimping for.
I never said you were moron. I said you are an Internet stalker. And you are. And seriously, crave attention? Go outside it's the fucking Internet.

Meanwhile, in adult land, let's talk about the shit show the pvp beta was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No. Bonderant is in the beta and knows how much it sucks. He confirmed what I said before. Nothing more, nothing less. He's a good dude.
I would have liked to be in it, because level 50 PvP Stress Test could be quite informative, but I'm afraid I'm not in any ESO beta / Stress Test right now. I know some guy being on it but he seems to enjoy the game enough to keep his account for himself, all I have is beta info anyone with an Internet connection and Google could have. Bonderant is pleased being called a good dude, but Bonderant ain't in no ESO beta right now, yo. Anyone here could pretend he's on the beta since it can't be proven without producing actual screenshot / video leaks, which is dumb because 1. watermarks and 2. enforced here. Let's wait for video leaks about this weekend's Stress Test, since Cyrodiil is the big game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You never fail to amuse, Ut. Wondering if anyone will break NDA to reply to you. I can say this - I wouldn't
NDAs exist for three reasons. 1) to protect trade secrets and new game design. 2) To protect content privileges for journalists for previews. 3) To protect box sales for a shitty game. I guarantee you number one doesn't exist. Number two doesn't matter here, which leaves number three.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The test was fucking disastrous. Wtf wont they fix first person mode.
From what I hear, they can't. And they only threw in a camera zoom because of complaints. And to try and sell it as another skyrim.


Just how bad is this game? It's hard to tell when people rage so hard about it. It makes it sound like a totally unplayable piece of shit. But is it? Is it worse than Rift? Worse than Warhammer Online? Worse than Age of Conan with its 10 levels of content? Worse than TSW?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just how bad is this game? It's hard to tell when people rage so hard about it. It makes it sound like a totally unplayable piece of shit. But is it? Is it worse than Rift? Worse than Warhammer Online? Worse than Age of Conan with its 10 levels of content? Worse than TSW?
At least those games did something different. So yes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Oh hey look at that. You fucking morons. Dear teso employees, get the fuck off this forum and shut the fuck up. You all have more important things to do. Like kissing firors yes man ass to save your job which 80% of you will have end in April.
Go fuck yourself dude. You have so much ESOL hate sand down there in your vag that you just can't stop yourself from posting constant dribble about this game in this thread. It's a game play it or don't but being a constant bleeding cunt on this thread makes me want to scratch out my eyes reading every post you make.

Google my forum tag if you think I am blackwulf. No idea if I will even purchase ESOL but I must say regardless if any negatives I experienced this weekend the devs were right with the engine being able handle large scale players fighting fairly smoothly.

In conclusion , yes go fuck yourself.


Just how bad is this game? It's hard to tell when people rage so hard about it. It makes it sound like a totally unplayable piece of shit. But is it? Is it worse than Rift? Worse than Warhammer Online? Worse than Age of Conan with its 10 levels of content? Worse than TSW?
Apples and Oranges. AOC did a wonderful snowjob as it's initial game was great fun, and it's endgame design document with sieges and PVP was stellar. There were huge gaping holes in the content, design, itemization, and the entire endgame was not close to even in alpha when the game was released. That said AOCs combat was fun.

My only knowledge of TESO so far is in two long sessions playing. My opinion is the graphics are poor, but more importantly the combat and controls are really bad. I can't say if they'll have the issues that other games have had, because I can't get past the really bad display, shoddy console like feel of the game, and poor combat.

The more I think about it, the more I feel their goal to make this a console and PC game is really killing the PC 'feel' of it.

I can't believe Zenimax with the Elder Scrolls original team, and iD on board can't help their online group fix this game to look stellar and be responsive and fun to play. Right now it's neither and that's disturbing.

I think just about the only thing that'll save this game is if they buy Trion, shitcan Rift, and overlay ESO on top of it using Trion's graphics, combat engine, and backend technology which are all stellar and use ESO's lore. Win/Win.


Ancient MMO noob
Words I got from buddies regarding to RVR(WvW or whatever they call it) in ESO

I did end up getting to pvp in ESO this weekend though for a few hours.

It's a mashup of Skyrim of DAOC and prob a little bit of GW2

The Skyrim influence comes from the look of the world's look, the way the game plays (first person and third person work on all classes and whatnot) and the vibe the game gets.

The map felt like it was about 4 to 6 x the size of the GW2 map I think..possibly bigger this is without the center part being open, so no comment on that it may make it feel a bit bigger. (This is a guestimation , I was using the teleports and the mount to get around.. I did at one point try to run somewhere and it felt like it was taking a lifetime)

There are raid groups where you'll get everyone's name and health bar put on your screen. I think the groups were 4 or 5 people large and I think the largest group I was in was 5 or 6, with offline characters being stuck so not really those #s.

The game resembles DAOC alot in the sense that there is a great deal of crowd control, and the keeps/towers.etc... will have teleport lines that can be broken by taking something deep in the land to break the teleport chain. There are also elder scrolls that can be captured that I believe will act a lot like relics , though I did't really look into them while I was playing, as I wanted to see the combat and whatnot.

Good group makeup outside of a zerg will be a must, lots of theory crafting, lots of build options, endless possibility.

There are mounts in PVP, as of right now.. you can be basically fucked while riding one if someone jumps you. To mount and dismount you need to hit H, combat won't knock you off in my experience. You'll be running for a lifetime without one (not sure there is any speed buffs from a class, prob not)

Keeps are well designed, I believe walls can be broken... I missed it if its the case, but I saw wall health. The door visually looks busted if it isn't full health, which is cool.

There are keeps, tower type deals, some shrine type things, then resource type places farm/lumber yard..blah blah blah

So some things a small group (havoc style) will be able to do alone, other things like keeps will require a decent size force if there are defenders.

Small groups can and will destroy some larger groups.

You can and will be destroyed faster then you'd like too, the health bars don't sustain damage as well as in other modern games. (reference back to being killed while on a mount in like 3/4 shots)

Some siege (like rams) are definitely movable, though not sure about balistas and such.

You get two builds on your character you can switch via character screen and it takes a few seconds to swap.

I messed around with a Templar and a Nightblade.

The Templar will be the healing class. I ran two builds one for healing with some offensive spells and the other was a 2h sword build.

The healing one felt well.. I wasn't in a group where I really knew the impact I was making, though I did swap to it during a fight and help when we were clearly losing, and we won. The 2h build felt like beast mode, I was winning 1 on 1 fights with archers that jumped me and with another guy fighting along side of me we trained multiple casters rather quickly.

The Nightblade was pretty cool, I don't have a lot to comment on it because I honestly set him up quick to what I wanted with being solo in mind. I believe they had some solid group traits, but they'll be scouts for sure, as well as siege sabotagers.

I didn't play one, but the sorc will be the main CC, and there is plenty plenty of it.


Hit enter too soon - editing

I've got beta account for this and wild star and have given extra away on both, but am not touching either any more with my own for different reasons unless some world shattering changes are made.

Short version for ESO for me is this , it seems so far they have erred on the side of fucking the pc side of things to make it fly well on the console side - might change who knows , and I realize I'm going to get the " it's beta o course it's shit , it's running debug code blah blah" , but those same people will be telling folks there will be a miracle patch on launch day too. We all know the history of miracle patches.

Unless they overhaul the hell out of the engine and controls it feels like a shitty console port - last thing I want in an mmo.

FFXIV seems to have chosen the proper route and screw the PS3 players with more lag and less options and so on.

If ESO would choose to make the PC side more important I'd try beta again , but ATM it feels terrible on the pc side to me.

Lord Blanco_sl

I can't sit idle any longer and have the screaming eagles from the anxiety i have, reading the make believe shit on this forum and I am not one to blatantly ignore an NDA, but I will say a few small things. First of all, I was in the PVP weekend in Cyrodiil, logged around 18-22 hrs and nearly everything Utnayan (and a couple others) have said is a complete load of shit.

1. The server had about 98% uptime. There were a few server crashes with rollbacks, but they weren't very big, and the server was up about 5 minutes after the crash. Not bad considering it was the FIRST major test of Cyrodiil.

2. It is nothing like COD. I've logged hundreds of hours on multiple COD games and i'd honestly feel like a full retard, if i tried to tell someone this game mirrored it.. And that's if i don't burst in to laughter first because of how dumb that statement would be. If you want to know what it felt like, I can most closely compare it to DAOC in terms of PVP, and Skyrim in terms of the world. Both games, DAOC and Skyrim - Fucking legit. Smells like a good combo already, doesn't it?

3. The zone is huge. <-- yes that says huge.

4. The graphics are stunning. The guys on here saying they played it and the graphics sucked either: A - haven't played it. B - played a build very different from what I've seen. or C - have shitty fucking computers, dialing the graphics way down and are playing on some goodwill projection monitor from 98'

5. Comments on the beta forums are overwhelmingly positive. Most of the negatives are things that Zenimax can easily tweak (if they so choose.)

That's all I'm going to say.


I can't sit idle any longer and have the screaming eagles from the anxiety i have, reading the make believe shit on this forum and I am not one to blatantly ignore an NDA, but I will say a few small things. First of all, I was in the PVP weekend in Cyrodiil, logged around 18-22 hrs and nearly everything Utnayan (and a couple others) have said is a complete load of shit.

1. The server had about 98% uptime. There were a few server crashes with rollbacks, but they weren't very big, and the server was up about 5 minutes after the crash. Not bad considering it was the FIRST major test of Cyrodiil.

2. It is nothing like COD. I've logged hundreds of hours on multiple COD games and i'd honestly feel like a full retard, if i tried to tell someone this game mirrored it.. And that's if i don't burst in to laughter first because of how dumb that statement would be. If you want to know what it felt like, I can most closely compare it to DAOC in terms of PVP, and Skyrim in terms of the world. Both games, DAOC and Skyrim - Fucking legit. Smells like a good combo already, doesn't it?

3. The zone is huge. <-- yes that says huge.

4. The graphics are stunning. The guys on here saying they played it and the graphics sucked either: A - haven't played it. B - played a build very different from what I've seen. or C - have shitty fucking computers, dialing the graphics way down and are playing on some goodwill projection monitor from 98'

5. Comments on the beta forums are overwhelmingly positive. Most of the negatives are things that Zenimax can easily tweak (if they so choose.)

That's all I'm going to say.
Hey I'm not accusing you of anything just pointing out its strange for you to come out and pretty much say exactly what the dude a few posts above you said with a posetive spin on it. Wierd timing just saying.i don't know anything about eso pvp so I have no comment on it.


I can't sit idle any longer and have the screaming eagles from the anxiety i have, reading the make believe shit on this forum and I am not one to blatantly ignore an NDA, but I will say a few small things. First of all, I was in the PVP weekend in Cyrodiil, logged around 18-22 hrs and nearly everything Utnayan (and a couple others) have said is a complete load of shit.

1. The server had about 98% uptime. There were a few server crashes with rollbacks, but they weren't very big, and the server was up about 5 minutes after the crash. Not bad considering it was the FIRST major test of Cyrodiil.

2. It is nothing like COD. I've logged hundreds of hours on multiple COD games and i'd honestly feel like a full retard, if i tried to tell someone this game mirrored it.. And that's if i don't burst in to laughter first because of how dumb that statement would be. If you want to know what it felt like, I can most closely compare it to DAOC in terms of PVP, and Skyrim in terms of the world. Both games, DAOC and Skyrim - Fucking legit. Smells like a good combo already, doesn't it?

3. The zone is huge. <-- yes that says huge.

4. The graphics are stunning. The guys on here saying they played it and the graphics sucked either: A - haven't played it. B - played a build very different from what I've seen. or C - have shitty fucking computers, dialing the graphics way down and are playing on some goodwill projection monitor from 98'

5. Comments on the beta forums are overwhelmingly positive. Most of the negatives are things that Zenimax can easily tweak (if they so choose.)

That's all I'm going to say.
Whatever...I think I'll trust Utnayans non-biased second-hand info over your clearly bought and paid for drivel above.

(But seriously...that's good to hear. I have no idea how this game will turn out but hoping for the best given EQN turned out to be a joke and I'm a huge TES fan)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
1. The server had about 98% uptime. There were a few server crashes with rollbacks, but they weren't very big, and the server was up about 5 minutes after the crash. Not bad considering it was the FIRST major test of Cyrodiil.
98% uptime with stuck characters so no one could log back in. Sounds like a winner. I guess I should define what crashing servers mean. Crashing servers (Some on their own and some not) with hundreds of people having stuck characters unable to log back in andplay, only to succeed again when the servers were brought down on purpose, or crashed, to start over. On top of that that character rollbacks were icing on the cake. This was a complete cluster. Now I am not saying it shouldn't be, it's the first time it was launched in a controlled beta environment, but for Christ sake man, your spin on this is ridiculous.

2. It is nothing like COD.
It is everything like COD because it isNot Static. You do understand this right? You will switch from Cyrodil (1) to Cyrodil (35) anytime you want to with an increasing gold penalty. There is literallynothingpersistent about it. That is why it is like CoD. Or Hell, Battlefield. You will get thrown into a server, you will play a multiplayer Skyrim and play capture the elder scrolls. Is it fun? Who knows. 70% of the people playing had stuck characters or crashes. But it hasno impacton the playing world, PvE world, or persistence in any sort of MMORPG sense of the word. This is not DAOC. This is instanced to fuck DAOC with GW2 spin. New frontiers failed inDAOC, GW2 WvW was a clusterfuck. Now you have both.

3. The zone is huge. <-- yes that says huge.
Why the hell is this so important? Can someone tell my why having a huge Cyrodil impacts gameplay? I am so curious how running 15 miles from start to finish in a zone where the gameplay and persistence sucks is a major marketing point. I'll tell you why. 1) Because you need to capture points to teleport across this huge landmass and that's one of the key gameplay mechanics. 2) It's marketing spin like this that caters to the lowest common denominator of CoD/Battlefield gamer who they think have the intelligence of a mole so they sell more boxes. Paging Paul Sage.

4. The graphics are stunning. The guys on here saying they played it and the graphics sucked either: A - haven't played it. B - played a build very different from what I've seen. or C - have shitty fucking computers, dialing the graphics way down and are playing on some goodwill projection monitor from 98'
Graphics are subjective. The graphics are identical to SWTOR. Which shouldn't cause alarm to anyone since they used the same terrain generator from HE. Either way, at least in this PvP test, when you scale down texture models to get your overly trumpeted, "200+ ON SCREEN AT ONCE!" and they look damn near like a pong block, that isn't doing any favors to anyone. But now you are also saying those people have shitty computers, when they said this would run with those great settings on 5 year old computers not more than a year ago in more marketing spin from Sage. So what are you saying now to defend it? All these beta testers here on this forum have 386SX-16's? And yes, to point out, you just started in with the "different build". There hasn't been ANY CHANGES to graphical/animations since summer! And even then the animation pass was nothing more than smoothing GCD engine shit. Wait on that super secret build though. (People still use this? I thought this idea died out with Anarchy online)

5. Comments on the beta forums are overwhelmingly positive. Most of the negatives are things that Zenimax can easily tweak (if they so choose.)

That's all I'm going to say.
Course they are. They were also very positive in the SWTOR forum and as a result these ass kissers gave zero decent feedback to the developers, which resulted in a complete mess. Not like they would have listened to them anyhow, nor should. Comments from those outside the beta forums say otherwise.

Keep up the good spinning fight. After seeing some of your excuses covering up horrible server architecture which instances everything in an MMORPG, blaming bad computers, eyesight, or beta builds for graphics, comparing DAOC/Skyrim and saying "THIS IS A WIN MAN!" it is fairly evident to anyone with a pulse you are losing your grassroots fight.


Golden Squire
I have a handful of friends that played in TESO beta in the last weekend test. Every single one of them said that the game was unpolished, buggy, and generally felt like ass. They mentioned a lot of what UT just brought up above, but also the fact that the game feels clunky and unresponsive - like worse than SWTOR pre-fixes tier. Basically, there's not a single part that the game is actually doing right in its current form.

Given that I respect the opinions of the friends involved in the beta, I'm going to guess that the people who are trying to praise the game on the forums right now are either:

A.) Super deluded fanboys, of which every new game has.

B.) Paid schills.

Either way, this game is going to be a gigantic turd. Steer clear.