Trakanon Raider
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Salvador Allende was a Pro Castro Lenninist politician, hardly a standard bearer for democracy and human rights.Only in these parts can one call dictator a democratically elected president that got removed from office by a coup and replaced by a military junta for almost 2 decades (during which thousands of political opponents went "missing" - people still to this day are combing the Atacama desert looking for the remains of relatives). Even his political opponents in the '70s did not call Salvador Allende a dictator. Hell! Not even Kissinger and the CIA, who were instrumental in his demise, were calling him a dictator.
Socialism and Big Government are the gods that failed in the 20th century, no ideology has been responsable for so many crimes and murders.
Considering the ammount of people murdered by their governments in the 20th century its amazing how people are so willing to trust their governments with bigger powers in the 21th century…..
Allende was overthrown by a military coup in 1973, thus probably forestalling the usual catalog of nation-wrecking Leninist horrors — slave-labor camps, famines, etc. — the international Left was outraged. Pinochet while often brutal and corrupt in the way of military dictatorships, restored Chile’s economic health and eventually stepped aside to let the nation return to democracy.
It must be remembered that Pinochet was one of the few dictators in history to quit the job while the going was good.
He voluntarily gave up his powers and restored democracy, something no dictator had done since Lucius Cornellius Sulla retired in 78 BC.
We should all be in favor of allowing Dictators to retire unmolested and allowing them to happily live out their days like Plutarch tells us Sulla did “ consorting with actresses, harpists, and theatrical people, drinking with them on couches all day long."
Socialist Dictators lacking a classical education and knowledge of history just keep on murdering till they get a bullet or die of old age.
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