But compassion is something you do or use with no expectation of return. That is not the case here so to sugar coat your lifestyle with words like compassion is BS. You are a broken man but can't see it. You place your personal "needs" above those whom you should care about. You jeopardize many aspects of your person. But to know you also impact your wife (don't recall if you had kids) with absolute disregard, yet are "ok" with it is baffling. You're the ultimate in duchebagery (sp).
I suppose if you and the wife have an open relationship and she knows you slut around with gang-banging heroin shooting HIV infected (possible) ladies, it's all good.
Just stop with the "I'm a hero". You're attempting to justify your heinous behavior to make yourself feel better when you know, deep inside, you don't give two shits about this harry lady (or your wife pending answer of open relationship). You'll shit on this one just like that last when your needs aren't being met. Yeah, we all get it "I didn't shit on Crystal (or whateva her name was)." That is your insider spun opinion. Attempting to read between your posts, you're akin to a sociopath but don't want to come to terms with it.
I'd love to hear you say "but this is only my second hooker I cared about". . . I'm sure that could be the case "today", 4 months from now when your little Italy chic is dead or who the fuck knows, you'll be at the boardwalk looking for the next "hooker to care about". You just read to me like a rich white dude with a cake job that doesn't know what to do with his money or time and has a wife that HATES to have sex with you. You don't seek the hookers for compassion you seek them to fulfil your needs.
Seriously dude, its all good, don't hate or care about you; I find the posting fun to read. But to think you're a hero, a good guy, compassionate, seriously get your head out of your own ass and look around broseph