ftfyGuga was good at first to learn sous vide for me but now it's: Let's pour mayo and gold nuggets on steak and see what happens!
Based on the thumbnails, I hope this guy falls down all the stairslulz are you still doing carnivore? guga would be the only dude you be watching then, haha
I mean when all you do is steak and crank out youtube videos ya gotta do some weird shit.Guga was good at first to learn sous vide for me but now it's: Let's pour mayo on steak and see what happens!
Filmed in 35mm and then converted later. 35mm is 4k or better usually. IMAX/IMAX70 are equivalent to something like 6k and 12k.how the hell is this video in 4k?
god it's so criminal(...) the official version barely passes hd standardsFilmed in 35mm and then converted later. 35mm is 4k or better usually. IMAX/IMAX70 are equivalent to something like 6k and 12k.
I liked the Zeihan episode a LOT, simply for the fact that it was great hearing someone shit all over "green" energy and calling it a religion.
I'm sure he got a good "talking to" from his employers at the DoD.
I didn't like Shane at all at first, but he's growing on me. Theo and Burr are always funny af, but man....I can't get past Normand's voice and belching.He fits in the funny/smart performer, when on stage category. Kind of like Joe. Thus his podcasts are dull.
Makes you appreciate the Theo Von's, Shane Gillis', Mark Normand's, and Bill Burr's where they are funny 100% of the time in any setting.