The F*** Cancer Thread


Sorry about your dad, that's too bad. At least he got to see his granddaughter, that must have been nice for him and for your family too.

I've seen the large shrinking man thing as well, it's pretty shocking. My father died of cancer before I was a teenager, he was a large guy and I can still remember how small he became from simply not being able to eat.


<Prior Amod>
Really sorry for your loss Ronaan. As much as some random dude on the internet saying this really isn't much of a comfort in a time like this, my thoughts are with you and your family.


<Prior Amod>
My dad goes to see the surgeon this Friday for his first consultation to have his radiation seeds implanted into his prostate at the end of May. He's been on a heavy regimen of Estrogen to shrink his prostate before the seeds get implanted to try and shrink the multiple spots (3 or 4) of cancer he has on his prostate wall at the moment. Keeping our fingers crossed all of this results in positive things.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks, stranger on the internet or not, the thoughts are appreciated.

Hoping all goes well for your dad Tarrant.


Lord Nagafen Raider
my dad is on surgery right now for prostate removal due to 3 cancer spots on it, he is 74. He was pretty lucky as he caught the mass at very early stages due to rigorous check ups (twice a years). Previous blood analysis showed PSA (amount of protein in the blood, if its too high mean the prostrate is damaged, and cancer is generally the reason) in check, last one was slighty off, and it turned out it was cancer after the biopsy.

He been offerered several possible treatments, radiation, HIFU, or doing nothing, cause they said that type of cancer its slowly progressing, and every kind of treatment has its own drawnback of the quality of life past it. He chose for the operation. Nm the age he is a strong guy, still run 10 km every sunday, take long walks every day and work in the fields. So im well vaguely positive for the outcome. Still worried tho.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cancer has been kicking my family's ass for awhile now. Many years ago my mother had one of her kidneys removed because of cancer, had a scare with the other one a few years later and just a couple years ago had a breast cancer scare. So far she has been cancer free though. A couple months ago my oldest brother found out he had a brain tumor, had it removed by the end of that week and has been dealing with missing a chunk of his brain and chemo ever since. Thankfully it hasn't come back yet. Him and his wife just had a baby after years of trying so I'm happy that he got to see her born.

Luckily, me and my older brother haven't had any cancer scares yet.


Cancer has been kicking my family's ass for awhile now.
Hah, tell me about it. It's probably quicker to list the people on my mother's side of the family thatdidn'tget cancer than it is those who did. Bad genes, man - not much you can do except eat right and see the quack regularly.


Vyemm Raider
Cancer has almost nothing to do with genes. Keep being brain washed into thinking this though. Keep giving the scum bags who lie to you all of your money so that they can keep lying to you even more and selling you even more bullshit cures. Herp derp, let's make you well by making you even sicker! Herp fucking derp.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Cancer has almost nothing to do with genes. Keep being brain washed into thinking this though. Keep giving the scum bags who lie to you all of your money so that they can keep lying to you even more and selling you even more bullshit cures. Herp derp, let's make you well by making you even sicker! Herp fucking derp.
Good to know all those medicinal chemistry and cell biology classes I took in college that talked about tumor suppressor genes and stuff were all fiction. Makes me feel a lot better about not deciding to pursue a career in healthcare.


Buzzfeed Editor
Cancer has almost nothing to do with genes. Keep being brain washed into thinking this though. Keep giving the scum bags who lie to you all of your money so that they can keep lying to you even more and selling you even more bullshit cures. Herp derp, let's make you well by making you even sicker! Herp fucking derp.
Lumie, you are banned from this thread. Get the fuck out.


Vyemm Raider
Good to know all those medicinal chemistry and cell biology classes I took in college that talked about tumor suppressor genes and stuff were all fiction. Makes me feel a lot better about not deciding to pursue a career in healthcare.
Yep, you paid money to be lied to for the most part. Pretty fucking hilarious. They should have just told you about alkalizing your body and how it's literally impossible for cancer to thrive in an alkaline environment. No tumor suppressor genes necessary. Everyone has this thing called an immune system and if it's strong enough, it's virtually impossible to get any disease.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yep, you paid money to be lied to for the most part. Pretty fucking hilarious. They should have just told you about alkalizing your body and how it's literally impossible for cancer to thrive in an alkaline environment. No tumor suppressor genes necessary. Everyone has this thing called an immune system and if it's strong enough, it's virtually impossible to get any disease.
You were warned. Do not go in this thread again.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Lumie, since you mention alkalization, would you care to explain to people how a logarithmic scale works and what pH is?

Can you explain to us what the difference between a lewis acid and base and a bronsted lowry acid and base are? What are conjugate acids and bases? If I said that I had an acid with pKa of 4.55, how would you convert that to the Ka value?

How does electron and proton exchange effect pH? What is the hydronium ion?

Can you tell us, in the acid base reaction between CH3NH2 and OH- in equilibrium with CH3NH and H20, which direction of the equilibrium is favored, reactants or products? Could you tell us what the conjugate acids and bases in the reaction are?


Buzzfeed Editor
Please do not engage Lumie in this thread. He will not come in here and belittle people's real life suffering. If he does I will strike him him with great vengeance and furious anger.


<Prior Amod>
Awww, I like Lumies rants.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Please do not engage Lumie in this thread. He will not come in here and belittle people's real life suffering. If he does I will strike him him with great vengeance and furious anger.
When he gets out of the rickshaw, if he would like to take a swing at answering my questions, he may do so in the atheism thread, or the other thread where he retards out frequently.

Hopefully he'll have a few days to do some research so he won't embarass himself too much.