The Good Wife


Molten Core Raider
I enjoy this the most of all the stuff that's running right now. Awesome episode.

Did they ever tell us what Kalinda did to her husband ?


No, but
he has to be brown bread and that was strongly implied. She'd tried letting him live before and he popped up again to try and fuck up her life, he probably forfeited his life when he fucked with Cary, Kalinda has a soft spot for him.

I fucking love this show, was well happy it started back up again last night with another Louis Canning episode. The mix of politics and drama is just right and they lose cases often enough to keep it more than interesting. Hell they only "won" last nights case by shenanigans. The guest cast list puts 99% of other shows in the shade and where else are you going to see Michael J Fox playing a lawyer who uses his disability as a prop in the court room or Fred Thompson act as Hugo Chavez's lawyer? Hell they even had a bitcoin episode, although they mostly took the piss out of it "He's not going to try to pay us in bitcoin is he?"

As for the future
I've got a horrible feeling Peter actually did fuck that girl he was linked with last season but they caught lying about enough of the details to kill the story. Although it turned out she was part of his new rivals dirty tricks operation all along there was a single scene which had Eli show Peter a picture of her done up as a model instead of how she looked around the office and he Peter had a strange reaction to it.

I wish more people watched it but the name and the implication it's a chick show puts off so many people. This and Scandal (although that's gone full retard of late) are two of the best unsung shows on telly right now.


FPS noob
ehhh... my wife loves this show so I watch it with her (plus downton abbey), but best unsung show? Maybe I don't have enough exposure to law firms but everything they do is shady as shit, I can't even remember the last case they lost (military rape?), virtually every episode has kalinda or Alicia figuring some twisty thing at the last minute that saves the day, and god her daughter is so goddamn stupid/annoying. The politics stuff can be interesting but because peter isn't on every week it comes across fairly weak usually, like generic political soap opera instead of realpolitik.

Michael J fox is pretty awesome and I hope he's on more, and goddamn Kalinda is the hottest thing on TV, I have to make sure I don't start drooling when shes on. I guess its interesting enough to pass an hour, but its pretty much at the bottom of any TV show listing I'd make, the only things below being reality TV or the shitty sitcoms.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For some reason on Sunday I was entirely too lazy to change the channel after watching 60 Minutes so I ended up watching this (and Person of Interest) after never once seeing an episode of either show. That being said, I really enjoyed it even though I had zero frame of reference as to what the fuck was happening.

Based on these few posts, would it be worth my time to go back through the entire series? Or is this one of those shows that just recently got good and I should read a summary of previous seasons?


Molten Core Raider
Yes, it's worth going back and watching it from the beginning. You got lucky since this week's episode really didn't spoil much of the backstory.


Will spoiler since this thread might get some new viewers.

gogusrl - Do you think
that the accountant chap played by Harry Shearer (can't remember his name now?!) is up to something with Cary as far as the merger etc goes and is deliberately provoking Will and Diane to get them to move faster? His little chat to Cary before it all kicked off leans me to suspect that much.

Then again adding in Louis Canning effectively owning their debt by the end of the episode was great, it should mean he will be around more!


John Noble out of nowhere, wonder how many viewers will be wondering why he was using an Aussie accent

Matthew Perry getting punched in the face, could have sold a pvp for that!




Prosecutor "What were you doing in the Rose Room with the defendant?"

Morina Baccarin "Anal"

*cue hilarious courtroom reactions*

I love this show, Sweeney (Dylan Baker) is as good a recurring character as Elsbet and Louis Canning. Another visit from Mr Cole is always good as well, it seems he may be around for a while this time.

Although the lovey-dovey nonsense between Alisha & Will looks like it's going to get worse before it gets better again though


Although the lovey-dovey nonsense between Alisha & Will looks like it's going to get worse before it gets better again though
Yeah, I had faith they were moving away from that rather dreary storyline but it was not to be. It's really the absolute worst part of the show.


Molten Core Raider
Prosecutor "What were you doing in the Rose Room with the defendant?"

Morina Baccarin "Anal"

*cue hilarious courtroom reactions*

I love this show, Sweeney (Dylan Baker) is as good a recurring character as Elsbet and Louis Canning. Another visit from Mr Cole is always good as well, it seems he may be around for a while this time.

Although the lovey-dovey nonsense between Alisha & Will looks like it's going to get worse before it gets better again though
She's going to cheat you.

That's ok. I'll just kill her.


Yay we won the union case. Oh shit, you are all fired anyway, doh! At least one of them got 4m out of it...

Please please PLEASE let next week be the blow off week for the Will/Alisha story and they can concentrate more on the election shenanigans, Eli needs more screentime. Actually writing that made me go look to see how many more episodes there are:one.

If they went with her going to Hawaii and ending the Will storyline they could actually completely change the show next season! Diane can be the judge, Alisha and Kalinda go with Cary to the new firm and they can keep the interesting clients and we still get to see the likes of Elsbet, Canning etc and we don't have to deal with any more Lockhart Gardner related rubbish. Bah, they'd never do it.

Edit: I missed the definite 5th season confirmation in late March, woo!


Diane was told she wasn't getting the judgeship. That's done.
I fear that we are going to see some internal conflict before she gets on the plane and it ends in a long shot of her just standing there.


Wow! Didn't see the last minute coming. Unfortunately it leaves is with the Will they/won't they storyline for next season but it's still a great development as it opens up a lot more avenues for courtroom shenanigans especially vs Lockhart/Gardner. The first case against David Lee should be an epic episode as well.

I suspect the new firm is going to struggle a bit though as Will surely will use the voting evidence he has to blackmail Alisha into not taking clients.

As for Diane and the judge thing, I didn't think she had conclusively lost out, just more likely than not due to her wanting to marry Gary Coles character.


Molten Core Raider
Wow! Didn't see the last minute coming. Unfortunately it leaves is with the Will they/won't they storyline for next season but it's still a great development as it opens up a lot more avenues for courtroom shenanigans especially vs Lockhart/Gardner. The first case against David Lee should be an epic episode as well.

I suspect the new firm is going to struggle a bit though as Will surely will use the voting evidence he has to blackmail Alisha into not taking clients.

As for Diane and the judge thing, I didn't think she had conclusively lost out, just more likely than not due to her wanting to marry Gary Coles character.
My wife saw it coming. She was grabbing my arm and shaking me violently explaining that she couldn't have called Will over to her apartment on the night her husband wins. My head hurt from all the shaking, but I gather it was well written for the female viewers

It was a good setup for next season. Keeps the show fresh by constantly introducing new conflicts versus getting comfortable with any given situation. Hoping Nathan Lane will return next season too for the new firm.
