Hey, I thought you were banned a long time ago in some bullshit move by a powermad mod. Good to see you again.So, in LOTR TTT, Gandalf comes back as The White, as "Saruman should have been." What happened to Saruman at that time? Was he stripped of power by "God"? Or were there two beings with the power of Saruman the White at the same time? In the movie it shows Saruman could still have power over Theoden at the time. Just curious.
Sauraman was killed eventually. I guess initially, he was just stripped of his power, but he wound up dead when he tried to take over the shire and frodo, merry, and pippin came back home and whipped him.
I really hope they make a movie out of the razing of the shire. I understand why it was left out of the original trilogy, but it's worth a movie of it's own. They could also probably work in some stuff with Tom Bombadil since he lives like right next door. I don't think Jackson would be a good choice to do it though. As much as I like what he's done so far, the razing of the shire and Tom Bombadil stories are much lighter. I'm afraid if he did it, he would add orcs and elves an shit.