The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


Silver Knight of the Realm
I will say it was the best of the 3 so far, I can't wait for the next one. The wife will probably buy a copy too when she gets around to it.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
No iTunes?

Really enjoying the first book, this is good stuff.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Nice. At this point, I don't even care if I still have a book and a half to read -- I'll buy it just because the first half of the first book is awesome.


French Madman
Just finished it, was great. Kudos to you!

Now for the long wait to the next one.


Trakanon Raider
great book again. i hope you can start making enough money to turn this full time to get books faster! One small request though is to put in the book number in the title. It makes it a ton easier to track the books if (King Henry Tapes #) or (King Henry Tapes ss#) is in the title instead of trying to track the chronology through pub dates or synopsis.


Golden Squire
One small request though is to put in the book number in the title. It makes it a ton easier to track the books if (King Henry Tapes #) or (King Henry Tapes ss#) is in the title instead of trying to track the chronology through pub dates or synopsis.
Can't. Amazon made it so you couldn't put the number in the series info a couple years ago (people were abusing it by putting in all types of promo info). Some people sneak it into the title itself but mine are too long as is. It's some suckage I have to live with.


<Gold Donor>
I'm halfway through and loving it. Boomworm is everything I had hoped she would be.

Two questions though.

First, I can't speak for the other editions, but why is the Kindle edition double-spaced?

Second, do you do your own covers or do you have someone that does them for you? I like them, because they are unique and different, but might not have been as difficult to make as a "scene" cover. And if I actually owned them in physical editions, they would all look good together on the shelf.

EDIT: Oh, and I just about crapped my fucking pants when King Henry told her about the "thumb tip." Funniest thing I've read in a long time.


Golden Squire
Kindle edition: I have no clue why. Amazon doesn't allow direct MOBI or even PRC uploads any longer, so I uploaded in HTML and apparently it doesn't convert as well. I'll probably mess with new versions this week, but for a quick fix you can either lower your line spacing on your kindle or since there's no DRM on the file, you could use Calibre to turn it into an actual MOBI.

Covers: I do my own covers at the moment. One day Raymond Swanland will do them...and I will be very happy.


<Gold Donor>
I'm not worried about the spacing for myself, it just means I click next page more often is all. I just figured it probably wasn't what you wanted and you might not be aware of it.

I had no clue who Raymond Swanland was until just now, and holy shit, I agree. I've obviously seen his work before, but didn't realize who it was. Now I'm going to be looking through all his shit for awhile, damn.


Trakanon Raider
Can't. Amazon made it so you couldn't put the number in the series info a couple years ago (people were abusing it by putting in all types of promo info). Some people sneak it into the title itself but mine are too long as is. It's some suckage I have to live with.
didnt know amazon did that. oh well now i know not to yell at authors when trying to figure out which books to read first


<Gold Donor>
Finished it last night, absolutely loved it. Definitely the best of the series so far. There were several moments when I laughed out loud, which doesn't happen with a lot of books, so great job on that. I'll put some reviews up later today if I get a moment.

Is there a world record for "fucks" in a book?? You should check, seriously!

Comments for Nebuchadnezzar, but contains spoilers so don't click if you haven't finished. You really don't want to ruin anything, trust me.
I like that you are kind of kicking it up a notch, a la Dresden (whom I love). Even though the first book was a fairly big "event" with Annie B and the Shakey Stick, it still felt fairly "contained" as did the Coyote stuff. Now we have a clear indication that bigger shit is going on, and King Henry is going to be pivotal in how it turns out, so that really makes me look forward to the rest of the story. Not to mention that it seems as if he has a nemesis now with significantly more power.

In particular I'm intrigued by your opening up of other worlds/realms in what was a pretty solidly grounded "real world" book. I mean, clearly we have the Mancy which takes it out of the true real world, but you know what I mean. I think you did a great job of introducing it. This is particularly relevant to me because the story I've always wanted to write involves a kind of "genre shift" if you will, somewhat similar to yours. My biggest fear would be losing the audience at that point. I'm probably not explaining it well enough, but you did a great job of integrating the Mancy into the mundane world of Fresno, Lake Tahoe, etc. so that it was easy to forget you were reading a fantasy book, and now you stepped up the fantasy element quite a bit with black elves, dragons, elemental planes, etc. Did you worry about how readers might respond to that? Was that always the plan, or did it grow as you realized you had a setting and characters worth building upon?

I also want to compliment you on your foreshadowing via characterization. I knew the moment that "Val" pulled him into the science room at the dance and said, "Do you like this body?" that it was Isabel. I'm not saying that in a bad way, but a good way, because anyone paying attention could spot it but many others would probably pass over it without thinking, and when they go back and look it will make complete sense. And the way you played out the scene it was fairly obvious that King Henry wasn't thinking clearly enough to spot that obvious giveaway either, so it made sense that he missed it.

Along those lines, thanks for making Val a cool chick, and even explaining away her craziness. I told you I was looking forward to seeing her in action before this book came out just from the way you had King Henry describe her, and I wasn't disappointed at all. You portrayed her perfectly as the chick that any guy would fall for, but still fairly normal. I will give you this one warning, however. I understand if she's not always a prominent character in the future, but if you take her away from King Henry due to some retarded chick-TV/book-drama just to create tension when we all know they belong together, I will come for you. I live in Sacramento and went to college in San Luis Obispo which gives me enough familiarity with Fresno. I have a certain set of skills (usually involving spoiled milk), and if you mess with Valentine Ward in any way, I will find you, and I will milk you.


Golden Squire
Evil spoilers, do not read if you haven't finished FM3.

"The Vision"
I'm an Epic Fantasy writer, that's always been the side of the Urban Fantasy/Paranormal scale I come from. So, yes, this was all planned. Start small, introduce readers to creative characters, bring an epic-style fantasy magic system into a genre that is very "magic, how does it work? No one knows!", and especially: bring originality to vampires and shapechangers and fairies and all the tropes that got really stale, really quick due to the Paranormal flood that happened thanks to "True Blood" and "Twilight". Then kick it up a notch. Then kick it up again and again, etc. Keep sliding the scale further and further to Urban Fantasy and then beyond where you can't even classify it correctly. FM2 was actually the hardest novel I've ever written simply because I so wanted to start the ball rolling, but knew that I needed to wait for FM3 to make this huge splash. It was very frustrating holding myself back and that's mostly why FM2 became a novel about frustration and failure and having to stop halfway to the war.

As for being worried about fans, my number one writing rule is: Forget the Fans. Not in a dismissive or mean way. I love my fans. I'm excited by how excited they are about the series. But worrying about losing them and changing something because of it? That never goes well. When you get worried and lose your edge, bad things happen. When you start to try to feed the beast by pleasing them, bad things happen. Fans are unable to have the perspective of the long game. I've been one, I know.

I write for myself. I'm a selfish writer who's happy other people like the same thing he does. I'm sure I'll lose a few people over the course of the series who aren't ready for something different. So far the reaction has been hugely positive however, so here's hoping the vast majority stays along for the ride.

Thank you for the compliment. That "body" line was my last moment, slap across the face, look what's going on and been hinted at for two books, for the fans before the reveal in the next chapter.

Val's Future
Val's the one character I worry about over all others. I actually specifically have rules directly relating to Val, she's my cliche stomper. I'll treat her right. But...King Henry is King she'll probably have cause on occasion.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks for taking the time to reply in depth, I really appreciate it.

To be honest I had no idea it was Isabel up until that line, but I'm fairly dense as far as these things go. I mean, it completely makes sense as soon as you say it, and everything clicked into place immediately, her constantly trying to seduce him, Val acting weird and incomprehensible at times in King Henry's memory, etc. But it never occurred to me that it actually happened until that line. Unless I was supposed to have picked up on it before then, I think you did it perfectly *because* it was all laid out, yet I didn't see it until you made it fairly clear. I still think some people will probably miss it at that point too, but for me I felt it worked out perfectly.

I totally understand that King Henry is probably going to fuck up at some point, so I'm fine with that. But you know what I mean, the typical dumb bullshit that happens way too often when an author or TV/movie writer wants to extend the tension. The girl sees the guy having dinner with a new girl and immediately assumes he's cheating on her and refuses to let him explain, or even tell him what's wrong, and in the end it turns out it was his sister, or a surprise birthday party planner, etc. That kind of crap drives me nuts! If King Henry is a dumbass, he deserves some pain until he learns. But artificial tension...I will find you!

About the fans, I feel much the same way. I want to write something simply because I want to see the story come to life after being stuck in my head for decades. But I haven't ever written anything for the masses to read, so it always sort of scared me to think that they might love it up to a point, and then when I throw a wrench into things, they hate it because I was leading them to think it was one thing (which they were interested in), and now it is something else (which they might not be interested in). It would still be the story I wanted it to be, of course, but I do want to entertain people as well. I'm glad to see that you've had a plan for it all along, and that you're sticking to it...and most importantly, that it is working out wonderfully for you. I look forward to many, many more King Henry books, and anything else you decide to write in the future.