Yeah, I listened to it.
He's not wrong about the science as far as I know for what little he actually said about that. It's coming along. There are concerns that he seems to rather avoid with the science itself, but that's fine. He's an advocate and he's doing a good job. His positive outlook on things like parkinsons, alzheimers, degenerative disease is absoultely justified.
His social insights are ludicrous though. They're optimistic to the point of malicious naivetee. And he knows it, it's why he's terrified.
He handwaves the entire malthusian trap with "innovation", for that matter it's the same with malleable social heirarchies. Yeah, sure. That's possible. It is. What is far more likely is that unintentional death will simply be replaced by intentional death.
There's no reason to not consider humans a herd animal.