Dipping Dorito's is fucking weird... I do not get that. I agree with so much here, but I can't even...
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but the only food item I am outright banned from eating in my home are BK onion rings. I think they are delicious but they cause me to have frequent, large and absolutely disgusting farts for approximately 16 hours after consuming them. Should I start a support group?
Doritos are perfect without dipping.
Here's a conspiracy though - the family size bags seem to hold the same amount of seasoning as the regular sized bags, meaning it's spread thinner and less enjoyable. Anyone else notice that?
I also noticed the same feature on family sized cheezits and the salt content. Fucking horse shit
Also family size Doritos bags always seem to feel a little bit staler
Most stores purchase based on inventory turns, so theoretically they should not sit there any longer.I've actually noticed both of those things. They're probably staler because they are purchased far less frequently than regular bags, so they sit on shelves much longer.
I agree they probably sit longer, probably more air in the bags too. I never buy family size any more after uncovering the truth. Now that someone else realized it I feel vindicatedI've actually noticed both of those things. They're probably staler because they are purchased far less frequently than regular bags, so they sit on shelves much longer.
Next timeRegime comes to Boston let's get some spicy shit.
If you're ever around for the famous Hell Night I'd love to sign up for that and go with forumites
You just "k"'ed me
I used to love the Beef & Cheddar ones. I haven't had a Hot Pocket in a decade though.
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but the only food item I am outright banned from eating in my home are BK onion rings. I think they are delicious but they cause me to have frequent, large and absolutely disgusting farts for approximately 16 hours after consuming them. Should I start a support group?