The Horror Movie Thread

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Avatar of War Slayer
That's the kind of stuff that I prefer too, although inevitably there is a sound effect to help you jump even more. I don't get "scared" very often by movies, but Exorcist 3 had one moment that really got me. Sure it was sort of weird with Patrick Ewing in heaven and shit, but this fucking scene probably made half the theater piss their pants. As someone in the comments said it is a lot less scary watching it on YouTube knowing something is going to happen before the clip ends, but in the theater I had to check that I hadn't shit myself. Not to mention that I am pretty sure right before this scene the nurse had heard freaky noises and searched around, making everyone tense as fuck figuring she's going to die, but only to find that it was ice melting in a glass. Wish I could find the full scene.

yeah, thats pretty holy shit. great shot.

The woman in black however, the ghost is in every scene. They don't have that tense moment where oops, just ice melting. its the ghost every time. Its so predictable.
The long shot mentioned. The ghost is there the entire time. The shot depends on you NOT noticing her, right away. So if you see her right away in the 30s shot, all the tension is taking out of the scene as you now have her just standing there for 26s before she finally moves.
The movie is a blend I guess failing at both imo. You have suspense ghost stories, somelike the blair witch, paranormal activity, etc. where nothing ever happens, most of the time is spent waiting for the hammer to drop. Then you have overt, which of course usually are less frighting, although can use jump scares, or a story which is creepy as shit. poltergeist, exorcist, the house on haunted hill, the haunting, etc. These obviously can get real silly real fast. aka, the remakes of haunted house, and the haunting.
So, I think the woman in black wanted to be suspense. but showed us too much. Every damn time there was a moment of suspense, and the camera panned, there was a ghost.


My all time favorite is Kubrick'sThe Shining. I always watch it on Halloween (as well as Simpsons Treehouse of Horror I - V)

Other favorites are The Thing, The Myst (really love this one, actually), Blair Witch Project, Prince of Darkness, and Christine. I really dig a lot of the horror flicks of the 80s.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. its great in it really generates some, "what the hell did I just see?" and now I need to go look on the internet to see theories of what the fuck is going on. Alot like a Cabin in the woods.
Henry: portrait of a killer

rated as 1 of the top 30 scariest of all time.

My rating: 6.5/10

truly is a film focused on the persona of a serial killer, not so much the serial killingS. Very gritty screenplay, worth watching. Think Taxi Driver, but back off the stylization a little bit.