Fried chicken joints have been the shittiest food/value for a long fucking time. KFC has blown monkey dick since they tried to become Kentucky Grilled Chicken and now these faggots sell planet based retard meat and we have dumb fuck shades of gray soiboi retards in this very thread begging to review with their dumb fuck mouth held agape waiting for cock.
If you don't feel like cooking and want some decent Friend Chicken at a not fuck your asshole til it bleeds price go to Publix. Shit is like 1/14th the price of the KFC assbuckets and 30x better as well.
Remember KFC is ran by the same dumb fucks who run TacoBell and Pizzahut. There is a reason all of those places are on the decline and it's because the head faggot in charge at these places has forgotten it's fast fucking food and should be cheap and greasy. Instead these stupid American Inventors want to overcharge and then serve vegan salad, beans, and bugs to your dumbass. Nobody going to Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, or KFC is looking for a healthy meal and if they are they should be beaten with a fucking crowbar and told to eat the fucking grass outside.