Because without a confession they can't get Barry's Dad out of Barry said multiple times. Did you actually watch the episode?Awesome episode but wtf is the stupid shit with getting wells to admit he killed Barrys mom
wow you really didnt watch the episode. barry transferred a spark to iris when he was in a coma and she touched his hand. later when barry rescues iris before he leaves he transfers another spark to her hand when he touches it. she then makes the connection and says "barry?"Them interacting with Gideon was great, why did Iris finally know Barry was the Flash?
I know anything to do with Iris is always horrible written, however that had to be one of the biggest jumps in logic of all time. "Oh, I randomly got static-shocked ONCE when I touched my friend a year ago, and then I get shocked again when this super-hero speeds away from me. CLEARLY MY FRIEND IS A SUPERHERO!". That is just so stupid that I can't even make a funny comment out of you really didnt watch the episode. barry transferred a spark to iris when he was in a coma and she touched his hand. later when barry rescues iris before he leaves he transfers another spark to her hand when he touches it. she then makes the connection and says "barry?
Argue its merit all you want, but that's definitely what the show was implyingSo anyone saying they killed his mom would free his dad? even if they werent even in the city? he can prove the original statements given are possible. Everyman acting and knowing as if he was Wells didnt makes sense either, why did he act like he was going to kill Cisco that way either?