The same kind of vapid cunts who kept Two and a Half Men on the air forever are the ones who like BBT. There is this whole segment of people who flock to what is perceived to be the flagship sitcom of its day. Now, both of those shows had their moments of course, but really not even in the consideration for best sitcom of all time. They didn't even break new ground, let along be consistent. Seinfeld gets high marks for its unique feel, but anyone who has seen so much as one season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is basically aware of how much of that show was Larry David's genius. I can't even go back and rewatch Seinfeld anymore because of how much better Curb is. But Seinfeld (and Arrested Development) are great comedies that were awesome in their day and as far above the "flagship" sitcoms as Curb sits above them, at least. Those are really the three tiers of shows, in my opinion, and like others have said if I heard someone indicate that BBT or 2 1/2 Men were even in the same league as Seinfeld/AD, let alone Curb, I would wonder if they were mentally retarded.