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Nope. What Braveheart did was using different shutter angles (or shutter speed). Usually during the battles they would use a faster shutter speed to make the movement feel more frantic. Saving Private Ryan is a great example of this as they use this technique in most of the movie.Braveheart used 48fps in their battle scenes, didn't they?
There's a big misconception going on about what 48 frames per second really means and what it does to a movie visually. This past year I've had the chance to watch plenty of stereoscopic (or 3D) video projected at different frame rates to notice the differences. Something that bugs me is that people are saying that it looks just like a soap opera, tru-motion smooth-o-matic video, or whatever 120hz crap they are putting on TVs nowadays. While I do think that it is the closest thing we can easily "compare it to", I guarantee you that it IS NOT the same. It's very different when the camera actually captures 48 full frames a second instead of interlacing them and when its projected at full 48 frames per second, instead of recreating frames between frames.
I don't want to talk too much about it until I'm able to give my final opinion, though I've had the chance to watch bits and pieces of The Hobbit, I think it would be wrong for me to state an opinion without having seen the movie yet. Though I will have a chance to watch it tomorrow, so I'll make sure to come back and talk about it. In the meantime if anyone has any technical questions, I'll do my best to answer them.