He was great on King of Queens and I usually like his cameos on shows. I don't get the hate either unless it's a Tom Cruise thing where he's shitty when he's not acting.I never knew Patton was so hated, he makes me laugh on Happy and I watched one his last specials were he discussed the unexpected death of his wife. In his special when he talked about how he had to tell his daughter that her Mom died was pretty raw and relatable if you are parent. Not defending the guy, maybe he is a pussy douche like you guys said, I just don't know enough about him I guess.
Joe Rogan Will Bring His Podcast Exclusively to Spotify
"The Joe Rogan Experience," one of podcasting's longest-running and most popular shows, will come to Spotify exclusively this year.variety.com
He said it would be the exact same show, which makes me think it will be just ads at the beginning like it currently is on his non-YouTube Podcast format.This is going to make me stop listening. Fuck Spotify for their exclusives and I am just not going to switch apps to listen to one podcast. Also what happened to Joe not wanting to have ads in his show? I guess it's not that important if the money's right.
His old stuff is hilarious. He just lives in a #resist/pussy hat bubble and it's made him stale. He can still occasionally be funny, but his best days are behind him.I never knew Patton was so hated, he makes me laugh on Happy and I watched one his last specials were he discussed the unexpected death of his wife. In his special when he talked about how he had to tell his daughter that her Mom died was pretty raw and relatable if you are parent. Not defending the guy, maybe he is a pussy douche like you guys said, I just don't know enough about him I guess.
He said it would be the exact same show, which makes me think it will be just ads at the beginning like it currently is on his non-YouTube Podcast format.
Only until the end of the year, I think. I've always loved the Spotify app and have had a premium account for years. I'm stoked for this.He said the clips of his Spotify podcast will still be on youtube. I don't listen to his whole podcast so this is still good. I just like catching the important stuff he talks about in the clips.
One of the possible reasons I've heard is that youtube isn't a safe place to run a business. I didn't realize he didn't do the show live anymore. Maybe for fear of getting pulled midstream? I hope he gets paid and is successful on Spotify. I just don't like the spotifiy app enough to pay for it, and the free version is awful, so I won't use it. I felt same way about History on Fire moving to Luminary. I hope Danelie's getting paid what he wants for his work, but I'm just not going to do another podcasting app. I'm not interested enough in podcasts or music to do more than one music app and one podcasting app. I guess a lot of people don't feel that way and just load their devices up with tons of apps.It makes sense for him to do something like that.
And while I won't be on spotify, it you think about it it does diminish the reach of YouTube ever so slightly. Which I think Joe may not be adverse to. When he plays devil's advocate for them it feels to me like it's not sincere.
He's such a fucking little pussy too. Joe literally tests every single guest and he's hiding out in his house like the simp he is. No wonder his wife gave up. Imagine living with that chimera.
One of the possible reasons I've heard is that youtube isn't a safe place to run a business. I didn't realize he didn't do the show live anymore. Maybe for fear of getting pulled midstream? I hope he gets paid and is successful on Spotify. I just don't like the spotifiy app enough to pay for it, and the free version is awful, so I won't use it. I felt same way about History on Fire moving to Luminary. I hope Danelie's getting paid what he wants for his work, but I'm just not going to do another podcasting app. I'm not interested enough in podcasts or music to do more than one music app and one podcasting app. I guess a lot of people don't feel that way and just load their devices up with tons of apps.