Actually in principle i had never been in favor of monarchy as an institution, however with the years ive come into a few doubts....... id recommend you read Hans Herman Hoppes " Democracy the god that failed " before you bash " unearned power and class privilege".
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the book makes many interesting comparisons between modern igualitarian democracies comparing them to various historic aristocratic regimes, and surprisingly igualitarian democracy comes up short in many economic, cultural and artistic fields.
Compare for example the intelectual cultural hotbed Viena was in 1870-1910 ( Freud, Strauss, Weidegger, Kleint, Nietzsche, Dostoyevski, Lenin and a long and a long ect ) .
All this artistic and intelectual renaissance happened under an aristocratic class privileged absolute monarchy, democratic igualitarian Viena from 1970-2010 would fare rather badly compared in any cultural or intelectual field.....
Stefan Zweig argued that individual freedom has never reached the peak it reached in pre 1914 society, in those days one could travel all over europe without a passport, hardly being burdoned by any burocracy and income tax was a crazy person scheme. World war one brought the end of aristocratic european society that had developed over centuries in the trenches of the Somme and Verdun that allowed such things to be introduced, im not really sure the world created after WW1 could be said to be better ......
Henry Kissinger who i consider one of america's best geopolitical thinkers always used to say that when one looks at most of the 20th centuries problems the roots begin in WW1.
Consider how benign even autocratic regimes that were based on class privilege like the Russian Tzars or Central European Emperors were to the Stalins and Hitlers that followed. The age of mass democracy is not only the death of chivalry and privilege but the age of mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Universal sufrage with the female vote and democratic igualitarian society are historically rather new social experiments, im rather not sure if history will look kindly on them or how they will be judged once the novelty wears off.