The F*** Cancer Thread

Just got off the phone with my best friend, he just told me his dad who has been fighting cancer was diagnosed terminal tonight. He's holding together pretty well, but I can tell he's shaken up. I've known him since I was eleven, he's literally closer to me than most of my family and his father is one of the most genuinely good people I've met. Never too busy for a laugh or some great advice, doesn't understand his nerdy son but tries to relate, and always ready to talk sports (even if I don't understand a word he's saying). He will leave behind a loving wife and son, and it just breaks my heart. Been crying for a bit and I just...I know people on here have lost people they care about to cancer and other illnesses, and I humbly ask on his behalf for well-wishes. I'm not a religious man, but I feel like praying. Thanks for lending an ear.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cancer is the worst. It's one of those things that will in some way, shape or form affect you in life. I just feel awful for those who have it right now because there are so many break throughs in cancer medicine, it's just a matter of thim until it's beat. I'm praying that it doesn't touch anyone I know anytime soon.

Also, there is some really controversial hippy stuff that people swear by, Ill try to dig up some links but if it's gone terminal it might be worth a shot.

This is so sad. This drug cures cancer but you can't patent it and no big companie will push it through to get government approval. Called DCA

It's crazy no one has intrest in this.

You would think with all the loved one dying people would push for this.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just heard Duncan Trusell has testicular cancer. Im sorry to hear of both of these occurrences. Sorry brah.
Much obliged. In regards to the home remedy stuff, they've tried a bunch of stuff. I think that he's come to terms with what is going to happen but...eugh. Also, a buddy of mine just got diagnosed with (and proceeded to beat the shit out of) colon cancer. Much happier ending to that one, he is doing really well. I guess some people get a break, and some don't. Some of that karmic injustice stuff that just makes you grate your teeth. Regardless, thank you for your kindness.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sorry to hear it, cancer is a bitch. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma took my dad at 48.

There is not much to be said other than it makes you realize how limited our time is here. Christmases, birthdays, all of it means a whole lot more. At some point you/they go from hoping they wont die to hoping they do (for their sake -- watching someone you love suffer is terrible). At least that's how it was for me. Just be there for your friend and his family in any way possible.


Having had, and beaten, cancer I can sympathize. It is a massively depressing thing for most people. Worst part is that the treatment is often far worse than the condition itself.

The alternative therapies (aside from marijuana) that I came across the most often are as follows. I'm not speaking as to their efficacy, as I am not qualified to enter that debate (and I was treated conventionally), nor do I want to right now.

Dichloroacetic acid has been shown in some early studies to have very positive effects against cancer. It's relatively cheap to boot. Much of the research on it is being done in Canada as far as I know. Here's a quick vid on it:

There's also Hydrazine Sulfate, which has been studied and promoted by a Dr. in Syracuse, NY, as well as Amygdalin. Antineoplastons are promoted by Dr. Burzynski in Texas. Some also promote megadoses of vitamin C, there's some hydrogen peroxide therapy that I caught wind of at some point, and there was some therapy that involved running saline through the lymph system in the hopes that the body's immune system might kick in and kill the cancer.

Hopefully he turns around. It's unlikely, but it's been known to happen. Good luck.


Tranny Chaser
Sucks - your friends dad have my sympathies

I'm curious: Why is it people refer to cancer as a single disease? AFAIK cancer is a terminology used for uncontrolled cell growth. It has many forms and many origins. Some develop slow, some fast. Some kill us, some we die with. Some are trivial, some are not.

What specific diagnosis has the pathologist conjured?

Why are you giving quack advice? Just because you survived a cancer form does not make you an expert in this field. Different cancer forms require different treatment. Suggesting a treatment without having a definitive diagnosis from the pathologists is not a good idea. Sending those with a specific cancer on a wild goose chase or inspiring false hopes is unethical at best and potentially harmful. That precious time could be spent seeking proper medical advice - Or if it is terminal: spending time with loved ones. Shame on you, sir.



Uncle just diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain tumor). He beat the shit out of relatively late stage prostate cancer about 15 years ago. But this is < 3% 5 year survival. Median survival w/ treatment is under a year. Guy can't catch a break. Still, he's the manliest of men and my family is 2/2 vs cancer, so fuck it, he'll make the stat 3.1%.


<Gold Donor>
Sorry to hear about your friend. Currently I have no one in my immediate family dealing with it, but I figure it is only a matter of time. Sometimes I feel like it would be better to go first so I don't have to watch my parents and possibly sister go before me. I don't know how well I'm going to deal with grief when the time comes, and I always have to wonder whenever I hear about someone else. I think I will be terrible at it, unfortunately.

I hope you have the strength and courage to be there for your friend and his family. That is definitely the thing he will need most from you. Good luck.


Treasured Member
About a month ago my mom was diagnosed with a late stage (too stubborn to go to the doctor's office for anything) of lymph node cancer that has spread to the brain. Won't go into to many details, but Radiation and Chemo are a bitch.
My dad has been awesome as he's the only one living with her and has taken all of the giving medication / feeding /driving to the clinic responsibilities by himself so far.

Just be there to talk if he needs it (or know when to leave him the fuck alone when he needs it as well).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sucks - your friends dad have my sympathies

I'm curious: Why is it people refer to cancer as a single disease? AFAIK cancer is a terminology used for uncontrolled cell growth. It has many forms and many origins. Some develop slow, some fast. Some kill us, some we die with. Some are trivial, some are not.

What specific diagnosis has the pathologist conjured?

Why are you giving quack advice? Just because you survived a cancer form does not make you an expert in this field. Different cancer forms require different treatment. Suggesting a treatment without having a definitive diagnosis from the pathologists is not a good idea. Sending those with a specific cancer on a wild goose chase or inspiring false hopes is unethical at best and potentially harmful. That precious time could be spent seeking proper medical advice - Or if it is terminal: spending time with loved ones. Shame on you, sir.
Kudos on an excellent post, my head was exploding reading this thread.

I too, would inquire into the direct word for word result from the pathologist report, consider an over-read if there has been confusion in the past, and ask them specifically why the status has been converted to 'terminal' if you haven't been informed of the reason.



Blackwing Lair Raider
About a month ago my mom was diagnosed with a late stage (too stubborn to go to the doctor's office for anything) of lymph node cancer that has spread to the brain. Won't go into to many details, but Radiation and Chemo are a bitch.
My dad has been awesome as he's the only one living with her and has taken all of the medication / feeding /driving to the clinic stuff all by himself so far.

Just be there to talk if he needs it (or know when to leave him the fuck alone when he needs it as well).
That's terrible news but if its Lymphoma there is hope, usually - most brain cancers are unfortunately 'GBM', which is essentially a death sentence

But again I want to illustrate the complexity of cancer with this situation. It is all so individual and tumor specific that any blanket statements are almost guaranteed to be wrong.

a 1 cm GBM in the frontal cortex with a large margin of excision, probably has a better long term prognosis, than a brain lymphoma with giant, multiple masses involving the brain stem and causing cerebral edema. Even though histologically and from a chemo/rad perspective, the GBM is the worse diagnosis


> Than U
Not cancer although I lost family members to it, so painful the last month they live, but a guy I was doing a remodel for collasped last Friday while playing golf due to a brain aneurysm and has been in a coma ever since. He has brain activity but minimal.
Kinda fucked me up since I saw him doing yard work 3 weeks ago and seemingly in perfect health.

It can never be said enough, live each day as best you can and never fail to tell the ones you love that you love them.


Sorry about the bad news. Something not so-bad though. Recently my aunt's doctors have found a tumor growing on the side of her brain. It was a really crazy last two months but they finally got her into surgery and they managed to get almost all of it out. Doctors said that it's extremely slow growing and she likely had it for years, and it's possible it will come back but it will be a while, and they plan on Chemo for a while and then check up every 6 months after that. She just started Chemo this week, but since they removed the Tumor she has been doing so much better than she has in years.

Fuck cancer indeed.

Aychamo BanBan

Having had, and beaten, cancer I can sympathize. It is a massively depressing thing for most people. Worst part is that the treatment is often far worse than the condition itself.

The alternative therapies (aside from marijuana) that I came across the most often are as follows. I'm not speaking as to their efficacy, as I am not qualified to enter that debate (and I was treated conventionally), nor do I want to right now.

Dichloroacetic acid has been shown in some early studies to have very positive effects against cancer. It's relatively cheap to boot. Much of the research on it is being done in Canada as far as I know. Here's a quick vid on it:

There's also Hydrazine Sulfate, which has been studied and promoted by a Dr. in Syracuse, NY, as well as Amygdalin. Antineoplastons are promoted by Dr. Burzynski in Texas. Some also promote megadoses of vitamin C, there's some hydrogen peroxide therapy that I caught wind of at some point, and there was some therapy that involved running saline through the lymph system in the hopes that the body's immune system might kick in and kill the cancer.

Hopefully he turns around. It's unlikely, but it's been known to happen. Good luck.
Honestly, you should be banned from the forums and your internet should be removed from your house for give bullshit quack advice like this. There are many people who have died from easily treatable cancer because they followed these "alternative" therapies that you've mentioned. Seriously, fuck you. The morons promoting quackery like ionizing foot baths are tolerable, but when you suggest someone cast aside conventional medical therapy for bullshit like you wrote about, honestly, it's better that you die than your give out advice that will kill many. Again, fuck you.

If anyone is interested in an intellectual site:


I'd just like to point out that I neither supported these therapies, nor did I claim to be an any sort of expert. In fact, I pointed out that I was not an expert (or even qualified to speak as one), and that I was successfully treated conventionally. I merely listed off what I came across over the course of my experience, mainly by way of other patients that I got to know, some of whom were terminal.

But go ahead and get angry with me for things I never said. It's ok. Furious is the one actually saying there's a cure, but I get jumped on. Good aim.


Grampa beat colon cancer awhile back (caught very early, as far as I remember). Good friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer, went through chemo hell, had a double mastectomy, it's been three years now and all her scans are cancer-free.

Yeah, fuck cancer.