The Last of Us


The Big Mod
I am obviously not interested in having a discussion with a disingenuous faggot who is raging against a stupid straw man he built just to insert himself into a conversation in order to make his tiny dick feel a little bit bigger. So once again, eat bat shit and die faggot.
Where is the strawman? You bought the game and you're here crying about "SJW bullshit" in your video game. I'm genuinely interested in what you tell yourself to justify this behavior. To be fair to you, I'm sure 80% of people here pull the same routine, but your post was so glaringly myopic that I had to crack the whip.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Where is the strawman? You bought the game and you're here crying about "SJW bullshit" in your video game. I'm genuinely interested in what you tell yourself to justify this behavior. To be fair to you, I'm sure 80% of people here pull the same routine, but your post was so glaringly myopic that I had to crack the whip.


Buzzfeed Editor

tl;dr dunkey loves the game and the story

I love dunk, don't get me wrong. But if you ever watch an actual interview with him in it? The guy is kind of an idiot. He's just hysterical in the moment. His comments on the story really tend to illustrate he can't tell the difference between contrived/manipulative writing and good, character driven writing. All that matters to him is if the writing evokes certain feelings (And the last of us 2 certainly uses every cheap trick to do that).

The writing is just cheap. Its like GOT Season 8/TLJ, where you can tell someone wanted shock value and "subverted expectations" but wasn't good enough to write those things into a Universe that ALREADY had developed characters and rules. So instead of writing a compelling narrative that slowly changes those characters and rules, and THEN going for the shock, the writer went for the shock and then did a bunch of manipulative things to associate emotions how best to rationalize the shock (Ooo, see, this person is nice to dogs, while the other person is MEAN to them!!!!!!! Now think about Joel dying with that emotional context in your head!) They also broke the characters rules/personalities which really made the shocks feel extra cheap. (Even Joel's ambush feels cheap--Joel, the guy who could smell an ambush in 1, now implicitly trusts a group he just met?)

This game is bad and its not because of the She-Man, or even Joel's death. Its bad because yet another person has confused "different" and "shocking" with good, and was in such a rush to justify their "shock" that they accidentally dove headfirst into their own asshole mining out some thin reasoning for it. (And don't get me wrong, Joel dying was NOT the issue. The issue was how it was done.) But by far the worst part of it all is the obtuse, hamfisted "revenge message", as others here have pointed out, ends up being contradictory. The ending doesn't say what the story has been trying to spell out. Which just makes it go from bad to terrible; because the game is REALLY fucking confident, to the point of being arrogant/obtuse in its messaging...So when that messaging ends up being contradicted inadvertently? It's just rage inducing. It's like trying to listen to a hypocrite preach at you about X rule while flagrantly violating it.

So glad I didn't buy this garbage.
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<Prior Amod>
(Even Joel's ambush feels cheap--Joel, the guy who could smell an ambush in 1, now implicitly trusts a group he just met?)

it makes "sense" if you're playing the game. b4 the ambush, you play as the tranny and running away from a zombie horde when tommy and joel save you and you take refuge in their base/lookout. with the base being compromised by the horde, and no where else to go, you the tranny offer up your base in the mansion really close by, and tommy and joel take it.

the cut scene unfolds slowly but it's subtle, you see tommy being carefree and this all just happened by chance, whereas you see joel on guard... not comfortable being surrounded, and asking why "they" know so much about them (tommy/joel)


Buzzfeed Editor

it makes "sense" if you're playing the game. b4 the ambush, you play as the tranny and running away from a zombie horde when tommy and joel save you and you take refuge in their base/lookout. with the base being compromised by the horde, and no where else to go, you the tranny offer up your base in the mansion really close by, and tommy and joel take it.

the cut scene unfolds slowly but it's subtle, you see tommy being carefree and this all just happened by chance, whereas you see joel on guard... not comfortable being surrounded, and asking why "they" know so much about them (tommy/joel)

I knew about that part. Saving someone and then going back to where their "group" is, without knowing who is in their group or if they are hostile is literally what I was talking about--Abby TOLD Joe her friends were in the cabin. He knew there was a group of people there he did not know and went anyway. They tried to make it seem like the zombies were so bad they "had" to go there, but its clear someone with Joel's experience would not have been corralled into a location with an unknown number of people he'd never met, it doesn't matter who he saved. (If the games taught people anything, its that sparing or saving someone does not mean they won't fuck you over.)

Edit: (Also, Joel was perfectly comfortable until they all got freaked out when they heard his name.)
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I love dunk, don't get me wrong. But if you ever watch an actual interview with him in it? The guy is kind of an idiot. He's just hysterical in the moment. His comments on the story really tend to illustrate he can't tell the difference between contrived/manipulative writing and good, character driven writing. All that matters to him is if the writing evokes certain feelings (And the last of us 2 certainly uses every cheap trick to do that).

The writing is just cheap. Its like GOT Season 8/TLJ, where you can tell someone wanted shock value and "subverted expectations" but wasn't good enough to write those things into a Universe that ALREADY had developed characters and rules. So instead of writing a compelling narrative that slowly changes those characters and rules, and THEN going for the shock, the writer went for the shock and then did a bunch of manipulative things to associate emotions how best to rationalize the shock (Ooo, see, this person is nice to dogs, while the other person is MEAN to them!!!!!!! Now think about Joel dying with that emotional context in your head!) They also broke the characters rules/personalities which really made the shocks feel extra cheap. (Even Joel's ambush feels cheap--Joel, the guy who could smell an ambush in 1, now implicitly trusts a group he just met?)

This game is bad and its not because of the She-Man, or even Joel's death. Its bad because yet another person has confused "different" and "shocking" with good, and was in such a rush to justify their "shock" that they accidentally dove headfirst into their own asshole mining out some thin reasoning for it. (And don't get me wrong, Joel dying was NOT the issue. The issue was how it was done.) But by far the worst part of it all is the obtuse, hamfisted "revenge message", as others here have pointed out, ends up being contradictory. The ending doesn't say what the story has been trying to spell out. Which just makes it go from bad to terrible; because the game is REALLY fucking confident, to the point of being arrogant/obtuse in its messaging...So when that messaging ends up being contradicted inadvertently? It's just rage inducing. It's like trying to listen to a hypocrite preach at you about X rule while flagrantly violating it.

So glad I didn't buy this garbage.
I feel the tug between this in the story they are trying to tell and the manipulative, shitty way they are trying to tell it. When the story of the 2010's is told, this whole "subverting expectations" bullshit will be looked back upon as a cheap, pulp narrative shortcut rather than doing the hard work of telling story through character. Stories haven't all been told, you nihilistic, meta fucks, and the content gusher is glorious, not a curse: You just have to put in the effort to actually make people feel things. It separates the hacks and the pretentious from real genius, which isn't any less rare than it ever was. There were tons of playwrights in Shakespeare's times too, we just don't remember their names.

Also, I hate that people keep having to provide an apologia around Joel's death, as Lithose does here "Don't get me wrong, Joel's death is NOT the issue." I have watched a dozen of hours of reviews and read at this point at least a fifty written reviews: I have seen no complaints about Joel's death (that I recall, most comment like Lithose does here); I have seen literally no one complain about Ellie's sexuality, I have seen not a single complaint about the game having female leads. The Joel and Ellie relationship was special and positive and uplifting, so of course in 2020 it had to be destroyed and subverted and dragged through the mud.


Buzzfeed Editor
Also, I hate that people keep having to provide an apologia around Joel's death, as Lithose does here "Don't get me wrong, Joel's death is NOT the issue." I have watched a dozen of hours of reviews and read at this point at least a fifty written reviews: I have seen literally no complain about Joel's death; I have seen no one complain about Ellie's sexuality, I have seen no a single complaint about the game having female leads. The Joel and Ellie relationship with special and positive and uplifting, so of course in 2020 it had to be destroyed and subverted and dragged through the mud.

People are saying that about Joel's death because of course people are going to assume the only reason someone dislikes the game is because they killed off a beloved character. So you have to say it to dispel that retardation.

If anything Joel's death was painfully expected. Its literally part of the hero's journey to lose the figure who trained and guided you. Its almost cliche at this point. So there are a million ways Joel could have died that would have felt pretty satisfying. Its annoying that people assume Joel's death would color anyone's views--but its the number 1 argument against hating this game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
That shit is all because the concept of subverting expectations is all the rage these days. But most retards in film, games, etc are complete morons who don't understand some basic nuance.

Yes, subverting expectations is good. When it is done well which is actually quite hard to pull off and can easily fail hard. But when its done well it is almost universally exceptional material in any medium. Because it is quite difficult to create a narrative that draws you in, shows you everything you think you need to know, then pulls the rug out from under you in a way where if you look at it again you could SEE the things pointing to what actually happened. But failed to recognize them then you just go, "holy shit!!!"

But even the most talented writers and storytellers have a hard time pulling this off and even then they aren't consistent with it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That shit is all because the concept of subverting expectations is all the rage these days. But most retards in film, games, etc are complete morons who don't understand some basic nuance.

Yes, subverting expectations is good. When it is done well which is actually quite hard to pull off and can easily fail hard. But when its done well it is almost universally exceptional material in any medium. Because it is quite difficult to create a narrative that draws you in, shows you everything you think you need to know, then pulls the rug out from under you in a way where if you look at it again you could SEE the things pointing to what actually happened. But failed to recognize them then you just go, "holy shit!!!"

But even the most talented writers and storytellers have a hard time pulling this off and even then they aren't consistent with it.

I am so ready for this trope to die violently in a fucking wedding full of pretentious white people. Legit. I personally did not absolutely love even early GoT for that same reason. Shit gave me blue balls on every single turn just because we need to do the unexpected!!! It was written well, so I'll give it that. But pretty much everything is trying to copy that formula, and I think the only person on this planet that is actually kind of good at it is George himself, and it's obvious even he can't even steer that ship into port to a satisfactory ending. I saw this trend unfold in Vikings. The early seasons were awesome, then starting around season 4, you could totally see them trying to emulate Walking Dead and GoT and it became damn near unwatchable. Games not only are trying that but the GG at it's height was nearly 5 years ago... back when development started on these projects in earnest. Too bad they bet on the wrong side to win it.

Side Note Horizon: Yes there was some SJW injection in there, but it was not bad at all. And it did not detract from the story in any way. If they did it that way, I would never care. But nope, 90% of them do it in such an over the top and ham fisted way, it's just retarded and makes you feel retarded for trying to buy into it.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That shit is all because the concept of subverting expectations is all the rage these days. But most retards in film, games, etc are complete morons who don't understand some basic nuance.

Yes, subverting expectations is good. When it is done well which is actually quite hard to pull off and can easily fail hard. But when its done well it is almost universally exceptional material in any medium. Because it is quite difficult to create a narrative that draws you in, shows you everything you think you need to know, then pulls the rug out from under you in a way where if you look at it again you could SEE the things pointing to what actually happened. But failed to recognize them then you just go, "holy shit!!!"

But even the most talented writers and storytellers have a hard time pulling this off and even then they aren't consistent with it.

Agree. The best way to put it: If the subversion of expectations is in line with the characters, then usually it will succeed. If it feels like the writer made the choices rather than the character, then it usually will fail.

TLOU2 constantly feels like the writer vs. the characters are making the choices. This is most painfully obvious at the end, when Ellie decides a knife fight with Abby is clearly the way to go when she is loaded up with guns. It's like the 80s action movie cliche where the final bad guy is like "fuck guns, I want to enjoy this!" and decides to have a fist fight with the main hero to explain why the hero (at a severe disadvantage) isn't just fragged right on the spot.
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<Prior Amod>
ok, its getting really annoying now with so many memberberries and taking me down, remember when joel was alive? heres 45minutes of non consequential "gameplay"


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Thats another bad story telling device that gets overused in general today but especially by these current "subvert expectations" jackholes. Start off the story with some shock value then cut to scene "10 days ago" or some related bullshit. Not only does it feel cheap (especially when you have something like the Joel in one moment and have to then go back to him after), but it completely removes all dramatic tension from the flashback parts because you know who lives.

And yeah there is no trick to subversion story telling, really. You put in some tucked away foreshadowing and make sure the characters stay true to their nature. Then you hit the shock moment and make the god damn characters actually shocked at the twist. Also it needs to be rational. There are plenty of good examples all through excellent works of fiction over the years. Saliari not being the one who actually killed Mozart, Hans WANTING FBI interference, Tyler Durden reveal, Rocky losing in the first movie, the non clone reveal in the S4 Rick and Morty finale, Season 1 Westworld MIB reveal, and so on. Its not rocket science to do if you have a plan and understand your characters. Much like his favorite movie TLJ, Druckmann neither understood his characters nor had a real plan beyond "fuck you this is my story now".

The dumb thing is there was totally a way to do a revenge story in this, set it up for a sequel, make the trans monster sympathetic, and even have a good basis for a sequel.

First off, subvert the fucking Heroes Journey Mentor Dies expectation. Have Tommy, Ellie, and Joel out on some mission, maybe Ellie finds out the truth and runs off and Tommy and Joel go track her down as she retraces her way to the Firefly base. Meanwhile Tranbro gang finally locates Tommy's community, but Joel is not there. Team Tranny wipes the place out, possibly over their intentions getting outed (LOL) and things getting out of hand. Ellie's tucan sam lesbian girlfriend is killed and revealed at that time to be pregnant, because she was getting some twink D on the side to keep the community going (reveal this in a diary entry somewhere). Tranny and pals are mortified with what they have done (notice new characters having these traits instead of shoe horning this bullshit into Ellie) and take off back to home base.

Next, Joel and Tommy catch up to Ellie and rescue her from some random bullshit in Denver. They find out about Team Tranbro because there are signs of them having been there to investigate the place themselves. Leave fluff there suggesting Ellie was not the only immune and they had killed a couple others trying to cure her (thus greying up the choice made by Joel from pt 1 nicely) and clues that they are looking for them and might know where Tommy town is. Trio sets aside differences for now and races back and finds place wiped out. Tommy and Joel have it out because Tommy lost his wife and everything over Joel's past again. Maybe Tommy suicides, maybe he runs off for sequel setup. Ellie finds dead preggo bagel box eater and loses her shit, deciding to track team tranny back to their home base. Joel cautions against it, but since Tommy has ditched him he reluctantly goes. Many scenes of them tracking stragglers and Joel trying to talk amends while Ellie gets more and more obsessed with killing Tranbro.

Get to Seatle and fight a bunch of Westboro types to get to where they have Tranbro strung up. Joel finds Tranbro first and reveals that Fireflies like his dad had been cutting open kids for a while for a cure that they never could work out, giving Tranbro pause. Joel appologizes and cuts Tranbro down, offering to help to get Tranbro Team survivors out of Jesus Land Seatle. Tranbro pals do not agree and decide to create Fireflies 2.0 with the knowledge that Ellie is an immune. Tranbro rejects this idea and helps Joel escape. They catch up to Ellie and she is even more pissed at Joel because he is helping tranbro. Team Jesus and Firefly Trans Team arrive at same time, chaos ensues. Joel says some words to Ellie about revenge and being a better person and reveals he had been bit at some point earlier in Seatle as a callback to Tess. Joel urges the two of them to escape and repeats Tess's sacrifice to buy them time to get clear. Play Joel one last time in grand three way murder hobo session. Ellie and Tranbro have some words, Ellie still hates Tranbro for killing bagel box eater, but finally understands the revenge cycle must end and the two part ways. Epilogue is new crazy branch of Fireflies tracking down Ellie and any other rare immunes in the future for a kill that will never work. Tranbro's final arc is to try to redeem himself by preventing that from ever happening, understanding how immoral his father's work was finally.

Sequel setup: Fireflies hunting Ellie and other immunes and have a secret rebel base someplace as the last vestiges of the US govt fall apart. Tranbro can be protagonist here redeming himself by freeing rare immune kids from them, but eventually needs help from Ellie to accomplish this. Maybe Tommy is involved if he is still around.

Thinking of that took me ten minutes on the shitter and it preserves most of the content they created for this game. It just reworks it into something that makes more sense and is an actual game that would not completely fucking repell the audience or rewrite existing characters. If I can take a hangover shit and outline a better plot with the same pieces, there is zero excuse for Sukkmann failing as bad as he did. It is clearly a combination of incompetence and agenda.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That story still sucks lol

TLOU2's story is kinda decent for the first half, although it could be enhanced by some tweaks (like not making Joel and Tommy 100% trusting derps).

Like that whole death scene could be changed for the better by a) Joel is playing it cautious b) Tommy accidentally slips Joel's name c) Joel gets killed d) This further enhances the Tommy revenge rampage part of the story because HE feels responsible for Joel's death due to the name slip e) Ellie's revenge motivation is the same, although increased tension with Tommy would help better explain why she turns down Jesse's offer to rescure Tommy in Seattle because she wants to gun for Abby and just her tension with him in general.

The character of Abby is fine to have in the game. Her motivation for killing Joel is fine (he killed her dad/caused collapse of Fireflies). Pretty much the only good parts of her story are the parts that enhance the world of TLOU or enhance Ellie's story, like the flashback that gives us insight on the Fireflies before Joel killed a bunch and the 'Patient Zero' hospital scene.

The pacing just murders the game: Seattle day 3 Ellie, then you have to do days 1-3 with Abby. It murders any story momentum, makes you retreat everything chronologically from a different perspective, Abby's character is pretty boring over all, and we end up relating more with the side characters than her. I think a primary focus on Ellie, with maybe a few scattered Abby sessions, would have been better. The story takes a complete dive into the shitter once you get post-theater and honestly those parts are the ones that should have been 100% redone differently.

But that isn't what we got. I'm going to put on my Nostradamus hat and guess what Niel Druckman has planned for game 3

1) TLOU briefly mentions Abby's group maybe wanting to goto Mexico, but she thinks it will end up being garbo
2) SUBVERTED EXPECTATION: Mexico has a Fireflies equivalent and they are getting the fungus under control, but they still need people with immunity to perfect the cure
3) Ellie and Abby find out about this independently and decide to try to get to Mexico to make a difference
4) SOCIAL COMMENTARY: Refugee Americans are gunned down by vigilante Mexican patriot gangs while trying to cross the border, as they are trying to keep their country safe from (insert Trumpish quote here about illegal immigrants, because they wont be subtle)
5) Ellie and Abby eventually work together to get to Fireflies 2.0 base
6) We find out Abby got infected with the benign fungal strain Ellie has (which makes her immune) when Ellie bit her
6) Abby knocks out Ellie, so she can be the one who sacrifices for a cure
7) Game tries to hammer this in to say "See, this is why Ellie sparing Abby was needed!"....never mind that they got there by murdering hundreds of people and Abby got infected through revenge
8) Game does some flash forward with old Ellie or whatever and society is healing or whatever

Sounds about in line with what he would do


Got something right about marriage
Nah that all sucks too. TLoU was a survival game, and the story revolved around the characters doing everything they can to do just that... survive.

TLoU2 by all accounts is a petty revenge story, in a post apocalyptic setting, which makes it all that much more ridiculous.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well I was taking a shit when I thought about how to make a passable story out of what elements and casting they already had on hand (like if Sony said fuck it and redid the story in rewrites). I am not saying its perfect or even good, but its passable and better than what Druckmann shat out. Plus it has the virtue of being consistent with the characters as they were defined in the first game. And yeah a Mexico saves the world twist seems about right, with bonus points if they are also Muslim and descended from native aztecs.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Thats another bad story telling device that gets overused in general today but especially by these current "subvert expectations" jackholes. Start off the story with some shock value then cut to scene "10 days ago" or some related bullshit.
In Media Res is a well respected storytelling introduction device. Harder to pull off than most, but a classic. Of course, Neil D. couldn't be expected to pull anything like that off, but don't write it out because "it's bad". Like everything, it's bad 90%. Exposition intro are bad 90% of the time, prologues are bad 90% of the time, and so on.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
guess what Niel Druckman has planned for game 3
6) Abby knocks out Ellie, so she can be the one who sacrifices for a cure
7) Game tries to hammer this in to say "See, this is why Ellie sparing Abby was needed!"....never mind that they got there by murdering hundreds of people and Abby got infected through revenge
8) Game does some flash forward with old Ellie or whatever and society is healing or whatever
Except most people think Druckmann hated the Joel/Ellie story stuff, and would like nothing more than relegating Ellie to oblivion. Which is probably something...