You can get your dick molded right now if you want.Hey cool, I didn't think of that. You can 3d print a copy of your own dick andlit-trah-lygo fuck yourself.
It will be a Brave New World.
And now the store will be condensed to be purely virtual.Who really knows. Pretty sure no one ever expected this;
To completely replace this
An entire store condensed into something the size of a refrigerator.
Id say not nearly as fast as blockbuster but yeah eventually. With how shitty our internet is and content providers being fucking stupid combined with redbox being beyond convenient id say itll probably be here for at least another decade or two.And now the store will be condensed to be purely virtual.
Sign me up.After measles and Roundup mutants ravage the population of the west, China emerges as the dominant superpower and we all adopt Chinese swear words and random phrases. The massive spike in pollution due to a corrupt and uncaring government accelerates the race to colonize the stars.
Also, browncoats.