The Half-life 3 you will never play


Didn't see this.

PCGamer said:
Last week, former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw posted a synopsis of the Half-Life 2: Episode 3 story he had planned out before the developer distanced itself from its most famous series. Styled as gender-swapped fanfic, it was a fun glimpse into what could have been. But it also reminded some people that they were angry with Valve, and they promptly took to Steam to bomb the user reviews for Dota 2.

What does Dota 2 have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, aside from the fact that it’s also developed by Valve, and it’s immensely popular. It’s a big target for people who impotently want to lash out because their favourite series has been put on ice. Some, however, blame Dota 2 specifically for killing Half-Life.

“Valve decided that Dota 2 and CS:GO are worth more than Half-Life,” someone writes. “Killed half life 3 and Counterstrike,” complains another. But others are just lonely and keen to be part of a movement. Even it’s just review-bombing a game. “I’m just here for the review bombingz,” writes one of them.

Despite this, Dota 2 is sitting at “mostly positive” on Steam, and this is unlikely to go the way of less aimless fan protests that employed review-bombing big games.


That definitely won't do anything at all, but at least it shows the outrage to players considering playing it.

There's a point to be made there though, CSGO and DOTA 2 usually have around the same players give or take 100k and it's still the game that is given almost all of their attention to. I guess at least in CS we get some pistol updates once a year and general source engine bug fixes which is good of course but content? lol

I mean even if 128tick servers has become a meme in itself, I don't understand why valve would want their own official matchmaking servers to not be the top of the line with how much money they have it shouldn't be an issue at all and yet anytime someone brings it up people are so quick to defend their reasoning of "the average player wouldn't feel the difference", like yeah the average player also hasn't played on actual 128tick servers either because for some reason you hid community servers behind menus and effectively destroyed communities outside of surf/bhop etc.

Like.. fuck a game that they aren't making (even though I want them to), they don't even address their other currently very successful games they have out right now outside of DOTA.