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Shes definitely a grifter, and she and her husband just exectured a master class grift on Kanye.
I mainly avoid the political side of this forum, as I think the left has gone insane and are sacrificing their ideals on the altar of gender, sexuslity and other BS, but the right cant admit they are just as bat shit crazy worshiping the Orange Man and defend things like Jan 6 (put BLM shirts on those people and change their skin to brown and suddenly Jan 6th would be the talk of the town on the right).
Both parties are a mess...this country desperately needs a centric/moderate party.
You don't have to put BLM shirts on the Jan 6th people, we've already seen their version of it, it happened earlier that summer. And it ended with 100+ govt people injured, and shit burning.
How'd the Jan 6th thing end again? Oh, right... zero guns (except the one used by capitol police to execute the one chick), very minimal "violence" by the protestors, and someone sat in Pelosi's chair.
Fuck BLM, and fuck any faggots who claim "the right" is anywhere near as insane or lawless as they are.
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