Jackie Treehorn
<Gold Donor>
I agree!Well I mean EQ has been all about farming shit from the beginning. Everything gained in EQ, whether it be gear, items, quest items, or whatever is camping spawns and PH spawns. Thats almost every MMORPG ever made. You keep repeating same content until you get what you came there for. Unless you just buy it from bazaar, but then whats the point to it all? Also you want challenge, but then you pick the only combo that steamrolls almost everything with a few clicks of a button. I get it, it was the smart combo to pick for a first character. EZ offline AA, and hardly no ramp up time. But if you want challenge, then pick something else and level it and then throw that against Bristlebane or Seru and see how you fare. Or come back when they have the SSF shit up and try something then, where you cant just buy raid gear for pennies, and get your lv 1 to 5K hp and 2K AC and then level them offline with 2-3 pets.
To be fair I started that guy with no real knowledge of the server, I didn’t start until February-ish. I started a ROG/WIZ/SK and got it to 60 with 1100 AA but it was mehhh. I might change the BRD/MAG/BST to PAL/BRD/ENC because it sounds fun.