Recent trip to McDs:
I'd like a Sausage McGriddle.
Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle?
No, Sausage McGriddle.
Got it, Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle.
No, just sausage on the McGriddle. The pancake sandwich with just sausage. Sausage McGriddle.
Oh, pancakes? That's actually called hotcakes with sausage.
Uhhhh, no, I don't want hotcakes. Sausage McGriddle.
Okay, got it.
Order the rest of the food, get to the window, there's the plastic container in the bag. Hotcakes with Sausage!
Tell the completely different worker at the pickup window: Got Hotcakes with Sausage, but ordered a Sausage McGriddle.
Oh, you wanted a Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle?
What the... no. Sausage Mcgriddle.
Yeah, Sausage Egg and Chee---?
No, Sausage. Mc. Griddle. You know, the pancake sandwich, with sausage.
Well, if you told them you wanted pancakes that's probably why they got confused! *worker literally huffs off*
Miracle of all miracles, they managed to put a fucking Sausage McGriddle in the bag. Not sure if the entire store of morons glitched in the exact same way or was a Super Troopers like prank to see how many times they could get people to say Sausage McGriddle, but holy shit was a bizarre experience.