Yup.In all honesty, the animated movie from the 70's is a million times better than this trilogy.
Yup.In all honesty, the animated movie from the 70's is a million times better than this trilogy.
Ha haWell until we get hobbit episodes 7-9 we won't know how bad the prequels really are.
I guess we just have to agree to disagree. Outside of the awkwardness of Dain, the CGI didn't bother me. Is it my preference, not really but had minimal impact for me. I just didn't like the contrast of Thorin's company and Dain in terms of dwarf appearance.But after all that the main problem would still exist: PJ completely failed to capture the essence of what made the original Hobbit novel epic. Instead, he did everything in his power to try and tie it in to the LOTR movies; which was a huge mistake. The other big issue is all the CGI in the movie, which makes it look way worse cinematically than the LOTR movies, which were made a decade earlier. I don't understand why all the orcs were CGI, when men in costume worked just fine in the original movies. There is absolutely no tension or suspense in the Hobbit movies because it's all just computer generated garbage. In all honesty, the animated movie from the 70's is a million times better than this trilogy.
This was born of the same notion of creating interest in the movies beyond men thru a romance element that drove the expansion of Arwen's role in LoTR, only much more ham handed.I still want to know what the fuck they were thinking with the whole Tauriel and Kili love plot. True love from a fucking dick joke?
This doesnt make you a bad person, but it makes you a neckbeard drama queenviolate the sacred canon of the book
Ditto x1000. I went into this with super low expectations, as the previous two were so incredibly "meh" -- I really just saw it as a matter of completionist principle.This movie is the worst movie... that I've ever enjoyed seeing.
This makes me a bad person. I'm okay with that.
Agreed. This is the last verse in cinematic Tolkien for the foreseeable future. But Hollywood is Hollywood. Give it 20 years and we'll see a remake with a new director.There are many beloved book series' out there dying to be translated to cinema that should come before any further attempts to cobble shit together from Tolkien's footnotes, like the Dark Tower series.
Agree. First half was one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen. Also, this was my first time to see one in the high frame rate, so it was a little jarring to be just thrown into the action with the HFR. Looks weird, almost like it's on a play that you're watching in person.Have to sadly say I'm in the boat of people who believe this hobbit movie was the worst one. The beginning was just awful, it got a bit better after the dragon madness ended, but it had already left a salty taste in my mouth by that point.
Keep Hollywood the fuck away from Roland. I don't think one director could be versatile enough to tackle each book/movie with the different styles and themes between each. Saying that I don't think they could find enough good directors/writers to do the series justice if they tried giving each movie with their varying themes to different people.Everything worth milking from the books has been milked, and everything not in the books that could also be milked has been turned into hours of CGI. There are many beloved book series' out there dying to be translated to cinema that should come before any further attempts to cobble shit together from Tolkien's footnotes, like the Dark Tower series.