So many jaded people here. Are the Hobbit movies as good as the LOTR series? Fuck no. Did they stretch the source material past the breaking point to milk an extra movie or two out of it? Absolutely! That shit was obvious the second that Legolas and Kate were cast, and while it wasn't as egregious in the LOTR movies, Liv Tyler had no business having as many lines as she did there either.
But fuck it, the movies were reasonably entertaining from my perspective, and I look forward to seeing another huge war in the third, preferably with as much Beorn action as possible. Some of you act like Jackson raped your first born or some shit.
Although this thread did make me go download a 1080p rip the other night, and I fired it up on my home theatre. I originally watched the first one on the HT as well, but the second one was in the theatre for the first viewing. In any case, good fucking god do some of the CGI and effects look glaringly bad when not viewed in 3D. It was really jarring, and I don't remember thinking that in the theatre. Something about the transition from 48 fps in 3d to whatever the Blu-Ray rip was, I guess.