The Final Fantasy Mega Thread - Now playing FFXV


Tranny Chaser
The narrative seems very uneven and more similar to an MMO than a single player RPG. You go from fetch quests to find cactuar action figures and taking pictures of bridges to using the powers of a god to obliterate huge tracts of countryside. I am still not entirely sure when I went from collecting the royal weapons of zodiac power to bitch slapping around gods.

The characters in the game seemed really clear on the subject of what is happening in game, but as a player there was more exposition devoted to the guy running Meteor Publishing than there was to the Meteor itself...

I assume the motivation of the Empire personalities will become clear at some point, but they seem to flip from moustache-twirling villains of villainy to vaguely supportive enigmatic mentors at the drop of a hat.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The fact of the matter is they developed sooo much that didn't even make it into the game, but was in older previews and trailers. This is probably the big one that shows a whole bunch of gameplay that can't be simply explained by "we took it out because of Kingsglaive"... and it's from 2013. So they had it 3 years ago.

edit: 49 minutes of trailers going back to 2006.

So apparently 2012-2013 is when the major story shift came when they stopped thinking they would pump out a 13 spinoff with multiple games and turned it into a standalone 15. Luna was originally known as Stella and was going to be a female Ardyn antagonist. The 2011 trailer features a painting similar to the logo splash graphic with an Oracle whose body was infested with daemons as support for this. Best guess is that instead of King + Oracle both being on the side of light it was supposed to be a King "versus" Oracle where the Oracle would take the darkness from the world and the King would have the responsibility of purging it with the light.

Original version likely would have been better that what they got, but after the rewrite I would have preferred they go in a new direction entirely instead of trying to shoehorn it in on the side and we ended up with completely squandered characters and relationships which never played out on screen.
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FoH nuclear response team
This shit is retarded. I have to go back and camp every night or get my ass kicked by enemies 14 levels higher than me?

I normally wouldn't care if it didnt take so fucking long to get around in this game.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I think you may be doing this game incorrectly? Fast travel is virtually free and doing a few hunts / side quests puts you like 15 levels over the chapter.

Wait, you're talking about early when the level 18 drop ships come? Night is supposed to be dangerous but that mostly goes away after a few hours when you outlevel everything.


Trump's Staff
Level 42 red giants replace the easy iron giants after you hit level 30 or so, and they fucking suck.

Avoid monsters at night by setting auto drive and leaving the car shop window open - no more road encounters.


<Silver Donator>
If you unlocked autodrive at night, you can just fast travel at that point.

But yeah early game you want to go sleep at night, it doesn't last that long and you can still play at night, just not drive around without running into lvl 30 giants and shit. If you run into them on foot though you can just run away. You can use teleport to car or teleport to last rest spot to get back to town quickly and sleep.


FoH nuclear response team
It's just the cut scenes when I get to rest, and the demons that are spawning at night are level 24-30, I'm level 7. It just seems stupid to me that I can't run around and kill as long as I want and I'm required to go to town and rest every 20 mins or so.

I don't think it would be so bad without the idiotic cut scenes for EVERYTHING.


<Silver Donator>
I don't know I liked the fact that night was scary. And dark, when it's clouded/raining you can't fucking see shit past the lamp range, which is pretty cool. I think part of the reasoning behind having to sleep it off is to get people early on to get their xp tallied so they level up instead of stacking it up without paying attention then being underleveled or whatever. Gets them into the habit of sleeping to get their xp and shit. But it really doesn't last very long you'll outlevel the risks pretty quickly, and as I said you can always run. Any hunt that doesn't require daytime can generally be done at night even at low level, I did a bunch like that, you just run from the dangerous stuff until you reach the hunt spots, generally stuff doesn't spawn on top of hunts. They sometimes overlap a bit so you have to fight where the high lvl monsters can't reach you but you're still in the hunt area. If you do like one night hunt and one anytime hunt the night is pretty much over and you can just resume your daily stuff.

But yeah lots of loadings and cutscenes, that's something that stays the entire game and it's pretty fucking annoying considering how long the loadings are.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Level 42 red giants replace the easy iron giants after you hit level 30 or so, and they fucking suck.

Not entirely true. Seems red giants are actually region dependent. earlier parts of the game and I still have regular iron giants showing up at night. But i agree. red giants are a pain in the ass even when you out level them. I can kill them np now, but it takes time. they dont seem to have an immediate weakness that i can find. nothing to break em or anything like the mechs where you can take out the shoulder cannon, the thing on their arm, then the legs etc and keep em neutralized.


Tranny Chaser
I accidentally finished the game last night... I then immediately went to the web to try and understand what the hell was going on since it was still pretty vague. I know that certain elements would be a Frankenstein mess given the 10 year development cycle for the thing, but good lord that was convoluted.

I am still not sure why I bothered with the Kingly weapons since I only ever used a couple of them and mostly equipped them for stats and not to actually use. Similarly, I don't know exactly what was up with the six gods. I know that the 'summons' have gotten bigger and bigger as the series progresses but I never actually used them except for the couple of specific plot-forced occasions.


privileged excrementlord
I thought you could auto drive at night right from the start, I think Ignis tries telling you it's a bad idea or something, just tell him to do it anyway.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I thought you could auto drive at night right from the start, I think Ignis tries telling you it's a bad idea or something, just tell him to do it anyway.

No, you can't. You are forced to drive manually. It's not until you're higher level that he'll drive for you at night.


privileged excrementlord
Fair enough. I don't remember when exactly it let me auto drive at night, but I was just like "oh shit, that's cool."


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Nighttime is still annoying when you're trying to chain farm AP and your 2-4 Sabretusks turn into Flame Giants. Even at 99 I still need something retarded like 15k+ AP to max the Ascension grid.


Life's a Dream
I was only a little bit into FFXV (my characters were level 8), and I just picked up the Strategy Guide. I see just how many little side quests I've already missed while trying to find all of them, so I started over. I'm all of an hour into the game now, but I hope to have more time to play this weekend. As great as having a family is, they really know how to waste time keeping you away from gaming.