The Great Indoors


Buzzfeed Editor

Genre: [GENRE]Comedy[/GENRE]

First Aired: [RELEASE]2016-10-27[/RELEASE]

Overview: [PLOT]An adventure reporter must adapt to the times when he becomes the boss to a group of millennials in the digital department of the magazine[/PLOT][/SERIESWRAP][/SERIES]

Doesn't look like anything mind blowing, but premise seems purely built on trolling millennials, so points for that I guess.
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Irenicus did nothing wrong
So McHale is broke after Community finally met it's ignominious end and took the part on condition that he doesn't have to learn to play a new character, Stephen Fry's obviously off his bipolar meds and manic enough that he'd say yes if you asked to take a dump down his throat, and the whole thing consists of shitting on the entire target demographic with jokes everyone has heard a thousand times before, but with a laugh track to remind you it's funny. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?


FPS noob
wow that looks awful, even McLovin wasn't funny

also Stephen Fry got really fat or maybe he just hides his beer gut on QI really well


Irenicus did nothing wrong
^ Binge eating, another sign he's off his meds. Only logical reason he'd associate himself with this atrocity.


Unelected Mod
I didn't mind the storyline idea, him trying to get abunch of millenials to not look at their phones and actually go outside could be cool.

The laugh track just makes it impossible for me to watch though.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Laugh tracks suck, but all the jokes were shit as well. It just doesn't look good from any angle.


Buzzfeed Editor
I didn't mind the storyline idea, him trying to get abunch of millenials to not look at their phones and actually go outside could be cool.

The laugh track just makes it impossible for me to watch though.

Yep, some of the jokes were passable for me because they point out some absurdities with the younger kids, but they were funny despite the obtuse nature and poor delivery, only because I understand just how absurd the premise he's needling is. Otherwise, I don't imagine people would laugh.

Laugh tracks are terrible. Love Stephen Fry, so I hope its at least passable, but as said, the only real points are the poking fun bits, otherwise, looks like rehashed BBT, which isn't a good thing.


Molten Core Raider
So McHale is broke after Community finally met it's ignominious end and took the part on condition that he doesn't have to learn to play a new character, Stephen Fry's obviously off his bipolar meds and manic enough that he'd say yes if you asked to take a dump down his throat, and the whole thing consists of shitting on the entire target demographic with jokes everyone has heard a thousand times before, but with a laugh track to remind you it's funny. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

I think it's a great idea. I also think anyone who thinks that Millennials are the target demographic hasn't watched it or seen the uproar about it. As the thread title states it's clearly aimed at people who think Millennials are entitled, whiny little shits, and I think those people are who will watch it. I don't watch many sitcoms, and I hate fucking laugh tracks, but this show isn't any worse than half a dozen other comedies that have been around for years. I probably won't watch it any more but the sheer amount of butt hurt that this show has already produced is comedy gold as far as I'm concerned and I hope it stays around a long time. Chances are it will get cancelled, but until it does the bitter tears are delicious.