Yeah, I've never really bought the "I do drugs cos I was raped/wasn't loved/mommy didn't hug me/whatever" shit. That's what therapy is fore, and while seeing a shrink might be a bit expensive I have a hard time thinking it's more expensive than shooting smack. At least I've never heard of anyone sucking dicks in a back alley to fuel their therapy.LOL she just needs someone to talk to. yes she does, but it isn't an enabling low life like yourself, it's called a therapist you fucking imbecile. she's not out there because she was raped, she's out there because she's addicted to smack and pathetic shits like yourself keep giving her money to keep her habit going. not only that, your dumb ass is out there validating her by listening to her retarded justification about why she's a whore. waaah my step dad raped me waaah welp guess i better go suck some dicks for drug money since that's the logical thing to do now. yeah...
if you want to help this girl there are three things you need to do:
1) stop talking to her, because you're a fucking wackjob
2) kill her pimp who has her locked in this hopeless situation
3) rape her step dad for revenge
of course all know you're not going to do any of these things, because you're just as weak and pathetic as she is.