Someone needs to give that bad boy the ole 96er
I always order the "$1 quesadilla with [chicken], extra sauce" to alleviate any confusion.
What does extra grill do/how does it transform the dish?
How much is the $1 beef quesadilla, extra beef, extra sauce, extra cheese? How does it compare to a normal beef quesadilla?
It's just hard to imagine being at a party and seeing this thing, and thinking man people haven't touched it in the last 30 minutes I should polish off literally 50% of this mother fucker.
Dude, that's weak. Has to be at least 216 ounces.
Yo is this your breakfast?!
Yo is this your breakfast?!
Maybe I've just had bad ones then. I don't remember them being buttery at all. They seemed more like rolls than biscuits. I'll give them another try for science.
Molly Shulyer and any kind of eating competition like that just disgusts me. I can never watch them.
She is nuts. Watched her many times in awe
The mini biscuits are no good. They have a different texture than Chick-fil-a's regular biscuits. I'd rather get two regular chicken biscuits than 8 of the minis.
I remember her saying in an interview that her technique is literally not to chew if at all possible. With steak, she bites, tears off a chunk, and immediately swallows. Rinse and repeat.She doesn't seem to chew or swallow. Just jams shit in there. She must be harder to choke than Linda Lovelace.